软件工艺( 英文版 )
This book asks some tough questions. Is software engineering appropriate for projects of less than 100 developer-years? Is the specialization inherent in software engineering a good idea? Can software development even be expressed in engineering terms? It also asks some sensitive ones: Are less experienced developers paid too much, and should senior developers be paid more than almost anyone else in their organization? Should tools that are less than ten years old be used on long-term projects? And at its heart, this book asks the big question: How can we reorganize the process of building software so that it works? The book has some controversial answers: It suggests that we've lost sight of a simple truth—large methodologies and formal structures don't write software; people do. To fix a growing crisis in software development, we need to start by producing better developers. To do that, Pete looks back to a system that has worked well for hundreds of years—craftsmanship. Craftsmanship is far more than a tag for high-quality work. In the full meaning of the word, craftsmanship is a self-sustaining system in which masters arrange for the training of their replacements and where status is based purely on the work you've done. Apprentices, journeymen, and craftsman all work together as a team, learning from each other. Customers select these teams based on the team's reputation, and teams accept only work that they feel will enhance their reputation. Can this full system of craftsmanship work in our industry? Frankly, I don't know. Many entrenched interests will certainly oppose the idea. But I do know that being apprenticed to masters works. It worked for me. I was lucky enough to attend a great university, where I learned much theory (there was less theory back then). What really made the experience shine, however, was an apprenticeship that I served. One of the graduate students took me under his wing. He didn't explicitly teach me, but he showed me by example how a great programmer thinks. Working next to him month after month, I absorbed more practical knowledge about design, coding, and debugging than any course could impart. Later, I joined a start-up in London where I served a different sort of apprenticeship. My new boss showed me that software development was as about people as it was about technology. He helped me understand the business side of the equation and taught me how great development builds personal relationships from a base of technical strength. I “graduated” from these two very different apprenticeships a far, far better developer than I started out. Based on my personal experience, I'm a believer. Working with masters is the best way to learn a craft. This book offers more than ideas about training the next generation of developers. It is also about a philosophy. Craftsmanship stands for taking personal responsibility: for your work, for your personal development, and for your profession. It doesn't matter how you develop software. You could be working 9-to-5 in a CMM level 5 shop, or you could be pulling 100-hour, caffeine-drenched weeks developing the next cool first-person shooter. You could use RUP, XP, or SCRUM—or no process at all. Whatever the structure of your work, the real value in software development is added when skilled developers write high-quality, appropriate code, delivering what the customer needs. Methodologies don't produce these skilled developers. Honoring and practicing craftsmanship, along with the other ideas in this book, just might. You'll do yourself and your career a favor if you spend some time with Pete McBreen's tough questions. David Thomas The Pragmatic Programmers
版权声明软件工艺Authorized translation from the English language edition, entitled Software Craftsmanship: The New Imperative, 0201733862 by Pete McBreen, published by Pearson Educat...
第一次读到这样另类的书,刚开始读这本书的时候感觉笔者是一个非常讨厌使用软件工程的方法来开发软件的人。这种给我的感觉一直贯穿到我读完整本书,这本书是我用一个晚上的时间一口气读完的,理解上可能只限于表层,但就针对这表层的一点理解下面我来谈一下我的认识。 软件工艺这本书的笔者一直强调一个问题,那就是工匠在一个项目中的地位。工匠这个词听起来是一个很老的词了,在过去其他行业当中工匠是一
[笔记] 软件工程 VS 软件工艺 -- 《软件工艺》读后
花了俩个晚上一口气读完了《软件工艺》,应该是即《程序员修炼之道》后再让我喝彩的非技术类计算机书籍了,虽然看得是囫囵吞枣,却也酣畅淋漓,解决了我心中的疑惑。软件工程强调的是软件开发的过程,软件工艺则强调软件开发中工匠的重要性,换句话来说,软件工程强调的是管理,软件工艺强调的是人。 软件工程将软件开发严格的划分需求、概要、详设、开发、终结几个阶段,各阶段有各自的负责人,通过详尽的文...
近来"软件工程"与"软件工艺"是非曲直之争颇为激烈,"软件工程"支持者大骂"软件工艺"离经背道,"软件工艺"支持者口口声声要放弃"软件工程"。自《Software Craftsmanship》的中译本《软件工艺》出版后,在国内软件界也掀起了一阵涟漪。本文阐述本人的一家之见,希望有助于平息不必要之争论。 计算机界的泰山北斗Fred Brooks在其1986年的著名论文《No S
(《软件工艺》一书即将由人民邮电出版社出版,详情参见http://www.china-pub.com/computers/subject/huodong/ry12.23/tyzt.htm。本文是作者Pete McBreen专门为中译本所作的序言。)中译本序看见“软件工艺”的思想在全世界得到日益广泛的认同,我欣喜若狂。这本《软件工艺》,是为软件开发的工艺学送上的赞歌。在过去的30年中,很多人试图
探索软件工艺学:掌握科研软件技能的利器 去发现同类优质开源项目:https://gitcode.com/ 欢迎来到软件工艺学(Software Carpentry)——一个致力于提升全球各领域研究人员软件开发和协作技巧的志愿者讲师社区。这个开源项目不仅提供了丰富的教学资源,更是一个连接和导航社区GitHub上众多仓库和课程的元仓库。 什么是软件工艺学? 软件工艺学是一个教育性的社区,我们的目标是...
该书相关信息:《软件工艺》,Pete McBreen(著),熊节(译),人邮出版,2004年 软件工程的关键问题就在于:“它使我们忘记了是人开发软件”。 确定过程,验证过程。 所有的软件需求都来自于人,需求的获取无法自动完成,开发者必须和用户沟通才能了解用户的真正需求。 彼此学习是软件开发中非常重要的一个部分。 而对于如今的很多项目来说设计和实现都已经不再是难题
(《软件工艺》一书即将由人民邮电出版社出版,详情参见http://www.china-pub.com/computers/subject/huodong/ry12.23/tyzt.htm。本文是Pragmatic Programmer一书的作者David Thomas为该书所作的序言。)序言本书提出了一些相当棘手的问题。对于工作量少于100人年的项目,软件工程仍然适用吗?软件工程与生俱
Software Craftsmanship: The New ImperativePete McBreen Publisher: Addison Wesley
普遍来说,中国人缺乏匠人的气质。“匠人”这个词在中国几乎是一个贬义词。例如说:“xx不过只是一个匠人”。但是其实国内的软件行业正是缺乏一大批对于自己的工作精益求精的软件工匠,这才是国内软件行业的主要问题所在。相比之下,日本人是一个非常有匠人气质的民族。手艺精湛的匠人自古以来在日本都受到普遍的尊重。在这个方面,我们需要向日本人学习的地方有很多。自 从Pete McBreen所著的Software C
软件工艺这本书所提出的东西确实如译者所形容的那样----颠覆性的。初看很多观点都难以接受,但是接着看下去就又不得不对他的阐述点头,直呼“有道理啊”。下面是书中摘出来的一些观点:1。学徒(也就是刚毕业进公司的人)应该从内部使用的工具(框架?)的维护和升级开始。 ----我所见过的都是公司技术高手做这些框架,初来的人可能源码都拿不到,因为商业秘密。2。软件工艺拒绝精细的分工,软件工程对软件开发
今天为了这本书去书店逛逛,不巧我最熟的电子科技书店今天盘成,晕,一年一次的这个机会都能被我碰上,不知是庆幸还是不幸? 还好,可以去七环,直接问到了没有,小姐说是不知,用机器查询,小姐对工艺这两个字颇感生疏,专门卖计算机图书的,对“走查”都要比“工艺”耳熟能详一些。 有货,自然取了一本,本来我在电子书店是资深客户可以打七折,在这也就只有八折的份了,不过这本书不贵,一折?who care? 书的版式不...
近日,在下忙中拾闲翻开了《软件工艺》一书。不禁被作者之思绪带着随风轻舞!不禁上线涂鸦,将偶之心得凝结于此,与君同享。 (注:由于在下近日忙得不知北,只好有一点来一点,慢慢修正了,看官见谅) 一、从《软件工艺》中得到的 1.《软件工艺》的核心是什么? 人也!任何系统均包括“人、过程、方法 or 工具”三元素! 笔者认为在软件开发过程中,其输入为“人的思想”,人的重要理所
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