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锁定老帖子 主题:oracle function 函数
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oracle function的几个实例,只限入门,高手路过
-- ********the simplest example of function -- tip: can use sql to directly call the function with in module parameter create or replace function get_customer_name return varchar2 is v_user varchar2(100); begin select customer.KHQC into v_user from t_khxx customer ; return v_user; end; declare v1 varchar2(100); begin v1 := get_customer_name; --set serveroutput on dbms_output.put_line(v1); end; select get_customer_name from dual;------directly call it --******************the end -- ********the example of funtion with parameter that can't follow length -- tip: can use sql to directly call the function with in module parameter create or replace function get_finance_name(financetype in varchar2) return nvarchar2 as v_name t_mast.dmnr%type;-- tip:using %type define val instead of 'nvarchar2(40)'; begin select mast.dmnr into v_name from t_mast mast where mast.dmlb = '0114' and upper(mast.dmbh) = upper(financetype); return v_name; end; declare v1 varchar2(30) := 'rd'; v2 varchar2(30) := ''; begin v2 := get_finance_name(v1); select get_finance_name(v1) into v2 from dual; dbms_output.put_line(v2); end; select get_finance_name('rd') from dual; -- directly call function in sql -- *****************the end -- ********the example of function with parameters with out module that can't follow by length -- tip: can't use sql to directly call the function with out module parameter create or replace function get_department(deptname in varchar2, deptid out varchar2, parentdeptname out varchar2) return varchar2 as v_id varchar2(100); begin select dept.bmjc, dept.id into parentdeptname,v_id from t_bm dept -- when need two or more returns, using parameter with out module where dept.bmmc = deptname; deptid := v_id; return v_id; end; declare v1 varchar2(100); v2 varchar2(100); v3 varchar2(100); v4 varchar2(100); begin v1 := '有限公司'; v4 := get_department(v1, v2, v3); end; -- **************the end 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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