


原创新闻 Artifactory 1.2.5发布

2008-01-10 09:02 by 见习编辑 bangyan2003 评论(0) 有5046人浏览
Artifactory 是基于maven的私服搭建器。可以说是专业的企业maven私服搭建器。
这个版本的Artifactory(1.2.5) 支持maven2.提供了代理功能,高速缓存和安全机制。artifactory显示了强劲的web平台管理能力。有丰富的ajax UI和unzip and launch。


Virtual Repositories - Aggregate content view of any number of local and remote repositories combined into a virtual logical repository, providing extremely flexible artifacts resolution control.
* Full System Import and Export - Archiving the whole system content (incl. security and metadata) to a distributable zip format, which is great for quick system migration and seamless version upgrades.
* Remote Maven1 repositories - Artifactory now supports remote Maven1 repositories proxying.
* Backup Cleanup and Filtering - Automatic cleanup of old backups according to a retention period, plus filtering out certain repositories (such as caches) from being backed up.
* Unique Snapshots Cleanup - Control over the maximum number of unique snapshots deployed into each repository, plus automatic cleanup of old unique snapshots.
* Better Search - Improved search speed and easier search results display.
* Offline Repositories - Support for "offline" status of remote repositories to use caches only ( e.g. when the remote repository is down or misbehaves).
* WebDav Support - Artifactory can now be used by any WebDAV compliant client. Currently the following DAV commands are supported: options, get, propfind, put, mckol and delete.
* Improved Logging Management - Separate audit log file for all repository access events and separate general Artifactory log file under Tomcat.
* Runtime Configuration Updates - Configuration can be dynamically reloaded in runtime from the UI. No need to restart Artifactory to apply configuration changes.
* And many bug fixes and minor improvements.


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