


原创新闻 DHTMLX 系列组件 2.0 发布

2008-11-16 13:19 by 见习记者 ln1058 评论(15) 有13414人浏览
DHTMLX 是一套非常强大的 web UI 组件,包括如:表格、树形显示、日历、布局、编辑器等十几个UI 组件,详细列表请看此处http://www.dhtmlx.com/

2.0 的发布,几乎所有的组件都更新了一遍,加入了新的特性并修正了不少bug,详细信息如下:

dhtmlxGrid 2.0 build 81107
What's new:
- support for cell level attributes while loading from JSON data
- added pre-rendering ability
- added forced dynamical loading ability
- ability to enable pre-rendering in Smart Rendering mode

What's fixed:
- fixed an issue with hidden columns in FF3
- fixed an issue with incorrect filtering buffer clearing in case of grid reloading, while using only filterBy API
- fixed incompatibility between keymaps / rowspans and paging mode
- fixed an issue with adding a new row in Smart Rendering + split mode
- fixed an error with autoWidth calculations for grid with default|custom skins
- fixed an error during column resizing, when grid doesn't have unique ID for HTML container
- fixed incorrect position of context menu
- fixed regression with missed item id in case of context menu integration
- selectRow in paging mode, for non-first page
- incorrect sort state detection in case of split mode
- incorrect math preserving during drag-and-drop
- incorrect row updating after updateFromXML in case of colspans|split mode
- incorrect keyboard navigation in first or last position
- updateFromXML now works for grid.parse
- fixed regression with getMathValue
- wasChanged flag set correctly for unchecked radio button
- fixed an issue with filter filling in case of column moving
- fixed an error when tab from last position in grid

dhtmlxTreeGrid 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- fixed incorrect after-filtering rendering in case of filter-by-all mode
- fixed an issue with simultaneous multiple data loading in case of dynamical loading
- fixed an issue with included _lines extension of treegrid, corrupting possible view
- fixed an issue with filter filling after column moving in case of treegrid
- fixed incorrect d-n-d while dropping multiple rows in closed branch of treegrid
- missed afterSorting event in case of treegrid was added

dhtmlxTree 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- fixed an issue with incorrect context menu position
- fixed regression with incorrect itemId in integrated context menu
- fixed error message in IE in case of HTTPS mode
- fixed incorrect tree object reference

dhtmlxTabbar 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- fixed an issue with incorrect result of normalize in some specific cases
- minor fix for FF3 visual issues

dhtmlxLayout 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- fixed docking/undocking cell with attached editor
- fixed critical layout resize bug was (when "resize" effect is enabled)
- fixed layout resize in case on layout's cell-based init

dhtmlxEditor 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- FF3 crash reason fixed

dhtmlxAccordion 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- onBeforeActive event added (only for header click)
- dock/undock with editor fixed

dhtmlxWindows 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- window maximize fixed

dhtmlxMenu 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- fixed top-level image rendering
- IE6 combo overlap fix for standard skin added
- context menu hiding by body click fixed in case of manual showing

dhtmlxToolbar 2.0 build 81107
What's fixed:
- fixed changing item state for pressed two-state button

dhtmlxCalendar 1.1 build 81107
What's new:
- added possibility to set inactive days of week.
- method setInsensitiveDates() can accept week day number for inactive week days

What's fixed:
- changeMonth() method fixed
- height for cells in skins simpleblue, simplegrey, vista changed.

dhtmlxSlider 1.1 build 81107
What's new:
- onSlideEnd event added

What's fixed:
- fixed issue with incorrect file references

DHTMLX分为Standard Edition 和 Professional Edition 两个版本,前者是开源免费的,它的API和Demo都非常详细,相信已经足够可以满足大多数开发者的需求了,下载地址为http://www.dhtmlx.com/docs/download.shtml,也许它会是你项目的一个很好的选择。
评论 共 15 条 请登录后发表评论
15 楼 caiceclb 2009-01-12 09:02
superxielei 写道


14 楼 cn_arthurs 2008-11-19 09:59
13 楼 zm9913 2008-11-17 16:42
12 楼 zm9913 2008-11-17 16:41
11 楼 大猫汤姆 2008-11-17 12:45
10 楼 大猫汤姆 2008-11-17 11:40
lishali12345 写道

superxielei 写道现在的组建越来越多了。到底什么才是我们需要的?封装让程序员变的越来越不值钱了。这倒是真的!

9 楼 大猫汤姆 2008-11-17 11:40
8 楼 boansen520 2008-11-17 11:07
7 楼 375721064 2008-11-17 10:41
6 楼 wu2004 2008-11-17 10:03
5 楼 comeon 2008-11-17 09:36
4 楼 lishali12345 2008-11-17 08:32
superxielei 写道


3 楼 xieye 2008-11-17 01:22
2 楼 flyinweb 2008-11-16 17:12
1 楼 superxielei 2008-11-16 16:39




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