


原创新闻 Spring RCP 1.1 发布!

2009-07-03 09:40 by 正式编辑 hantsy 评论(2) 有6299人浏览
最后,经过了几个月的延期,1.1.0 终于和大家见面了。

  • 全新的 Widget 概念
  • 模块的重新组织更易开发
  • 多个新的 Binders
  • data editor widget
  • Bug 修复
  • 其它很多改进
由于Sourceforge的一些问题,我们没有将这次发布版本提交到  repository,但你可以取出一份1.1.0 tag 自己构建,或者从 sourceforge project site 下载 tar.gz 格式。

The release notes:


* [RCP-577] - upgrade Spring to 2.5.5
* [RCP-578] - upgrade Spring binding to 1.0.5


* [RCP-376] - null application window
* [RCP-568] - ShowFrameCommand does not restore the MDI frame if minimized.
* [RCP-572] - Validation icons are not displayed for JTextArea inside JScrollPane
* [RCP-573] - DirtyIndicatorInterceptor must not show icons on read-only fields
* [RCP-582] - IAE in OverlayHelper: Don't know how to handle parent of type [javax.swing.JPanel].
* [RCP-583] - spring-richclient-samples-simple doesn't compile
* [RCP-587] - EnumRadioButtonBinding and -Binder should be moved to JDK6
* [RCP-590] - xswingx not in repository
* [RCP-591] - MessagesDialogExceptionHandler (and any AbstractDialogExceptionHandler) doesn't show the exception if the application hasn't been initialized enough yet and system.exits the JVM
* [RCP-595] - Jide-Integration: Deps/Versions
* [RCP-597] - wrong parent version in projects 'spring-richclient-full' en 'spring-richclient-release'


* [RCP-129] - Modifier util methods in ActionCommand
* [RCP-210] - Abstract out Swing dependancy from binding system
* [RCP-299] - and access to the control on a CommandGroup
* [RCP-348] - Support setter injection and wait with initialize in afterPropertiesSet
* [RCP-372] - Focus for form used in Wizards and Dialogs
* [RCP-439] - make AbstractCommand.getFaceDescriptor() public
* [RCP-481] - Exceptions disappear in ApplicationLauncher
* [RCP-529] - Table-Builder - convinience method
* [RCP-531] - Obsolete interface FormBuilder?
* [RCP-534] - Make Exception handling aware of "ErrorCoded" exceptions
* [RCP-550] - Quick Patch for extensibility of MDI frames
* [RCP-553] - Adding shortcuts to BigDecimalTextField
* [RCP-557] - Enhancement for NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder
* [RCP-559] - Clean Shutdown due to exception...
* [RCP-567] - New form builder for creating complex forms.
* [RCP-585] - AbstractObjectTable#getSelectionModel should return EventSelectionModel


* [RCP-586] - Docking module split up into different integration projects


* [RCP-533] - Remove Tiger naming from TigerEnumComboBoxBinder and TigerEnumTableCellRenderer
* [RCP-574] - Upgrade core to Java 1.5 source level
* [RCP-575] - Merge modules core, binding, forms, support and jdk5 into core
* [RCP-576] - upgrade Spring dependencies and other to latest version

<!-- / message --> <!-- sig -->

MSN: PM me please
Skype: doclo_lieven

Spring Rich Client Project Lead
来自: SpringSource
评论 共 2 条 请登录后发表评论
2 楼 fy_kenny 2011-10-18 23:41
1 楼 fy_kenny 2011-10-18 23:40




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