windows悬浮按钮_如何在Windows 8中没有开始按钮的情况下生活
windows悬浮按钮The Windows 8 desktop looks just like Windows 7, with one exception — no Start button. Losing the Start button isn’t the end of the world — Windows 8 exposes all the familiar options...
使用Linux修复Windows PC的10种最聪明的方法
You might not be ready to accept Linux as your desktop yet, but you can still use it to save your Windows PC—whether you need to reset passwords, recover deleted files, or scan for viruses, here’s ...
如何修复Windows 10中最烦人的东西
Windows 10 is great, but it has its issues, from unpredictable reboots to Cortana. Here’s how to fix some of the more irritating quirks with Microsoft’s latest ... Windows 10很棒,但是有它的问题,从...
使用Windows Live Movie Maker将105个演出的数字视频变成一小时的婚礼DVD
在Windows Live Movie Maker中编辑 (Editing in Windows Live Movie Maker) As I recall around the Windows XP times Windows Movie Maker wasn't very good, but I thought I'd give it a try, because it's free...
1、首先用LiveCD进入ubuntu2、打开终端,,输入:fdisk -l 查看自己linux的分区情况,我的分了4个区,swap,boot,/,home,对应的分别是:/dev/sda9 swap/dev/sda10 boot/dev/sda11 //dev/sda12 home3、开始挂载,...
卸载服务 变成禁用_卸载,禁用或删除Windows 7 Media Center
卸载服务 变成禁用Although Windows 7 Media Center has improved a lot over previous versions of Windows, but you might want to disable it for different reasons. Here we take a look at a couple of ...
即使Windows DVD Maker不存在,如何在Windows 8上创建DVD-DVDStyler
它不在Windows 8中。 I was pretty bummed as I needed to make DVDs for the memorial event and I kind of needed them immediately. There's lots of different third party DVD creation software packages but...
20090613 - 批量操作 Windows Live Mail 邮件的办法
答案简单来说:利用 Windows Live Mail 客户端批量操作。 类似敏捷开发,给 Windows Live Mail 项目组写了个Story: -------------------- 一个痛苦的用户故事的分割线 ------------------------- 我是一个喜欢...
windows获取本地时间_如何在Windows 8中重新获得本地登录
By default a fresh Windows 8 installation prompts you to create a synchronized cloud-enabled login. While there are distinct perks to Microsoft’s live login system, sometimes you just wa...
Windows 11:对Delphi 、C++ Builder程序员开发人员的影响
这是微软新的辉煌流星,从云端向世界上粗心的人们发射自己……它将消灭恐龙。 你是科技恐龙之一吗? 新的 Windows 11“Hello”屏幕——与 Windows 10 没有太大区别 微软在 Windows 11 上绽放的美丽花朵让...
windows隐藏文件夹Got some files you don’t want other people to see? Or maybe they’re just cluttering up your Documents folder, and you want to hide them? Here are a few different ways to obscure ...
自定义Windows 10开始菜单的10种方法
Windows 10 finally brought back the Start menu, and it’s more customizable than ever. Here’s a quick rundown of all the different ways that you can make the Start menu your own. Windows 10终于带回...
Windows 8中无法使用Aero:6个仍可以使用的Aero功能
Many people think Aero is completely gone in Windows 8, but this isn’t true. Microsoft hasn’t helped matters by saying they’ve “moved beyond Aero” in several blog posts. However, hardware ...
Windows Live Writer Beta 2-DasBlog和自定义API
Windows Live Writer, Microsoft's Free Offline Blog Editor, is updated to Beta 2. It was getting pretty quiet there and I was thinking it had disappeared but they're back with a pile of good changes. S...
使用Windows Live Writer发布日志
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Windows live Writer 发布博文
第一次尝试使Windows Live Writer发布日志
转载:使用Windows Live Writer发布日志
注:上次介绍的 菊子曰http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_48aa915f0100gine.html可能知道的人很少,但是Windows Live Write可能知道的就比较多了,这儿列出了一些基本的使用方法和常用的插件。 原文网址:...
同步电机无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型及代码解析,PMSM永磁同步电机滑模观测器仿真模型研究,基于28035的典型HFI方案实现,详细解析参数实现过程与机理,工程实践与理论基础相结合的SOP代码应用,基于无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型的PMSM永磁同步电机同步控制技术:解析与代码实现,同步电机无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型+代码 PMSM永磁同步电机无传感器滑模观测器仿真模型(基于28035),典型的HFI方案; 代码为实际应用SOP代码,非一般玩票代码可比(非ti例程);解析说明详细描述了参数实现过程和实现机理,工程实践和理论基础结合。 ,核心关键词:同步电机;无传感HFI高频谐波注入模型;PMSM永磁同步电机;滑模观测器;仿真模型;28035;HFI方案;SOP代码;参数实现过程;实现机理;工程实践;理论基础。,基于HFI高频谐波注入的PMSM无传感器控制模型与SOP代码实现
3 楼 ad6543210 2012-05-30 13:08
2 楼 ba1du 2012-05-30 11:21
1 楼 geminiyellow 2012-05-30 11:06