
wow,Suns is being routed by Nets

Tuesday March 28, 2006 - 10:16am (CST)     41:80 , so large margin! I never heard Phoenix played so ugly. The final result is New Jersey 110, Phoenix 72 .  Steve Nash was held scoreless for the first ...
eyejava 评论(0) 有1603人浏览 2006-10-24 10:59

Error Checking-gives you the opportunity to play code review

http://www.ddj.com/dept/embedded/193104891 看到的一篇文章,关于code review的一种“最佳实践”。引用了NASA太空船开发的例子,并给出了几个“几乎可应用于任何软件项目的建议”。 “Code reviews are just one means of detecting program errors. Ed looks closely at ho ...
tianxinet 评论(0) 有2372人浏览 2006-10-14 13:24

利用TEXT AND BUTTON 来改写SPINNER,实现setEditable(boolean editable)

package dsrcom.ecq.client.util; /** * 将Spinner控件改写。 * setEditable(false)即可设其为不可用,但字体为黑色的效果 *  * @author cary.kong * @2006-10-8 * @上午11:19:56 */import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;import org.eclipse.swt.SWTError ...
cary 评论(0) 有2261人浏览 2006-10-09 10:41


1、学习英语并不只是语言这么简单,我们需要了解西方的文化,以及和我们进行交流的人的背景,以更好地理解对方。The are 4 kinds of meanings. Conceptional ...
kryptonum 评论(0) 有1184人浏览 2006-10-03 23:36

J2ME Mobile 3D入门教程(二)

在这里我首先感谢大家对上一篇文章的支持,也正是有了大家的支持,我决定把我的Mobile3D学习过程拿出来和大家共享,希望大家能一起来讨论Mobile3D在 ...
whycloud 评论(0) 有4362人浏览 2006-09-27 19:55

跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗?

Axis1.x->Axis2的最重要特征是:hot deployment(Axis2 addresses技术)hot update 但我个人却对hot deployment/update不感冒,因此我仍然抱着XFire不放.很多人都认为AXIS2是垃圾代码产物, 打开AXIS2的Team页:http://ws.apache.org/axis2/team-list.html,你发现WSO2几乎主 ...
security 评论(0) 有1757人浏览 2006-08-23 12:40

Fwd: Re: What does this construct mean?

-------------------- Start of forwarded message --------------------From: Devin Mullins <twifkak@comcast.net>Newsgroups: comp.lang.rubySubject: Re: What does this construct mean?Date: Sat, 16 Jul ...
ericluo 评论(0) 有1121人浏览 2006-07-17 10:58

Fwd: Re: Exececuting another application from within ruby

-------------------- Start of forwarded message --------------------From: "Ara.T.Howard" <Ara.T.Howard@noaa.gov>Newsgroups: comp.lang.rubySubject: Re: Exececuting another application fr ...
ericluo 评论(0) 有1210人浏览 2006-07-05 15:01

绿色Putty的做法——将putty session保存到一个reg文件中

cyt最近要搞绿色工具箱,本人友情赞助了一个WinOrganizer破解绿色版本,另外,cyt还需要一个putty附带session的功能,但putty的session都是保存到注册表,如果绿色化,只能靠一些额外的手段。putty主站介绍一种办法,就是把sesssion记录导入到注册表中去,一个bat文件就行了,当然,绿色在外,不太希望在客户的主机上留下痕迹,所以,用完putty,bat还需要把客户 ...
security 评论(0) 有2082人浏览 2006-05-18 13:38

Head First Design Pattern - 5 - This week's interview: Confe

HeadFirst: Today we are pleased to bring you an interview with a Singleton object. Why don’t you begin by telling us a bit about yourself? Singleton: Well, I’m totally unique; there is just one of me! ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有1492人浏览 2006-04-13 16:38

Head First Design Pattern - 4 - This week's interview: Facto

这次的话题是Factory Method和Abstract Facotry的不同之处以及使用它们的正确时机。 HeadFirst: Wow, an interview with two patters at once! This is a first for us. Factory Method: Yeah, I’m not so sure I like being lumped in with ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有1815人浏览 2006-04-13 14:58

Se7en - 经典对白

Se7en (1995) Directed by: David Fincher Cast overview: Brad Pitt      - Detective David Mills                Morgan Freeman - Detective Lt. William Somerset                Kevin Spacey   - John Doe ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有1982人浏览 2006-04-11 17:43

Head First Design Pattern - 3 - This week's interview: Confe

“Decorator的招供”,用采访的方式讨论了Decorator模式的缺点,这本书中处处都是这种恰当的拟人写法。 HeadFirst: Welcome Decorator Pattern. We’ve heard that you’ve been a bit down on yourself lately? Decorator: Yes, I know the world sees me as ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有1586人浏览 2006-04-07 14:31

Head First Design Pattern - 2 - A Subject and Observer spar

这实际上是对Observer模式中使用push方式还是pull方式的讨论,我从第一句话就开始笑个不停了,你要不要来试试看? Subject: I'm glad we're finally getting a chance to chat in person. Observer: Really? I thought you didn't care much about us Observers. S ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有1591人浏览 2006-04-06 17:03

Corpse Bride - 经典对白

Corpse Bride (2005) Directed by: Tim Burton              Mike Johnson Cast overview: Johnny Depp          - Victor Van Dort(voice)                Helena Bonham Carter - Corpse Bride(voice)             ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有3589人浏览 2006-04-05 17:55

The Big Blue - 经典对白

The Big Blue (1988) Directed by: Luc Besson Cast overview: Rosanna Arquette - Johana Baker                Jean-Marc Barr   - Jacques Mayol                Jean Reno        - Enzo Molinari Jacques: I ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有1967人浏览 2006-04-05 13:31

Leon - 经典对白

Leon (1994) Directed by: Luc Besson Cast overview: Jean Reno       - Leon                Gary Oldman     - Stansfield                Natalie Portman - Mathilda                Danny Aiello    - Tony ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有2461人浏览 2006-03-25 15:06

Why CMS and Wiki are helpful for project management?

    What's CMS? CMS stands for Content Management System. From the name, you may guess it can help you manage the content. In order to make you get the clear view about the CMS's advantage, I will comp ...
perhaps 评论(0) 有1130人浏览 2006-01-19 12:32

NBA Words

[体育英语]NBA篮球英语词汇英汉对照关键词: 体育    英语    NBA    篮球    词汇                                           NBA ...
eyejava 评论(0) 有2343人浏览 2006-01-11 21:20

Sharepoint Newbie's Diary - 1st Entry

    Hey,everybody. This is my first English entry for my blog. Although I read some English articles everyday, my English is still not good enough to let me express all my thought. Anyway, Rome was bui ...
perhaps 评论(0) 有1026人浏览 2005-12-12 23:59


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