


转载新闻 Google发布开源NX Server可显示远程桌面

2009-07-14 16:33 by 正式记者 xiaoqulai 评论(3) 有7140人浏览
 在Chrome OS的喧嚣之下,Google悄悄发布了开源的NX Server。

  这个名叫Neatx的工具可用于显示远程桌面。 NX技术由NoMachine开发,它能处理远程X Window连接,提供互联网环境下的远程图形显示桌面服务。

  Google研发远程桌面技术也有一段时间了,它之所以推出Neatx的原因是现有的NX Server要么是私有的,要么便是很难维护的。Google工程师称,旧的X Window系统可通过网络使用,但它存在网络延迟和带宽的问题,Neatx提供了一些解决问题的补救方法。

  NoMachine以GPL发布了NX产品的部分源代码,但NX server仍然是私有的。Neatx代码主要用Python编写,一些脚本则使用Bash,还有一个程序由于性能的原因而用C编写。Neatx重新利用了部分Google另一个开源项目Ganeti的代码。

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3 楼 xiaoqulai 2009-07-15 09:47
Amid the fanfare of last week's Chrome OS announcement, Google quietly released an open source NX server, dubbed Neatx, for remote desktop display.

NX technology was developed by NoMachine to handle remote X Window connections and make a graphical desktop display usable over the Internet.

By its own admission, Google has been looking at remote desktop technologies for "quite a while" and decided to develop Neatx as existing NX server products are either proprietary or difficult to maintain.

"The good old X Window system can be used over the network, but it has issues with network latency and bandwidth. Neatx remedies some of these issues," Google engineers wrote on the company's open source blog.

NoMachine had released parts of the source code to its NX product under the GPL, but the NX server remained proprietary.

There is a free implementation of an NX server based on NoMachine's libraries named FreeNX, but this did not appeal to Google.

"FreeNX's primary target is to replace the one closed component and is written in a mix of several thousand lines of Bash, Expect and C, making FreeNX difficult to maintain," according to Google.

"Designed from scratch with flexibility and maintainability in mind, Neatx minimizes the number of involved processes and all code is split into several libraries."

Neatx is written in Python, with a few wrapper scripts in Bash and one program written in C "for performance reasons".

"Neatx was also able to reuse some code from another Google open source project, Ganeti. The code still has some issues, but we're confident interested developers will be able to fix them."

Google also claims Neatx implements features not found in FreeNX, like a drop-down menu for session control in rootless sessions. However, not all of FreeNX's features are implemented in Neatx.

There has already been some speculation that Neatx will be the default display server for the upcoming Chrome OS. Google insists the release date was just a coincidence.

Neatx features include session creation, suspension, resumption, and shutdown; support for Gnome, KDE, application, and console sessions; floating window/virtual desktop sessions; full screen, resolution, and keyboard preferences; and session shadowing (only sessions belonging to you).

Features not supported yet include terminating a session from the session list; Windows/VNC sessions; and sound, printer and Samba tunneling.
2 楼 xiaoqulai 2009-07-15 09:46
shl270070 写道

NX 是 Neatx的缩写, X 我觉得可能是X-window的意思,没必要去追究他们的具体解释吧,Ganeti也是,知道他们是远程桌面管理的软件不就行了?

“Neatx was also able to reuse some code from another Google open source project, Ganeti. The code still has some issues, but we're confident interested developers will be able to fix them”
1 楼 shl270070 2009-07-15 09:31




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