


原创新闻 lighttpd 1.4.20发布

2008-09-30 11:50 by 见习编辑 robbin 评论(3) 有8597人浏览
9月30日lighttpd 1.4.20版本发布了。lighttpd不用多介绍了,现在非常流行的轻量级Web服务器,提供良好的Ruby on Rails,PHP和Python的FastCGI/SCGI运行方式的支持。


    *  Fix mod_compress to compile with old gcc version (#1592)
    * Fix mod_extforward to compile with old gcc version (#1591)
    * Update documentation for #1587
    * Fix #285 again: read error after SSL_shutdown (thx marton.illes@balabit.com) and clear the error queue before some other calls (CVE-2008-1531)
    * Fix mod_magnet: enable “request.method” and “request.protocol” in lighty.env (#1308)
    * Fix segfault for appending matched parts if there was no regex matching (just give empty strings) (#1601)
    * Use data_response_init in mod_fastcgi x-sendfile handling for response.headers, fix a small “memleak” (#1628)
    * Don’t send empty Server headers (#1620)
    * Fix conditional interpretation of core options
    * Enable escaping of % and $ in redirect/rewrite; only two cases changed their behaviour: “%” => “”, ”$$” => ”$”
    * Fix accesslog port (should be port from the connection, not the “server.port”) (#1618)
    * Fix mod_fastcgi prefix matching: match the prefix always against url, not the absolute filepath (regardless of check-local)
    * Overwrite Content-Type header in mod_dirlisting instead of inserting (#1614), patch by Henrik Holst
    * Handle EINTR in mod_cgi during write() (#1640)
    * Allow all http status codes by default; disable body only for 204,205 and 304; generate error pages for 4xx and 5xx (#1639)
    * Fix mod_magnet to set con->mode = p->id if it generates content, so returning 4xx/5xx doesn’t append an error page
    * Remove lighttpd.spec* from source, fixing all problems with it ;-)
    * Do not rely on PATH_MAX (POSIX does not require it) (#580)
    * Disable logging to access.log if filename is an empty string
    * Implement a clean way to open /dev/null and use it to close stdin/out/err in the needed places (#624)
    * merge spawn-fcgi changes from trunk (from @2191)
    * let spawn-fcgi propagate exit code from spawned fcgi application
    * close connection after redirect in trigger_b4_dl (thx icy)
    * close connection in mod_magnet if returned status code
    * fix bug with IPv6 in mod_evasive (#1579)
    * fix scgi HTTP/1.* status parsing (#1638), found by met@uberstats.com
    * [tests] fixed system, use foreground daemons and waitpid
    * [tests] removed pidfile from test system
    * [tests] fixed tests needing php running (if not running on port 1026, search php in env[PHP] or /usr/bin/php-cgi)
    * fixed typo in mod_accesslog (#1699)
    * replaced buffer_{append,copy}_string with the _len variant where possible (#1732) (thx crypt)
    * case insensitive match for secdownload md5 token (#1710)
    * Handle only HEAD, GET and POST in mod_dirlisting (same as in staticfile) (#1687)
    * fixed mod_secdownload problem with unsigned time_t (#1688)
    * handle EAGAIN and EINTR for freebsd sendfile (#1675)
    * Use filedescriptor 0 for mod_scgi spawn socket, redirect STDERR to /dev/null (#1716)
    * fixed round-robin balancing in mod_proxy (#1715)
    * fixed EINTR handling for waitpid in mod_fastcgi
    * mod_{fast,s}cgi: overwrite environment variables (#1722)
    * inserted many con->mode checks; they should prevent two modules to handle the same request if they shouldn’t (#631)
    * fixed url encoding to encode more characters (#266)
    * allow digits in [s]cgi env vars (#1712)
    * fixed dropping last character of evhost pattern (#161)
    * print helpful error message on conditionals in global block (#1550)
    * decode url before matching in mod_rewrite (#1720)
    * fixed conditional patching of ldap filter (#1564)
    * Match headers case insensitive in response (removing of X-{Sendfile,LIGHTTPD-*}, catching Date/Server)
    * fixed bug with case-insensitive filenames in mod_userdir (#1589), spotted by “anders1”
    * fixed format string bugs in mod_accesslog for SYSLOG
    * replaced fprintf with log_error_write in fastcgi debug
    * fixed mem leak in ssi expression parser (#1753), thx Take5k
    * hide some ssl errors per default, enable them with debug.log-ssl-noise (#397)
    * do not send content-encoding for 304 (#1754), thx yzlai
    * fix segfault for stat_cache(fam) calls with relative path (without ’/’, can be triggered by x-sendfile) (#1750)
    * fix splitting of auth-ldap filter
    * workaround ldap connection leak if a ldap connection failed (restarting ldap)
    * fix auth.backend.ldap.bind-dn/pw problems (only read from global context for temporary ldap reconnects, thx ruskie)
    * fix memleak in request header parsing (#1774, thx qhy)
    * fix mod_rewrite memleak/endless loop detection (#1775, thx phy – again!)
    * use decoded url for matching in mod_redirect (#1720)
评论 共 3 条 请登录后发表评论
3 楼 jackiezy 2008-10-01 23:16
2 楼 qubic 2008-10-01 00:26
1 楼 weiqingfei 2008-09-30 14:13




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