


原创新闻 Apache Wicket 6.2 发布

2012-10-24 10:39 by 正式编辑 hantsy 评论(3) 有4498人浏览
Apache Wicket 6.2.0 发布!6.2 是 6.0 的后续开发版本, API 与 6.0 完全兼容。


SerializableChecker 更易扩展, 更容易在系列化时添加自己的检测规则。

Maven 中使用

更新Wicket 依赖版本。




参考 http://s.apache.org/wicket-6.0-migration


** Sub-task

    * [WICKET-4752] - Revert Wicket-4715 -Read multipart request params in WebApplication

** Bug

    * [WICKET-4587] - URLRenderer renderFullUrl
    * [WICKET-4589] - Closing  tag is incorrectly setup as autocomponent
    * [WICKET-4756] - AtmosphereWebRequest should return true on calls to #isAjax()
    * [WICKET-4759] - FilterForm/FilterToolbar don't work when there's more than one IColumn to be filtered
    * [WICKET-4769] - Clicking on Label of Radio doesn't update component with Ajax update
    * [WICKET-4771] - Submitting value filled in DropDownChoice fails when tinymce textarea is on the page
    * [WICKET-4776] - Problems with switching between HTTP/HTTPS
    * [WICKET-4777] - JavaScriptReference escapes given URL
    * [WICKET-4786] - AjaxTabbedPanel doesn't include constructor with model
    * [WICKET-4787] - Registering resource bundles with duplicate resource references gives an NPE
    * [WICKET-4788] - FilteringHeaderResponse does not unwrap PriorityHeaderItems for filtering
    * [WICKET-4789] - URL rendering regression
    * [WICKET-4791] - UploadProgressBar hides immediately after being shown.
    * [WICKET-4792] - wickettester#startcomponent(component) doesn't call oninitialize
    * [WICKET-4794] - RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator error message not defined
    * [WICKET-4796] - DatePickerTest fails because of java inconsistensy on localizing March german shortname Mrz vs Mär
    * [WICKET-4797] - CheckBoxMultipleChoice loses state
    * [WICKET-4801] - BaseWicketTester.executeAjaxEvent only fires one of multiple behaviors bound to a given event
    * [WICKET-4806] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel won't close select onblur
    * [WICKET-4810] - CLONE - BaseWicketTester.clickLink() does not work with a ResourceLink with ResourceReference
    * [WICKET-4816] - Handling of semicolons in form action URLs
    * [WICKET-4818] - NullPointerException while reading the POST parameters
    * [WICKET-4820] - Race condition in ResourceSettings: getResourceWatcher() is not thread safe
    * [WICKET-4822] - Wicket.Event.add requires Wicket.$, but wicket-ajax-jquery is not listed as a dependency
    * [WICKET-4824] - Redirect to HTTPS is using wrong port 80 if HttpsConfig with default ports 80/443 is used

** Improvement

    * [WICKET-4160] - Make AbstractAutoCompleteRenderer.renderHeader() and .renderFooter() non-final
    * [WICKET-4772] - DataTable API and handling of AbstractToolbar
    * [WICKET-4778] - Add factory methods to JavaScriptHeaderItem to create a deferred JavaScript header item.
    * [WICKET-4798] - Make IteratorFilter.onFilter protected
    * [WICKET-4804] - Add #setStatus(int) in AbstractResource.ResourceResponse
    * [WICKET-4808] - WebClientInfo.getRemoteAddr() handling &quot;Forwarded-For&quot; value tokens not being ip addresses
    * [WICKET-4812] - Make SerializationChecker easier for extending so custom checks can be added to it

** New Feature

    * [WICKET-4793] - Support Jetty 9.x websocket implementation
    * [WICKET-4802] - Add functionality to be able to export DataTable content
    * [WICKET-4815] - Interface to mark components with type safe models
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3 楼 jnoee 2012-10-25 09:01
2 楼 tou3921 2012-10-24 21:15
1 楼 tou3921 2012-10-24 21:15




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