Four cool IBM的ruby教程, 有的教程放在ibm dev上凉的太久了
Four cool libraries for Ruby http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/edu/os-dw-os-ruby3-i.html :wink: [size=24]1.[/size][b]测试优先 Ruby 编程[/b] ...
Scott Hanselman的2006 Windows最终开发者和高级用户工具列表
Discover more cool tools and programmings tips on my weekly Podcast with Carl Franklin. Hanselminutes (FEED/Archives) - "Guaranteed not to waste your time. Free free to listen in double speed and ...
如果在服务器硬件投入上有困难,那就尽量生成静态页面。 作 者: BBSADM 标 题: 目前的web系统架构 时 间: Fri Apr 6 20:15:56 2007 点 击: 100 ------ nginx --------- | | | Squid fastcgi proxy | ...
Spring Boot启动参考指南(官方版)
本文件的副本可供你自己使用及分发给他人,但你无须就该等副本收取任何费用,而每一份副本均须载有本版权公告,不论是以印刷形式或以电子方式分发。 目录 第一部分.Spring启动文档 1.关于文件 2.寻求...
Representational State Transfer - REST Tutorial
11 Jun 2008 | SearchSOA.com<br /><br />This SearchSOA.com learning guide will delve into the basics of representational state transfer (REST), its progress in various app dev tooling platforms and its...
Why C++ Is Not “Back”
Ok look, I know you think Windows 8 is cool and all the cool kids are learning C++ to write their Windows 8 applications, but you should know what is in the Kool-aid before you drink it. Writing ...
english words
['sɜːkəmstənsɪz] ['sɜːkəmstənsɪz] 1) Under no circumstances should you deploy any locally built packages to the dev server Zara had 60 stores in china as of oct. 31 . 2) Logback 's ...
Scott Hanselman的终极工具列表(2006年版)
Discover more cool tools and programmings tips on my weekly Podcast with Carl Franklin. Hanselminutes ( FEED / Archives ) - "Guaranteed not to waste your time. Free free to listen in double speed...
[存档]Martin Fowler在UMLChina交流实录
Martin Fowler目前著有4本书籍: Analysis Patterns : Reusable Object Models UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code Pla
Perl Underground 5
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UMLChina: 1月23日与Martin Fowler交流实录 (转)
Martin Fowler著有4本经典书籍: Analysis Patterns : Reusable object Models UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code Planning ...
UMLChina: 1月23日与Martin Fowler交流实录
UMLChina第十四期专家交流实录返回首页 返回目录 北京时间2002年1月23日(星期三)上午9:30-11:30 嘉宾:Martin Fowler。Martin Fowler在面向对象分析设计、UML、模式、软件开发方法学、XP、...Martin Fowler著有4本
IBM Transactional Data Format (Advanced Function Print) (AS400 computer) .AFS Filter Factory Photoshop Filter [Added] Sega Dreamcast Compressed Audio .AFT Flowchart Template AnyForm ...
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Tech Stuff - Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings
We started these pages with four strings because we had never seen a comprehensive list anywhere. Nominally RFC 1945 and RFC 2068 define them ( get RFCs ) but only as an afterthought (the RFCs define ...
无需编写任何代码即可创建应用程序:Deepseek-R1 和 RooCode AI 编码代理.pdf
Heric拓扑并网离网仿真模型:PR单环控制,SogIPLL锁相环及LCL滤波器共模电流抑制技术解析,基于Heric拓扑的离网并网仿真模型研究与应用分析:PR单环控制与Sogipll锁相环的共模电流抑制效能,#Heric拓扑并离网仿真模型(plecs) 逆变器拓扑为:heric拓扑。 仿真说明: 1.离网时支持非单位功率因数负载。 2.并网时支持功率因数调节。 3.具有共模电流抑制能力(共模电压稳定在Udc 2)。 此外,采用PR单环控制,具有sogipll锁相环,lcl滤波器。 注:(V0004) Plecs版本4.7.3及以上 ,Heric拓扑; 离网仿真; 并网仿真; 非单位功率因数负载; 功率因数调节; 共模电流抑制; 共模电压稳定; PR单环控制; sogipll锁相环; lcl滤波器; Plecs版本4.7.3及以上,Heric拓扑:离网并网仿真模型,支持非单位功率因数与共模电流抑制
培训机构客户管理系统 2024免费JAVA微信小程序毕设
2024免费微信小程序毕业设计成品,包括源码+数据库+往届论文资料,附带启动教程和安装包。 启动教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1BfB2YYEnS 讲解视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1BVKMeZEYr 技术栈:Uniapp+Vue.js+SpringBoot+MySQL。 开发工具:Idea+VSCode+微信开发者工具。
基于SMIC 40nm工艺库的先进芯片技术,SMIC 40nm工艺库技术细节揭秘:引领半导体产业新革命,smic40nm工艺库
,smic40nm; 工艺库; 芯片制造; 纳米技术,SMIC 40nm
基于SMIC 40nm工艺库的先进芯片技术,SMIC 40nm工艺库技术细节揭秘:引领半导体产业新革命,smic40nm工艺库 ,smic40nm; 工艺库; 芯片制造; 纳米技术,SMIC 40nm工艺库:领先技术驱动的集成电路设计基础