


原创新闻 JRebel 3.0 Released!

2010-04-19 10:13 by 见习记者 zhangthe9 评论(3) 有5169人浏览

近日,JRebel 3.0正式版发布了!


Better Java EE support

    * EJB — JRebel now includes plugins for JBoss (4.x, 5.x), Oracle Weblogic (8.x, 9.x, and 10.x) and IBM WebSphere (6.1 and 7.0) that support changing the Local/Remote EJB interface in EJB 1.x, 2.x and 3.x. It also supports on-the-fly dependency injection for @EJB annotation in JBoss. Unfortunately we don’t support EJB interface changes on IBM WebSphere 6.0 or earlier and require the EJB 3.0 Feature Pack to be installed on IBM WebSphere 6.1, even if you use EJB 1.x or 2.x.
    * JSP <scriptlet>-s — Now when you change your Java code (e.g. add a new class or method) it can be immediately used in the Java code snippets in the JSP.
    * JSF — Plugin for Mojarra that supports changes to configuration and annotations, and other JSF implementations are on the way.
    * CDI — Plugin for Weld that supports changes to annotations.
    * JPA — Plugin for OpenJPA that supports changes to entities and configuration. We’re considering this beta for this release and have it disabled by default. Other JPA implementation are on the way.

# Framework support

    * Seam — Supports changes to annotations.
    * Hibernate — Supports changes to entities, annotations and configuration. This rocks, but we’re taking it easy and considering it beta. It’s disabled by default.

# Support for adding static fields and changing enums. Previously when you added a static field to your class you’d see a discouraging warning in the console and get an exception when trying to access the field. Now JRebel will happily print “Reinitialized class” and your application will continue working as if nothing happened. To top it off you can also change Java 1.5 enums in any way you like and they’ll continue working!

# Startup time improvements. We significantly improved class/resource lookup overhead with caching and better server integration. Our nightly users are reporting up to 2x improvements in startup time.

# 25%-30% less memory use. It is not uncommon to need a lot of PermGen heap with JRebel enabled, so we optimized memory use and will continue to drive it down in the upcoming milestones.

# Better Proxy Support JRebel now integrates tightly with Javassist and CgLib, providing much better compatibility with changes to class signature in some advanced cases, e.g. JBoss Seam.

# rebel.xml Editor. A GUI editor for creating JRebel configuration files is now available and will soon be integrated in the IDEs. This makes it easier to setup your project and get started with JRebel.



评论 共 3 条 请登录后发表评论
3 楼 黑暗浪子 2010-04-20 09:31
2 楼 zprill 2010-04-19 23:04
1 楼 hongkong 2010-04-19 14:57




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