


原创新闻 推荐:IT自由职业者完整资源

2008-07-02 13:01 by 副主编 QQbyte 评论(9) 有16152人浏览

Job Boards

A whole bunch of places to find jobs

  1. 37signals Job Board - Mostly full-time design and programming jobs
  2. Authentic Jobs - Full time and freelance job board for standards aware designers and developers
  3. Coroflot Job Board - Designer job board
  4. WebProJobs - Freelance and full-time jobs for designers, developers, copywriters and marketers
  5. Jobpile - Aggregates the best job boards on the web
  6. Krop - Creative and tech jobs
  7. FWjobs - Web jobs board
  8. SlashDot - Jobs for IT professionals
  9. CSS Beauty Job Board -  Job board for web designers
  10. MinistryCamp Job Board - Job board for Christian designers and programmers
  11. Guru - Freelancer listing service with job board
  12. Elance - List yourself for freelance jobs


These are tools to help you time and track your work. Some of them plug
into invoicing programs and some even come with them built in:

  1. SlimTimer - A Start/Stop little timer that tracks jobs on a main web interface
  2. Tick - Timetracking application focused on keeping track of your budgets
  3. Time Assistant -  Professional timesheet software
  4. Harvest -  Simple and efficient time tracking
  5. FourteenDayz - Online time tracking for teams 
  6. PunchyTime - A simple time tracking tool for creatives
  7. TimePost - Timer that plugs into Harvest, Basecamp and Tick
  8. FunctionFox - Timing for creatives (subscription pricing)


When you don’t invoice, you don’t get paid, so it literally pays to stay on top of your billing.  Here are some tools to help:

    Billing Orchard - Electronic billing and invoicing software, starting at $14.95 per month

  1. Billable - Service and invoice tracking
  2. SimplyBill - Easy to use invoicing software
  3. Blinksale - More easy to use invoicing software
  4. Quickbooks -  Small business financial software
  5. Side Job Track - Free web-based job tracking, invoicing, reporting and project management for the part-time independent contractor
  6. Freshbooks - Tracks time, sends invoices by email or U.S. mail, and generally makes invoicing easier
  7. InvoicePlace - Easy Invoicing and Quotes From Anywhere
  8. LessAccounting - Is your job title Accounting? Probably not. Do less accounting!
  9. MS Office Accounting Express (Free) - Free Microsoft Accounting

Project Management and Organization

These resources will help you stay organised and manage those projects and clients

  1. Proposal Kit - Proposal and contract management tools
  2. Ta-Da Lists - a simple (free!) to-do list application that can be shared with the world

  3. Backpack -
    Service that integrates to-do lists, notes, files, images, and a
    calendar with reminders that can be sent to your email or cell
  4. Writeboard - Sharable, web-based text documents that save edits, so you can collaborate, roll back and compare
  5. ConceptShare - Share designs and get feedback with visual annotation tools
  6. Wridea - Free tool for writers focusing on idea generation
  7. GoPlan - Note-taking, calendaring, task management, issue tracking, file management and online real-time chat
  8. Toodledo - Another web based to-do list
  9. ActiveCollab - Open source collaboration and project management tool
  10. MonkeyOn - Your to-do list for things that you want other people to do
  11. Remember The Milk - Another To-Do List manager

Stock Libraries

Templates, Photos, Flash files all to help make you look good

  1. FlashDen - A resource selling stock Flash, audio, video and fonts for as little as 50 cents
  2. Dreamstime - Royalty free stock photography for $1 - $2
  3. Getty Images - When price is no object and quality is essential
  4. Istockphoto - Royalty free stock photography, videos, and illustrations for $1 - $50
  5. Veer -   Rights managed and royalty free photography, illutration, type, and motion
  6. Stock.xchng - Completely Free stock photography
  7. Ice Templates - Website templates in Flash and HTML
  8. Template Monster -  The biggest website template company on the web!
  9. MyFonts - All the fonts you could ever want and a very handy font identification tool as well.
  10. IconBuffet - Icons, more icons and even more icons
  11. VectorVault - Vector illustration sets

Business Tools

Resources to help with the business of freelancing…

    HighRise - Track communication and conversations with leads, employees, clients, colleagues, vendors

  1. Campfire - Real-time group chat and file sharing
  2. Central Desktop - Shared workspaces and web conferencing
  3. Relenta -  Manage your email, contacts, documents and activities
  4. Google Apps - Communication and collaboration tools from Google
  5. Zoho - Free office tools
  6. Campaign Monitor - Email newsletter software
  7. MailBuild - More newsletter software
  8. Breeze -  Email campaign and newsletter software
  9. Business-Paper - Easy business cards
  10. GoToMeeting - Easy online meetings
  11. Wufoo - Make forms to survey your clients
  12. AIGA Spec Letter - Sample letter to communicate with clients who want spec work or free pitching
  13. CPA Directory - Find an accountant (in the US)
  14. SBA - Small Business Administration, help and advice
  15. Paypal - Online payment system
  16. Moneybookers -  Online payment system
  17. Escrow - Online payment system that protects the buyer and seller, useful for those bigger jobs with anonymous clients.
  18. Resources for the Design Entrepeneur - Free sample forms and agreements
  19. Work - How-to guides to running a small business
  20. XE - Quick and easy currency converter for all your international transactions…
  21. Trendwatching -  Consumer trends and insights resource
  22. FaxZero - US & Canada - Send Faxes for Free


Because you have to protect yourself and your work…

  1. My New Company - Legal and general start-up information
  2. Designers Toolbox -  Free legal forms for graphic designers
  3. Copyright - Everything you need to know about US copyright
  4. AIGA Form of Agreement - Standard form of agreement for design services trmplate
  5. HelpMeWork - US - Services to help you focus on what you know best
  6. CreativeCommons - For licensing…just about anything

Web Tools

Tools to get your Web Presence Up and running…

  1. Squarespace - Very nice publishing system for websites and blogs
  2. Rackspace - dedicated hosting and customer service that is second to none
  3. Mosso - Advanced hosting at a reasonable price
  4. MyDomain - Domains for $8.50 per year 
  5. Media Temple - Easy to set up and use hosting
  6. Light - Content management for designers and ad agencies
  7. SiteKreator - Instant websites - just add your content
  8. StrongSpace - Back-up and store important files
  9. psd2html - Builds websites in html from Photoshop files
  10. xhtml iT - Website builds from design in 24 hours
  11. ExpressionEngine - A neat little CMS app
  12. Inblogit - A great free blogging tool for web designers
  13. PublicSquare - Easy Web Publishing
  14. WordPress - The best damn blogging tool around
  15. AgencyFusion - Outsourcable programmers
  16. XHTMLized - The original - you supply the design and they do the XHTML/CSS

Advertising and Marketing

A few ways to market and advertise yourself online…

  1. Text Link Ads - Text ads to sell your wares and improve your traffic ranking
  2. Review Me - Get your service or Web site reviewed by bloggers
  3. Adbrite - Text and banner ads on over 20,000 sites
  4. AdEngage -  Text and Photext ads (image and text ad combined)
  5. Adwords - Text ads on Google searches
  6. Professional On The Web - Get yourself Listed


All the many things we couldn’t fit anywhere else!

    Creative Public -
    Useful site for anyone starting a freelance graphic or web design
    career. A $49.95 fee buys unlimited access to forms, manuals, pricing
    guides, contracts etc
  1. You Send It - Send files up to 2GB online
  2. Jewelboxing -  superior packaging for short run CDs and DVDs
  3. eFax - Send and receive faxes by email
  4. PowerXChange - Extensions for a variety of creative software, including Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Dreamweaver
  5. Coroflot - A great resources for designers to showcase their portfolios, share work and network
  6. Cloudmark - Block spam on your PC
  7. SpamSieve - Block spam on your Mac 
  8. Dropsend - Email up to 1GB of files
  9. Media Fire - Send 100MB files online
  10. Box -  Store, share and access files online
  11. Icebrrg - Simple web forms
  12. Formsite - Web forms and surveys in minutes
  13. Lorem Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum generator for dummy copy
  14. Textmate - The essential programmers text editor for Macs
  15. ETextEditor - Like Textmate but for Windows 
  16. Kuler - Colour scheme picker
  17. Pixie - A useful little colour picker
  18. ColourSchemer - A bunch of colour tools
  19. Jungle Disk - Online storage for 15 cents a gigabyte
  20. AskCharity - free online contacts for journalists
  21. TechInline - Remote Desktop Software
  22. Protolize - Web Resource Directory

评论 共 9 条 请登录后发表评论
9 楼 jasontrend 2009-01-16 23:11

8 楼 keypoints 2008-08-04 23:36
7 楼 lg_techie 2008-07-03 22:57
6 楼 freepig 2008-07-03 11:47
基本不适用 要国内的还差不多
5 楼 bingowill 2008-07-03 11:35
4 楼 天才阿昭 2008-07-03 09:26
3 楼 springhill 2008-07-02 20:21
2 楼 anhaoy 2008-07-02 17:49
1 楼 saharabear 2008-07-02 15:29




  • SQL LIKE语句多条件贪婪匹配算法

    在CMS开发中,经常会有类似这样的需求:   提问——回答模式,经典的例子是百度提问。   提问者提出问题,由其他人回答,其他人可以是用户,也可以是服务商。   在这个模式中,如何充分利用历史数据是关键的技术。很多时候,由于客户不擅长使用搜索功能,一上来提问,而这些问题往往早已经有近乎完美的答案,但没有充分利用。这样一来,不仅加大了劳动量,又增加了数据冗余。   如果在提问的时候能充分调动历史数据,提交问题之前先看看历史问题能不能解决客户疑问,解决了,好不过,解决不了,再提交。百度提问是采用的这种方案:   模式固然好,可怎么实现有些困难了,毕竟这是百度作为搜索引擎的

  • Like查找其值包含字符串的行

    SQL Server LIKE 运算符的语法: pattern 模式是要在列或表达式中搜索的字符序列。它可以包含以下有效通配符: 通配符百分比( % ):任何零个或多个字符的字符串。 下划线( _ )通配符:任何单个字符。 [list of characters] 通配符:指定集合中的任何单个字符。 [character-character] :指定范围内的任何单个字符。 [^] :不在列表或范围内的任何单个字符。 通配符使 LIKE 运算符比等于( = )和不等于( != )字符串比较运算符更灵活。 转

  • KMP匹配算法


  • 关于SQL查询语句中的LIKE模糊查询的解释

    在SQL语言中,LIKE语句有时候有着强大的作用。LIKE语句的语法格式为:select * from 表名 where 字段名 like 对应值(字符串);注:主要是针对字符型字段的,它的作用是在一个字符型字段列中检索包含对应字符串的。下面列举常用的几种标识含义;A:% 表示零个或多个字符的任意字符串:     1. LIKE'Mi%' 将搜索以字母 Mi开头的所有字符串(如 Michael)。...

  • MySQL中LIKE运算符的底层逻辑解析及示例演示


  • mysql like 匹配算法_MySQL模糊匹配查询like、regexp、in

    MySQL提供标准的SQL模式匹配,以及一种基于像Unix实用程序,如:vi、grep和sed的扩展正则表达式模式匹配的格式一、SQL模式(% ,_)SQL的模式匹配允许你使用“_”匹配任何单个字符,而“%”匹配任意数目字符(包括零个字符)。在MySQL中,SQL的模式缺省是忽略大小写的。注意:在你使用SQL模式时,你不能使用=或!=;而使用LIKE或NOT LIKE比较操作符。语法:SELECT...

  • 数据库学习 - like(模糊查询)

    模糊查询问题 比如查询姓张的同学,查询张某某等这类型问题,在select语句中通过查询条件中加入运算符like来表示; 含有like运算符的表达式 列名 [not] like “字符串”(“[]”表示其中内容可省略) 找出匹配给定字符串的字符串,其中给定的字符串中可以出现%,_等匹配符。 匹配规则: “%”匹配0个或多个字符 “_”匹配任意单个字符 “\”转义字符,用于去掉一些特殊

  • SQL Server中的LIKE【转】

    LIKE转自http://blog.csdn.net/wei0527/article/details/4086131 确定给定的字符串是否与指定的模式匹配。模式可以包含常规字符和通配符字符。模式匹配过程中,常规字符必须与字符串中指定的字符完全匹配。然而,可使用字符串的任意片段匹配通配符。与使用 = 和 != 字符串比较运算符相比,使用通配符可使 LIKE 运算符更加灵活。如果任何参数都不属于字...

  • mysql like 匹配算法_老生常谈:MYSQL模式匹配 REGEXP和like的用法


  • 正确认识SQL Server中的模糊查询LIKE

    SQL Server中的模糊查询LIKE LIKE语句的匹配格式及正确使用 参考资料SQL Server中的模糊查询LIKE在SQL Server中,当我们想实现模糊查询时,可能我们首先想到的是使用LIKE语句,其次是使用全文搜索(即Full-Text Search),如下所示是通过LIKE语句对表Person.EmailAddress中的EmailAddress字段进行模糊查询:--使

  • SQL 模糊查询(like)

    在进行数据库查询时,有完整查询和模糊查询之分。 SQL模糊查询,使用like比较字,加上SQL里的通配符,请参考以下: 1、LIKE'Mc%' 将搜索以字母 Mc 开头的所有字符串(如 McBadden)。 2、LIKE'%inger' 将搜索以字母 inger 结尾的所有字符串(如 Ringer、Stringer)。 3、LIKE'%en%' 将搜索在任何位置包含字母...

  • SQL Server中检索语句中Like的算法实现 (转)

    SQL Server中检索语句中Like的算法实现 (转)[@more@]本文主要对字串匹配Like的算法实现,在sql SERVER中Like的匹配中主要有表现为对两个通配符的处理,分别为“_”代表一个字符,“%”代表任意个字...

  • SQL 速度比like鱼句快的另一种实现方法

    SQL like子句的另一种实现方法,速度比like快(转) 一般来说使用模糊查询,大家都会想到LIKE  select * from table where a like ’%字符%’  如果一个SQL语句中用多个 like模糊查询,并且记录条数很大,那速度一定会很慢。  下面两种方法也可实现模糊查询:  select * from table where patindex(

  • sql的like怎么使用索引?

    转自:http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=6r3FAC798sKfAD4fJ5k7lD1XQBC3IYvH-pabXUMJy0nmM_ZSzTcSR-s3M58EjJoIw8oaOC-rUSD-DIIMnZKzZAJWIhjTYobEejwu0_o526e like 要是使用索引 就必须这样写 like ‘a%’ 或者 ‘%a’,两边都加上是不会触发索引的。

  • Haar-like算法原理解析


  • sqlServer创建全文检索,解决内容like ‘%value%’ 查询慢的问题,等索引,和数据量大的情况查询总行数

    use kspolice; --检查数据库是否支持全文检索 if(select databaseproperty('kspolice','isfulltextenabled'))=0 execute sp_fulltext_database 'enable' --创建全文检索目录 execute sp_fulltext_catalog 'FT_kspolice','create' ...

  • MySQL LIKE – 语法和用法示例教程

    所以对于上面的例子,我们可以使用 '%IT' 或 '%It' 而不是 '%it',输出仍然保持不变。在上面的两个示例中,您可以看到我们使用转义字符来提及 % 和 _ 字符 - 即,为了匹配 % 字符本身,我们在 % 符号之前使用了转义字符 - 即像 '\%'假设您要匹配具有 '%' 字符的列值,您可以将模式匹配写为 – LIKE '%\%%' (注意中间百分比 (%) 字符之前的额外反斜杠。我们还讨论了支持的通配符,即 _ 和 %,以及如果它们需要成为要搜索/匹配的字符串的一部分,它们如何被转义。...


    Oracle拼接字符串concat需要注意的小事项 在用ssm框架编写代码的时候,因为数据库换成了Oracle,在模糊查询数据的时候突然发现报错了 select * from SYS_MENU where url like concat('%',#{roleName},'%') 一直报错参数个数无效,在网上查找资料发现模糊查询的sql语句还是concat('%','s','%')这样写的 ...

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