


原创新闻 41个超炫的Photoshop处理效果以及教程

2008-07-11 14:43 by 副主编 QQbyte 评论(4) 有7678人浏览





  1. Mental Wave Explosion Effect

    How to create a crazy explosion, like a mix of Magneto’s ability with Peter Petrelli’s power.

  2. Realistic Water Reflection

    How to easily add a realistic water reflection to any photo.

  3. Displacement effects

    How to use a variety of filters and techniques to produce an image in an experimental style.

  4. Make Photos More Suggestive

    Learn how to make the model in this tutorial more suggestive with awesome curves

  5. Halftone Dots and Linear Light

    A very cool linear light halftone dot effect in less than 2 minutes.

  6. Retro Comic Book Effect

    Creating a old comic book effect for your photos.

  7. Add Realistic Rainbow To A Photo

    Easily add a rainbow, even a double rainbow, to a photo.

  8. How To Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo Photography

    Take a digital photo and make it Lomoified

  9. Creating a Rocking Silhouette

    How to create a silhouette of a person taken from a normal photo, adding colorful light to it as if the light source is located behind this object.

  10. Adding Reflections To Sunglasses

    How to add reflections, or at least, different reflections, to sunglasses.

  11. Age Progression

    Go about aging a woman’s face in Photoshop.

  12. Alien Invasion

  13. Dark Art Picture Style

    How to combine some stocks and Photoshop techniques to make an amazing dark art picture style.

  14. Bringing a Stone Statue to Life

    How to take a stone statue and alter it to look life-like.

  15. Changing Hair Color

  16. Photo Edit Color Effects

  17. Add Another Dimension

    Create stunning effects using glows.

  18. Crack and Peel

  19. Cool Halftone Effect

    How to create halftone patterns and creatively cut up an image of a model holding a boombox.

  20. Creating Energy Spheres

  21. Devil’s Eyes

    How to make eyes look more sinister

  22. Dynamic Lightning

    How to spice up a fairly dull and flat photograph.

  23. Eery-Eye Photo Manipulation

  24. Expressive lighting effects

    How to go about combining several lighting techniques

  25. Fantasy Art

  26. Fiery Photoshop Space Explosion

    Creating a spectacular space scene featuring two planets colliding.

  27. Color Hair Locks

    Getting the hair colored in just few minutes.

  28. Beautiful Lady Effect

  29. How to turn your photo into movie-like effect

  30. Mosaic, Fill A Photo With Photos

    Create a bit of an optical illusion, filling one photo with many smaller photos, or at least, many copies of a couple of smaller photos.

  31. Photoshop Effects: Focus With Light

    How to add focus to an image with light, using Photoshop’s Lighting Effects filter and multiple light sources.

  32. Zombie

    Turning Mandy Moore or anyone into zombie.

  33. Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects

    Put together a sunset image mixing some vector shapes and dusky lighting effects to produce a slick image that would make a nice album cover for a chillout mix!

  34. Transform a person into an alien

    How to create a very cool looking alien using Adobe Photoshop

  35. Seriously Cool Photoshop Explosion Effect

    How to break apart a body, then add some awesome lighting and glow, and nopattern style, to finish the image off.

  36. Reflective Bubble

  37. How to Make Circle Pixels (Pop-art Style)

  38. Easy Watercolor Painting Effect

    How to easily make a photo look more like a watercolor painting.

  39. Watercolor Effect

  40. Realistic Tattoos

    This tutorial uses a few basic photoshop techniques, masking, colour adjustment, liquify and the resize and transformation tools.

  41. Robotic Frog

    How to take a regular frog and opened him up to reveal a mechanical skeleton.

来自: hongkiat.com
评论 共 4 条 请登录后发表评论
4 楼 iaimstar 2009-11-13 16:30
3 楼 hellas 2008-07-14 12:41
2 楼 AllenZhang 2008-07-14 09:14
1 楼 hejianhuacn 2008-07-12 10:37
不错 可惜对色彩搭配不是特别有感觉 不然真要去学学




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