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被Google AdSense拒绝加入,回复的原因好奇怪5

我想在自己的javaeye博客加入Google AdSense,但是被拒绝,回复的原因好奇怪。请各位分析
Google AdSense Customer Support回复的邮件


感谢您关注 Google AdSense。很抱歉,在审查您的申请后,我们目前无法接受您加入 Google AdSense。


- Page Type
="- "|suffix="\n"|grp_prefix="\n"|grp_suffix="\n"}

Page Type: In order to participate in Google AdSense, publishers' websites and application information must satisfy the following guidelines:

- Your website must be your own top-level domain (www.example.com and not www.example.com/mysite).
- You must provide accurate personal information with your application that matches the information on your domain registration.
- Your website must contain substantial, original content.
- Your site must comply with Google AdSense program policies: https://www.google.com/adsense/policies" which include Google's webmaster quality guidelines: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35769#quality .

If your site satisfies the above criteria in the future, please resubmit your application and we'll review it as soon as possible

py? 。

Google AdSense 小组敬上
2009年8月18日 23:25

4个答案 按时间排序 按投票排序

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我的和这个问题是一模一样的,我也不知道该怎么办? 请问楼主解决这个问题了吗? 如果解决了的话也麻烦告诉我一声,非常感谢!

2009年8月25日 16:09
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2009年8月25日 13:18
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Page Type: In order to participate in Google AdSense, publishers' websites and application information must satisfy the following guidelines:

- Your website must be your own top-level domain (www.example.com and not www.example.com/mysite).
- You must provide accurate personal information with your application that matches the information on your domain registration.
- Your website must contain substantial, original content.
- Your site must comply with Google AdSense program policies: https://www.google.com/adsense/policies" which include Google's webmaster quality guidelines: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35769#quality .

If your site satisfies the above criteria in the future, please resubmit your application and we'll review it as soon as possible

2009年8月19日 14:48
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2009年8月19日 00:41


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