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Upload and Analysis data?5

Hi everyone,

I would like to build a web application able to analyse an uploaded file and then display the results.
My problem is that the analysis part will be composed of Perl scripts. I don't know anything about Perl (the script will be created by my client's team which only know that language) and I can't figure out where to start to execute a Perl script with Rails.

For information, the Perl scripts analyse the file and create an XML that Rails will use to display the information

In brief, here is what I would like to achieve :
Upload a file (Rails) => Launch the Perl analysis script (Rails) => File analysis (Perl) => Display the results (Rails)

Is it possible for Rails to use some Perl ? If yes, how can we execute a Perl script with rails ? Is the solution has something to do with CGI (I don't know anything about what this can be either) ?

Thanks in advance, for those that will take the time to answer my question.

Could you give me the details?
2008年11月07日 15:24

3个答案 按时间排序 按投票排序

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if (file_name.slice("jbar") == "jbar") || (file_name.slice("jibar") == "jibar")
      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/jibars.rb #{params[:url]}")
    if file_name.slice("prime") == "prime"
      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/prime.rb #{params[:url]}")
    if file_name.slice("repo") == "repo"
      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/repo.rb #{params[:url]}")
    if file_name.slice("treasbil") == "treasbil"
      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/tbill.rb #{params[:url]}")
    if file_name.slice("bankacc") == "bankacc"
      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/ba3.rb #{params[:url]}")
    if file_name.slice("mtmdetail") == "mtmdetail"
      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/bondexchange.rb #{params[:url]}")

2008年11月07日 15:39
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if (file_name.slice("jbar") == "jbar") || (file_name.slice("jibar") == "jibar")      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/jibars.rb #{params[:url]}")    end    if file_name.slice("prime") == "prime"      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/prime.rb #{params[:url]}")    end    if file_name.slice("repo") == "repo"      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/repo.rb #{params[:url]}")    end    if file_name.slice("treasbil") == "treasbil"      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/tbill.rb #{params[:url]}")    end    if file_name.slice("bankacc") == "bankacc"      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/ba3.rb #{params[:url]}")    end    if file_name.slice("mtmdetail") == "mtmdetail"      @result = system("ruby script/web_populations/bondexchange.rb #{params[:url]}")    end

2008年11月07日 15:37
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Two options off the top of my head:
1) a Kernel.system call to Perl


system("perl your_perl_script.pl")

The problem with this may be that it only returns true or false depending on the success/failure of the system call to execute. If you need to store the results of the Perl script you'll want to use:

2) a Kernel.` call to Perl (note: that is a backtick)

results = `perl your_perl_script.pl`

Hopefully this gets you started.

2008年11月07日 15:35



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