


原创新闻 Apache Maven 2.2 发布!

2009-07-03 09:41 by 正式编辑 hantsy 评论(10) 有6665人浏览

我很高兴的宣布, Apache Maven项目刚刚发布了Maven 2.2.0。根据回馈的数据显示,Maven 2.1.0 可能是我们发布最稳定的版本。Maven 2.2.0 进一步提高了稳定性,修复了几个重要的 bug ,并添加了一些新的功能。你可以从这 这里 获取最新版本。




Removed feature from 2.1.0 that resolved expressions in version elements within the POM on installation and deployment.

This code was causing inconsistencies between the POM that landed in the repository and artifacts that are derived from that POM. The most prominent example deals with the GPG plugin: since the POM was modified on deployment, the GPG signature generated during the build was useless. This by itself effectively made Maven 2.1.0 unusable for releases.

Switched to a HttpClient-based wagon implementation for reaching HTTP repositories.

This is crucial for people sending long passwords, since the HttpUrlConnection-driven wagon did not-nice things with BASIC authentication headers when the password was very long…it line-wrapped the Base-64 header value, rendering the HTTP request invalid. In addition, HttpClient offers a wide range of options for configuration over HttpUrlConnection.

New default execution IDs for goals bound from the default lifecycle mapping and those invoked from the command line.

Previously, the only way to configure plugins that were used from the command line was to put the configuration options into the plugin-level configuration. This meant that it was impossible to separate CLI-oriented configuration settings from those used in goals that were bound to the lifecycle. Now, you can simply use an execution block with an id of default-cli to compartmentalize CLI-specific options.

Likewise, Maven 2.1.0 forces users to add configuration at the plugin level for any goals bound to the build via default lifecycle mapping. This could be particularly troublesome when you had multiple goals from a single plugin bound in via lifecycle mapping, and needed to respecify the same configuration option differently for the different goals. For instance, using different includes or excludes between the compiler:compile and compiler:testCompile goal executions was basically impossible. In Maven 2.2.0, you can use executions with the new per-goal default execution-Ids. For the compiler example, you can use default-compile and default-testCompile, respectively, to separate configurations for these two default goal executions.

Java 1.5+ is now a requirement.

Maven 2.2.0 upgrades the Java requirement to 1.5 or later. This allows us to finally start making the migration onto the Java5 generics syntax, and other nice little perks that come with a less archaic version of Java.

…and more…

来自: Sonatype
评论 共 10 条 请登录后发表评论
10 楼 juvenshun 2009-07-06 01:00
9 楼 zuandilong 2009-07-05 21:34
8 楼 chc9chc 2009-07-05 15:27
7 楼 hlylove 2009-07-04 10:42
Deathly_CQ 写道

6 楼 xyz20003 2009-07-03 17:46
maven2 入门小教程:
5 楼 Deathly_CQ 2009-07-03 13:53
4 楼 flyfan 2009-07-03 13:45
3 楼 brofe 2009-07-03 12:34
2 楼 whaosoft 2009-07-03 12:07
恩 我也没用过 要学学了!~
1 楼 sgp2004 2009-07-03 11:01
还没用过maven 唉 学习学习




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