二十一世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)学习笔记(原文)——6 - A Brief History of Stephen Hawking(斯蒂夫·霍金简传)
Unit 6 - A Brief History of Stephen Hawking(斯蒂夫·霍金简传) A Brief History of Stephen Hawking Michael White, John Gribbin He has been proclaimed "the finest mind alive", "the greatest genius ...
people=['Albert Einstein','Stephen William Hawking','Planck'] print("welcome "+people.pop(0)+" to have dinner with me.") 3-5 修改嘉宾名单:你刚得知有位嘉宾无法赴约,因此需要另外邀请一位嘉宾。 ...
大学英语(第五册)复习(原文及全文翻译)——Unit 8 - Roaming the Cosmos(遨游宇宙)
A victim of an incurable disease, Stephen Hawking is almost completely paralysed, confined to a wheelchair, and unable to speak. Yet, he has overcome every obstacle and achieved far more than most ...
There are so many people who do not have good appearances have made great achievements for the progress of mankind, such as Stephen William Hawking who are even crippled. On the other hand, our ...
Royal Society Prizes for Science Books
Stephen Hawking , Jared Diamond , Stephen Jay Gould and Bill Bryson . In 2015 The Guardian described the prize as "the most prestigious science book prize in Britain". [2] ...
100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science
Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time (1988) Douglas Hofstadter and Daniel Dennett, The Mind's I (1981) Kenneth Hsu and William Ryan, The Mediterranean Was a Desert (1983) Georges Ifrah...
After 29 years of thinking about it, Stephen Hawking says he was wrong about black holes. The renowned Cambridge University physicist formally presented a paper on July 14 arguing that black holes, th
Yours,Lisa', 'The road to modern english': "At the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English. Nearly all of them lived in England. Later in the next century, people ...
2022 综合英语慕课(大学英语二)最新满分章节测试答案(题库中自找具体题目)
选项: A:introvert B:introverted C:reverse D:reversed 答案: 【introverted 】 4、 问题: who travel to Peking will see many historic sites about which they have read. 选项: A:He B:Those C:One D...
365 Inspirational Quotes by Althea Press
STEPHEN HAWKING, PHYSICIST Hard work is only a prison sentence when you lack motivation. MALCOLM GLADWELL, AUTHOR I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of ...
Mathematical Quotations
(1802 - 1829) [A reply to a question about how he got his expertise:] By studying the masters and not their pupils. Abel, Niels H. (1802 - 1829) [About Gauss' mathematical writing style] He is like ...
Designing Interfaces Under Extreme Constraints: the Stephen Hawking Editor TV Raman: Emacspeak: The Complete Audio Desktop Christopher Seiwald and Laura Wingerd: Code in Motion ...
tongue twisters
走遍美国字幕(第一集) http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=l4YC3dXF1aW86PF-LcO9kE1_BYs9TO4VdhDDBnd40zDOk-BcYIAyQZ71R7Q3W2W-R-6vtgQCnMRudHuiS4xy97TS1Z6OnsY1Cixv3noGAtO ...
盯着看 stare at 盯着 make jokes about sb 以某人为笑柄 disabled adj.伤残的;残疾的 UNIT7 cultural n.文化的 relic n.遗物;遗迹;纪念物 pyramid n.(古代埃及的)金字塔;锥体 Egypt n.埃及 Stonehenge...
上帝掷骰子吗--量子物理史话 第一章黄金时代 一 我们的故事要从1887年的德国开始。位于莱茵河边的卡尔斯鲁厄是一座风景秀丽的城市,在它的城中心,矗立着著名的18世纪的宫殿。郁郁葱葱的森林和温暖的气候也使得这...
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2 楼 liusu 2009-07-26 13:01
1 楼 climber2002 2009-07-24 16:22