grails创建程序_将Grails 2应用程序升级到Grails 3
grails创建程序 我是Grails的忠实粉丝。 对我而言,在Grails中构建内容的唯一真正的缺点是文档的移动速度往往比代码慢得多。 对于参考文档以外的学习资料尤其如此。 到目前为止,我仅能找到两本专门针对Grails 3的书...
Grails的优势 DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself,不要重复自己),约定优于配置(Convention over Configuration) DRY和约定优先于配置的思想,是由Rails兴起并迅速被广泛接收和欣赏的Web框架新思路。Grails作为JEE世界...
原文地址:... grails的思想 1.Don't Repeat Yourself 不要重复你自己 2.Convention over Configuration 约束优于配置 DRY和约定优先于配置的思想,是由...
grails创建程序 Java平台已经发展成为一个坚实而成熟的企业应用程序平台。 成熟的应用程序平台的标志之一是,有许多衍生技术和与其他技术集成的选项。 本文将详细介绍如何使用Grails(传统的JEE应用程序开发的衍生...
acegi_使用Acegi Security保护Grails应用程序的安全
acegi 目录 介绍 设置RaceTrack示例应用程序 安装Grails Acegi插件 创建Acegi Security组件 配置Acegi Security以保护应用程序... 作为此集成的一部分,将使用三个主要组件-Groovy , Grails和Acegi Security 。 ...
Grails Quick Start
http://www.grails.org/Quick+Start上的文章,是Grails最简单的入门文档,今天忽然看了一下,发现有的东西真的给忽略了,有些没有按规范做法做...也有一个按如下步骤创建一个小的app 的screencast 。 快速...
Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.1.0.M1 released
I am happy to announce the first milestone release 3.1.0.M1 of the Spring Tool Suite (STS) and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS). Highlights from this milestone include: We now provide dis
java 解决方案_2009年10个Java技术解决方案
【IT168 资讯】2009年已经来到,什么样的技术值得关注?Joshua选出了10项2009年重要的Java技术解决方案,他认为重构是2009年的主题,新的技术方向展现出来。下面的名单的前半部分是你应该一直跟踪关注的技术,后半...
Carlos Perez(著名的Java技术人员)最近发表了他认为值得在2008学习五种的JAVA技术,它们是:OSGi,Java内容仓库,GWT,Groovy和云雾计算。 Carlos Perez(著名的Java技术人员)最近发表了他认为值得在2008...
Groovy、Scala与Grails简介 字号:大 中 小 Groovy是一种基于Java虚拟机的脚本语言,它与java语法兼容性相当高,而且在字节码层面与java是完全相同的,所以Groovy与java可以互相调用。这样Groovy就可以...
java 09十的技术
现在的版本具备一个强大的插件和配置架构。 kibana :对日志进行分析并进行可视化。 Logback :Log4j原班人马作品。被证明是一个强健的日志函数库,通过Groovy提供了很多有意思的配置选项。 logstash :日志文件管理...
作者: Javaeye2009-01-04 【IT168 资讯】2009 年已经来到,什么样的技术...Joshua选出了10项2009年重要的Java技术解决方案,他认为重构是2009年的主题,新的技术方向展现出 来。下面的名单的前半部分...
09的十大JAVA新技术2009年10月20日 星期二 23:55 2009年已经来到,什么样的技术值得关注?Joshua选出了10项2009年重要的Java技术解决方案,他认为重构是2009年的主题,新的技术方向展现出来。下面的名单的前半部分...
【资源说明】 果壳处理器研究小组(Topic基于RISCV64果核处理器的卷积神经网络加速器研究)详细文档+全部资料+优秀项目+源码.zip 【备注】 1、该项目是个人高分项目源码,已获导师指导认可通过,答辩评审分达到95分 2、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 3、本项目适合计算机相关专业(人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息、物联网等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载使用,也可作为毕业设计、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等,当然也适合小白学习进阶。 4、如果基础还行,可以在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能,也可直接用于毕设、课设、作业等。 欢迎下载,沟通交流,互相学习,共同进步!
1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合;
资源说明:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_38106923/article/details/144637354 一分价钱一分货,项目代码可顺利编译运行~
有java环境就可以运行起来 ,zip里包含源码+论文+PPT, 系统设计与功能: 文档详细描述了系统的后台管理功能,包括系统管理模块、新闻资讯管理模块、公告管理模块、社区影院管理模块、会员上传下载管理模块以及留言管理模块。 系统管理模块:允许管理员重新设置密码,记录登录日志,确保系统安全。 新闻资讯管理模块:实现新闻资讯的添加、删除、修改,确保主页新闻部分始终显示最新的文章。 公告管理模块:类似于新闻资讯管理,但专注于主页公告的后台管理。 社区影院管理模块:管理所有视频的添加、删除、修改,包括影片名、导演、主演、片长等信息。 会员上传下载管理模块:审核与删除会员上传的文件。 留言管理模块:回复与删除所有留言,确保系统内的留言得到及时处理。 环境说明: 开发语言:Java 框架:ssm,mybatis JDK版本:JDK1.8 数据库:mysql 5.7及以上 数据库工具:Navicat11及以上 开发软件:eclipse/idea Maven包:Maven3.3及以上
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智能车开发案例,使用Python语言在一个文件中实现 这里我们将添加一些额外的功能,如自动驾驶模式、避障、超声波传感器读取以及通过TCP/IP网络远程控制
智能车开发案例,使用Python语言在一个文件中实现。这里我们将添加一些额外的功能,如自动驾驶模式、避障、超声波传感器读取以及通过TCP/IP网络远程控制。 首先,确保你已经安装了pyserial、socket库: pip install pyserial
5 楼 whaosoft 2009-03-14 16:35
4 楼 hax 2009-03-13 17:43
3 楼 shiren1118 2009-03-13 11:37
2 楼 shiren1118 2009-03-13 11:36
1 楼 shiren1118 2009-03-13 11:35
This page contains links to the documentation for each plugin that is available for Grails. For creating your own plugins see the The Plug-in Developers Guide.
Rich Client/Ajax Plugins
Chart Plugins
Web Services Plugins
Performance / Utility Plugins
Asynchronous / Scheduling Plugins
Security Plugin
Web Design Plugins
Scaffolding / Templating / Binding plugins
Internationalization (i18n) plugins
Persistence Plugins
Functionality plugins
Database Change Tracking
Remote Controller
Rules Engine
Management and Configuration
Other Frameworks
Grails Functional Testing - Lightweight and intuitive functional testing
Testing Plugin - Makes unit testing in Grails a breeze!
Canoo WebTest Plugin
Test Code Coverage Plugin
Selenium plugin (run functional tests in the browser)
jsUnit plugin (test javascript)
DBUnit Plugin
DbunitOperator Plugin integrates effortless and appropriate within DataSources configuration and helps to create initial data within database and supports jUnit/DbUnit-Testing
Debug Plugin Provides useful debug output of request params, model and useful functionality
FitNesse plugin Automate and run functional and acceptance tests on Grails application from the FitNesse Wiki
Fixtures Plugin - Support for defining test data sets
TestTemplate Plugin - generate unit tests for scaffolded controllers
Rich Client/Ajax Plugins
GrailsUI Plugin
DWR Plugin
Dynamic Javascript Plugin
Echo2 Plugin
GWT Plugin
OpenLaszlo Plugin
RichUI Plugin
ZK Plugin
Flex Plugin
ULC Plugin
ModalBox Plugin
Yahoo! UI Library (YUI) Plugin
YUI3 Plugin
Bubbling Plugin
Ext JavaScript Library Plugin (discontinued)
Syntax Highlighter Plugin
J2D Plugin (Java2D+Graphics)
jQuery Plugin
iUI Plugin
iwebkit Plugin
Mootools Plugin
Cometd Plugin
Calendar Plugin
Tooltip Plugin
Applet Plugin - build and sign an Applet jar
Chart Plugins
Google Chart Plugin
JFreeChart Eastwood Plugin
Open Flash Chart Plugin
Web Services Plugins
XFire plugin
Remoting Plugin
XML-RPC Plugin
Apache Axis2 Plugin
Metro Plugin for Grails framework
Google Data Plugin
Performance / Utility Plugins
Resources First Plugin - simulate serving of static resources with jetty
Static Resources Plugin
p6spy plugin (database statement logging)
Cacheable Plugin (application level caching) (this link is gone)
Amazon S3 Plugin
WebXML Plugin Allows adding configurable features to the web.xml file without having to write a plugin.
Jawr plugin Javascript/CSS bundling and compression tool for grails web apps. All the features from the Jawr library ported to Grails.
Profiler Plugin for monitoring the performance of your Grails application.
Compress Plugin - Compress Grails output
Runtime Logging Plugin - Control log4j configuration dynamically without a restart
MorphDeploy Plugin - Mor.ph deployment plugin that works properly and removes JDBC 2 jar, with deploy script
Mor.ph Plugin
JMX Plugin - Runtime JMX support
UiPerformance Plugin - Resource caching, minification, gzipping, and bundling
Springcache Plugin - Annotation-driven caching for Grails services and other Spring beans.
JBossCache Plugin - replicated cache
Message Digest Plugin - Provides message digest codecs (SHA1 and SHA1Hex) to encode strings.
Asynchronous / Scheduling Plugins
Quartz plugin for cron-style job scheduling.
BackgroundThread plugin allows Grails code to throw off tasks to be executed asynchronously by background threads.
Security Plugins
AcegiSecurity Plugin
JSecurity Plugin
Stark Security Plugin
Authentication Plugin
Simple Captcha Plugin
JCaptcha Plugin
CAS Client Plugin
ClamAV Plugin
Atlassian Crowd Plugin
OpenID Plugin
OAuth Plugin
Step2 Plugin - OpenID+OAuth based on the Google Step2 project, available as a demo only
ReCaptcha Plugin
License Management Plugin
Facebook Connect Plugin
Web Design Plugins
sIFR Plugin
Skinnable Plugin
Searchable Plugin - rich search functionality with minimum effort. Built on Compass and Lucene
Filter plugin - A simple TagLib collection to allow filter data dynamically.
FilterPane Plugin - adds filtering capabilities to Grails application list pages
Scaffolding / Templating / Binding plugins
DjangoTemplates Plugin A straight-forward implementation of the Gang-of-Four "Template" design pattern for GSPs -- such as how templates are used in the Django content management system. Fans of Wicket and Tapestry will also be familiar with the concept.
GroovyBinder Plugin
ScaffoldTags Plugin
Extended Data Binding Plugin
Include Plugin
Extensible (eXtreme) Templates
Internationalization (i18n) plugins
I18n Templates Plugin
I18n-gettext Plugin
Localizations Plugin - Use the database for i18n messages.
Persistence Plugins
JPA Plugin Provide standalone JPA functions without GORM, optional Groovy-style JPA APIs, Validator (JSR 303 draft) and JPA Unit Test supports
Explicit Insert Plugin adds an insert method to all domain classes to resolve save() issues with legacy tables with assigned keys and no version or timestamp.
Acts As Taggable Plugin add the acts_as_taggable ability to domain class
Systemi Grails Domain Plugin generates Grails domain classes from a legacy IBM System i (a.k.a. AS/400, a.k.a. iSeries) table
Grails Audit Logging Plugin track who changed what via Hibernate events, can be optionally configured to log users from multiple security plugins, adds onChange event handler to marked domain classes and exposes old and new values.
Datasources Plugin Allows a Grails application to use multiple datasources and continue using GORM dynamic methods.
DbUtil Plugin Tools to administer the database associated with the running grails' app. This is mostly useful for embedded and in memory DBs.
H2 Database Plugin - Run embedded/in-memory H2 Database in Grails
ExtendedGormMappings Plugin Adds extra mapping options for domain classes.
Functionality plugins
Rateable Plugin - A plugin that attaches 5-star rating to domain objects with UI component.
Taggable Plugin - A plugin that provides a generic tagging mechanism to an application
Commentable Plugin - A plugin that provides generic capability to add comments to entities
Radeox plugin for the Radeox wiki engine
Mondrian plugin to add Mondrian and JPivot OLAP
FCK editor plugin - WYSIWYG text editor with buillt in image and flash upload capabilities.
FCKeditor plugin to integrate FCKeditor WYSIWYG text editor into your grails applications
JMS Plugin to add Message Driven Bean functionality
Feeds Plugin to generate RSS/Atom feeds easily
ImageTools plugin provides some JAI helper classes for image handling
Currencies plugin provide Money and Exchange Rate handling classes.
Encryption plugin, for Blowfish and PGP encryption, as well as handling salted passwords.
PostCode Plugin provides UK postcode lookup to lat/lon and distance between postcode functionality
Ref Code Plugin provides funtionality for storing and accessing simple reference data
Mail Plugin - provides e-mail sending functionality to a Grails application
PayPal Plugin - Provides integration with PayPal transactions and the PayPal IPN
Avatar Plugin - This plugin provides a taglib for displaying avatars
ActiveMQ Plugin - Embed ina Grails application ActiveMQ Message Broker.
HelpBalloons Plugin - Add help balloons (callouts) to applications.
Criteria Plugin - Add record selection criteria to list pages.
Drilldowns Plugin - Add summary to detail drilldown to list pages.
Lookups Plugin - Pseudo reference tables.
Menus Plugin - Database driven application menu system.
Settings Plugin - Global constants stored in the database.
RestoreState Plugin - Provides convenient methods to controller classes for remembering state.
ExchangeRates Plugin - Foreign currency exchange rates using Yahoo!
ShoppingCart Plugin - Provides generic shopping cart functionality for Grails
Twitter Plugin - Provides Twitter support to a Grails app
Navigation plugin for navigation menus by convention
URL Rewrite Plugin - Add Tuckey's URL Rewrite Filter to your project
Webdav Plugin - Add Webdav functionality to your application
ImageProxy Plugin - Display images that are stored behind a firewall to your users
Database Change Tracking
Autobase Plugin - A plugin that uses the stability and power of Liquibase, but with a Groovy internal DSL. Works with hbm2ddl and within the standard Grails lifecycle.
LiquiBase Plugin - Raw Liquibase support for Grails.
dbmigrate Plugin
LDAP Plugin - Add LDAP connectivity through Gldapo
Jasper Plugin - Add Jasper reports in your web application easily.
DynamicJasper Plugin - Adds DynamicJasper integration into Grails projects.
Pdf Plugin - convert GSP's to PDF on the fly.
Export Plugin - Export domain objects to CSV, Excel, PDF, ODS and XML.
Remote Controller
Func Plugin - Add to your application Func (https://fedorahosted.org/func) functionality, to simple manage remote machines (At the moment only linux machines can be controlled)
Rules Engine
Drools Plugin
Jbpm Plugin
GrailsFlow Plugin - A process and workflow engine written as a Grails plugin.
SoundManager Plugin
FlashPlayer Plugin - Add Adobe Flash Player to GSPs.
PHP Plugin - Support PHP in Grails, Create your Wordpress blog in 15 mins
Scala Plugin - Compile Scala sources with grails
Management and Configuration
Console Plugin - Start a web-based Groovy console to access and manage your application in runtime
Log4j XML Plugin - Use log4j.groovy or log4j.xml to configure your logger in Grails 1.1
Other Frameworks
GridGain Plugin
Party Time Plugin
Portlets Plugin
SpringMVC Plugin
Struts 1 Plugin
Terracotta Plugin
Wicket Plugin
JodaTime Plugin