


原创新闻 Oracle 发布 VirtualBox 4.0.2 版本

2011-01-19 09:57 by 正式编辑 free_free_free 评论(0) 有4173人浏览

VirtualBox是Oracle旗下一款开源,跨平台虚拟机软件,可以在Linux/Mac 和 Windows 系统中运行并可以在里面安装 Windows(NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4 和 2.6)、OpenBSD等操作系统。

今天,VirtualBox版发布了 4.0.2 版本,这是是4.0版本的维护版,该版本提高了稳定性、修复了bug。 详细的更新改进信息如下:

     * GUI: don't crash if a removable host drive referenced from the VM settings vanished
    * GUI: fixed a crash when using the KDE4 Oxygen theme and clicked on the settings button (4.0 regression; bug #7875)
    * GUI: properly warn if the machine folder cannot be created (bug #8031)
    * GUI: several fixes for multimonitor X11 guests
    * ExtPack: don’t make the installer helper application suid root (Linux .deb/.rpm packages only)
    * ExtPack: improved user experience on Vista / Windows 7 when installing an extension pack
    * ExtPack: fixed issue with non-ascii characters in the path name during installing an extension pack (bug #7917)
    * ExtPack: fixed SELinux issues on 32-bit Linux hosts
    * VBoxManage: Host-only interface creation and removal is now supported for all platforms except Solaris (bug #7741)
    * VBoxManage: fixed segmentation fault when removing non-existent host-only interface
    * Storage: fixed possible crashes with VMDK/VHD images with snapshots and async I/O (4.0 regression)
    * Storage: don’t eject the physical medium if a DVD/CDROM/floppy drive is detached from a VM (bug #5825)
    * Storage: be more robust when a faulty guest sends ATA commands to an ATAPI device (bug #6597)
    * Parallels: fixed deletion of the image during suspend, pause or power off (4.0 regression)
    * Bridged networking: fixed host kernel panic when bridging to devices with no TX queue (4.0 regression; Linux hosts only; bug #7908)
    * NAT: port-forwarding rule registration respects protocol parameter (bug #8094)
    * E1000: fixed PXE boot issues with WDS (bug #6330)
    * Virtio-net: fixed the issue with TX performance in some Linux guests
    * ICH9: fixed VM crash (software virtualization only; bug #7885)
    * VGA: fixed VESA screen issue (4.0 regression; bug #7986)
    * Shared Folders: fixed parameter parsing when creating symbolic links, fixes 32-bit/64-bit bitness issue (bug #818)
    * Main: fixed crash under rare circumstances due to an invalid logging string (4.0 regression)
    * Main: improve error information propagation for errors preventing a VM start
    * Main: fixed problems with snapshots and non-ASCII characters in machine paths (bug #8024)
    * Webservice: now listens to localhost by default as documented (bug #6067)
    * Settings: do not fail loading machine settings if removeable drive attachment (host drive or image) cannot be found; with 4.0 this is much more likely when machines are moved from one host to another
    * Settings: fixed issue that changing a snapshot name or description was not saved to machine XML
    * OVF/OVA: fixed import of files created by other OVF tools (bug #7983)
    * rdesktop-vrdp: fix a crash during USB device enumeration (bug #7981)
    * Linux hosts: fixed a crash during USB device enumeration.
    * Linux hosts: try a bit harder to allocate memory (bug #8035; 4.0 regression)
    * Guest Additions: fixed parsing of parameters for guest control in VBoxService (4.0 regression; bug #8010)
    * Windows Guest Additions: automatic logon on Windows Vista/Windows 7 now supports unlocking previously locked workstations



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