0 0

[play framework]问题Compliation Error: Not Parsed? 求大牛指点30

@(sff: Form[SoftForm])

@import java.util._
@import helper._

@title = {
    Add a new ComputerRecord <small><a href="@routes.Application.manage">Or edit an existing ComputerRecord</a></small>

@main("System") {
    @helper.form(action = routes.Application.submitForm, 'id -> "form") {
  			<li> @ssf.u.userName</li>
	                '_label -> "Computer Name"
    		<table class="table table-striped">
    		@for (cs <-- sff.css) {
    			@if {cs.cstype == "OS") {
						                '_label -> None,
						                '_text -> cs.name,
						                '_showConstraints -> false
										 options = options(Ver.getVerStrBySoft(cs.name)),
										 '_default -> "--- Choose a Version ---",
										 '_label -> "Version",
										 '_error -> cs("ComputerSoft.ver").error.map(_.withMessage("Please select specific version"))

package models.util;

import java.util.List;

import models.Computer;
import models.ComputerSoft;
import models.User;

public class SoftForm {

	public User u;
	public Computer c;
	public List<ComputerSoft> css;


public class ComputerSoft {

	@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "uuid")
	public Long id;
	public String name;
	public String cstype;

	public Computer Computer;

	public boolean checked;
	public String ver;
	public ComputerSoft() {

  public static Result submit(String userNo) {

	User u = new User().GetUser(userNo);
	Computer c = new Computer("",u);
	SoftForm sf = new SoftForm();
	sf.u = u;
	sf.c = c;
	sf.css = ComputerSoft.GetOriginSoftList();
	return ok(submit.render(sff));


	public static List<String> getVerStrBySoft(Soft soft){
		List<Ver> vers = Ebean.find(Ver.class).where().eq("soft.id", soft.id).findList();
		List<String> str = new ArrayList();
		for( Ver v : vers) {
		return str;

  static Form<User> userForm = form(User.class);

  static Form<SoftForm> sff = form(SoftForm.class);
2014年3月24日 03:26



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