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EJB3's spring DAO support发布

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都忘了在国内转贴一下了 :-)



This is an extension to the current spring DAO support that allows immediate use of ejb3 persistence with spring. The code is released under an Apache 2.0 license.

We release our ejb3 persistence product in September and extend spring’s DAO support to incorporate spring and ejb3 persistence in our customer projects.

So far the extension has been used in a few projects and works fine with our ejb3 persistence product.

Both ejb3 DAO support and a ejb3 API implementation source codes could be found in the CVS. A runable sample is provided. The extension should work with any other compatible ejb3 persistence implementation.

To try our ejb3 persistence implementation, visit http://www.redsoftfactory.com/english/index.html

If you have questions, please post to the “ejb3daosupport” project’s forum or contact developers directly at
charles@redsoftfactory.com or wyx@redsoftfactory.com
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