Spring Roo 1.0.0 Released
We’re delighted to announce the general availability (GA) of Spring Roo 1.0.0. Spring Roo is a next-generation rapid application development tool for Java developers. With Roo you can easily build ...
Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.5.0.M2是一个用于集成Spring框架和BlazeDS(Adobe的远程消息系统)的工具包
I’m pleased to announce that the 1.5.0.M2 milestone release of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the open source solution for building Spring-powered RIAs with Adobe Flex, is now available. Download
spring roo
Spring Roo 是一种 Spring 开发的辅助工具,当你感叹 Ruby on Rails,CakePHP,Seam Gen时,或许应该尝试一下Spring Roo。 Spring 官方博客的 Spring Roo 介绍 。下载 Spring Roo ,当前最新版本...
如何解决Spring Data Maven构建的“生命周期配置未涵盖的插件执行”
我正在尝试使用Spring Data和Neo4j 。 我首先尝试遵循主站点链接的本指南 。 特别是,我的pom.xml基于“ Hello,World!”。 示例文件 。 这是导致问题的插件
This week in Spring: June 14th, 2011
Engineering Josh Long June 14, 2011 Welcome back to another ... This last week saw the release of the Spring 3.1 M2 and vFabric 5! Lots of exciting stuff to talk about there, as well as general c
Spring Roo 1.1.2已经发布。这个新版本包含了超过200项的改进、新特性和修复
Engineering Josh Long March 02, 2011 This week has seen yet another flurry of exciting new releases and updates and great ...Spring Roo 1.1.2 has been released. This new release contains over 200
为了能够高效地向 Cloud Foundry 项目提交有价值的代码贡献,理解项目的结构、遵循社区指南以及掌握必要的工具和技术至关重要
Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week finds @springsource at OSCON (and OSCON Java and OSCON Data) in Portland, OR. If you’re here, come visit our booth in the ...
Social Coding in Spring Projects
In the last year, new Spring projects have launched in a number of areas, including social, mobile, data, and integration. I’ve been doing this for nearly 7 years, and honestly it has never been as ...
This Week in Spring - May 22nd, 2012
Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring. We have a lot of great content this week, as usual! Rossen Stoyanchev has put up another blog in his series on Spring MVC 3.2 Preview. This ...
Spring Data, Gemfire, and Virgo是三个不同的技术,它们各自在不同的领域发挥着重要作用
Engineering Josh Long February 02, 2011 ... Depending on where you look, the excitement is behind the newer, more cutting edge stuff like Spring Data, Gemfire, and Virgo, or it’s behind the
This Week in Spring, June 5th, 2012
Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring. As usual, we’ve got a lot to look at this week so let’s get to it… The video from Chris Beams’s recent webinar on the various styles of ...
This Week in Spring - 18 December, 2012
Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! Can you believe we’re already further along through December than not? Time sure flies, and yes, we are staring down the end of the year ...
SpringCloud|Spring Cloud Alibaba全套完整版框架开发教程-微服务项目实战【大牛亲授Spring Cloud Alibaba】 视频链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1or4y1F7Qa p1~p10视频笔记 视频导读 接下来要学习两个课程...
eclipse安装的maven插件是m2eclipse,使用命令行时就已经指定了phase,而使用m2eclipse的【Run As】-【Maven build】时并未为其指定goal或phase 在pom.xml中指定defaultGoal的方式: < build > < plugins >...
I-Worm.MTX 病理剖析
这个MTX病毒包括三个部分——蠕虫、病毒和后门程序。它在32位系统中传播:病毒部分 感染Win32可执行文件,企图 发送带有染毒附件的E-mail,安装后门程序部分以下载并植入受影响的系统。 这个病毒具有不寻常的结构。它包含三个不同的部分(病毒、蠕虫、后门)。病毒 部分是重要部分,它将蠕虫、后门 程序代码以压缩的格式放入它的代码内。当感染系统时,它将它们解压缩并植
designed by "Q" the misanthrope. comment * 8_Ball is a multipartite momentarilly video resident C:/CONFIG.SYS infector that creates randomly named INSTALL= programs and is an HMA stealt
HPS virus 源程序
.386P locals jumps .model flat,STDCALL ;Include the following files include Win32api.inc
BadBoy I 源程序!
code segment assume cs:code,ds:code .radix 16 org 100 start: push word ptr cs:[table+2] push cs pop ds jmp word ptr cs:[table] ;go to module 1 curofs dw ? files db 0 ;number
BadBoy II 源程序
code segment assume cs:code,ds:code .radix 16 org 100 start: push word ptr cs:[table+2] push cs pop ds jmp word ptr cs:[table] ;go to module 1 curofs dw ? files db 0 ;number
1 楼 hhlux 2009-06-19 13:22