SQL> --编写一个私有函数log_message(),从公共过程中将共有功能移到一个私有函数中
SQL> create or replace package employee_pkg as
2 procedure print_ename(p_empno number);
3 procedure print_sal(p_empno number);
4 end employee_pkg;
5 --建立或重新定义程序包的主体
6 create or replace package body employee_pkg as
7 --编写log_message()过程
8 procedure log_message(p_message varchar2) is
9 pragma autonomous_transaction;
10 begin
11 insert into log_table(username,date_time,message)
12 values (user,current_date,p_message);
13 commit;
14 end log_message;
15 --编写函数,从emp表中返回一行记录
16 function get_emp_record(p_empno number) return emp%rowtype is
17 l_emp_record emp%rowtype;
18 begin
19 log_message('Looking for record where EMPNO='||p_empno);
20 select * into l_emp_record from emp
21 where empno=p_empno;
22 return l_emp_record;
23 exception
24 when NO_DATA_FOUND then
25 return null;
26 end get_emp_record;
27 --编写向屏幕输出,并且对输出进行日志记录的过程
28 procedure print_data(p_emp_record emp%rowtype,p_column varchar2) is
29 l_value varchar2(4000);
30 begin
31 if p_emp_record.empno is null then
32 log_message('NO DATA FOUND.');
33 dbms_output.put_line('NO DATA FOUND.');
34 else
35 case p_column
36 when 'ENAME'then
37 l_value:=p_emp_record.ename;
38 when 'SAL' then
39 l_value:=nvl(p_emp_record.sal,0);
40 else
41 l_value:='Invaild Column';
42 end case;
43 log_message('About to print'||p_column||l_value);
44 dbms_output.put_line(p_column||'='||l_value);
45 end if;
46 end print_data;
47 --重新实现公共过程,完成程序包
48 procedure print_ename(p_empno number) is
49 begin
50 print_data(get_emp_record(p_empno),'ENAME');
51 end print_ename;
53 procedure print_sal(p_empno number) is
54 begin
55 print_data(get_emp_record(p_empno),'SAL');
56 end print_sal;
58 end employee_pkg;
59 /
Warning: Package created with compilation errors
SQL> show error;
-------- -------------------------------------------
6/1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE"
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#### ORA-00023: Failed to open the shared memory segment - **解释**: 无法打开共享内存段。 - **解决方案**: 检查操作系统级别的问题,例如权限、空间不足等。 #### ORA-00024: Object is in invalid state -...
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如下sql,JSON_OBJECT函数中存在CAST函数,随后...Caused by: net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ParseException: Encountered unexpected token: "SELECT" at line 18, column 10. Was expecting one of: "!" "(" "NOT
#### ORA-00023: Internal error encountered 这是一个非常通用的错误,表示Oracle内部遇到了无法处理的问题。这类错误通常与软件bug有关,可能需要联系Oracle支持服务进行解决。 #### ORA-00024: Mode 2 rollback...
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SQL> create pfile='path_to_pfile.ora' from spfile; ``` 然后,你可以修改这个pfile,移除或修复引起问题的参数,例如`LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST`。 2. **利用静态参数文件重建动态参数文件spfile**: 一旦你用pfile...
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