

import java.math.BigDecimal; /** * 由于Java的简单类型不能够精确的对浮点数进行运算,这个工具类提供精 * 确的浮点数运算,包括加减乘除和四舍五入。 */ public class Arith{ //默认除法运算精度 private static final int DEF_DIV_SCALE = 10; //这个类不能实例化 p ...
binyan17 评论(0) 有1121人浏览 2011-06-26 12:57

LINUX IP地址的查看及其修改

LINUX IP地址的查看及其修改2007-07-16 17:54. ifconfig Linux下查看IP地址的命令--ifconfig ifconfig命令用于查看和更改网络接口的地址和参数 $ifconfig -a  lo0: flags=849 mtu 8232           inet netmask ff000000  hme0: flags=863 mt ...
keepye 评论(0) 有2172人浏览 2011-06-26 09:23

关于Wrapper Class

public class RunTest{ public static void main(String[] args) { Integer ten=new Integer(10); Long nine=new Long(9); System.out.println(ten+nine); int i=1; System.out.println(i+ten); ...
dotjar 评论(2) 有1000人浏览 2011-06-26 02:43


在sap的定价配置中,我们常常会使用到参考结构和参考字段(条件表和存储顺序),这些字段是如何使用的呢,我带着这个好奇阅读了sap的源码(函数SD_ ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有748人浏览 2010-11-23 18:00


REPORT ZTEST7.************************************************************************* DATEN DEFINITION *************************************************************************TYPE-POOLS: slis.*----- ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有6198人浏览 2010-11-12 11:15


SAP NetWeaver 7.0 - BI Upgrade Specifics for ABAP Overview Get all the inside infomation about the pre and post steps necessary for a successful Upgrade of the NetWeaver Abap Stack. The content was u ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有826人浏览 2010-07-10 20:12

CO-Direct Activity Allocation

<!-- <div style="padding-left: 10px;" mce_style="padding-left: 10px;"> <p>< ?=nl2br(html_entity_decode($selnwsres->news_desc))?>--><!--</p> &l ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有754人浏览 2010-06-05 08:52

CO-Indirect cost allocation

Step-1: Create a allocation cost elementPath: Accounting>>Controlling>>Cost Element Accounting>>Master Data>>Cost Element>>Individual Processing>> Create SecondaryT ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有747人浏览 2010-06-05 08:31

ubuntu 9.10 beta 试用

简单几句 带移动硬盘启动,使用DVD版 sudo umount -l /isodevice MBR安装到(hd0) 配置参照 ubuntuskill 使用fcitx而不是ibus 使用lupaworld源而不是cn99 把终端加到右键菜单 sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal right click menu ...
saybody 评论(0) 有506人浏览 2009-10-30 12:36


1)ABAP Source Code Enhancements(available since 7.0) Implicit Enhancement Options in ABAP Source CodesExplicit Enhancement Options in ABAP Source CodesCreating Source Code Plug-Ins 2)Function Module ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有1194人浏览 2009-10-13 11:38


在List输出屏幕输出GRID列表,输出结果如图: 代码如下: REPORT ZSAPM. data repid like sy-repid. DATA: docking_t tYPE REF TO CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER, g_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo, g_ma ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有841人浏览 2009-07-30 00:44

BW--关于Open Hub Service的一些连接

Functions Description BW objects such as InfoCubes, ODS objects, MultiProviders and MultiProviders and InfoObjects (attributes or texts) can function as open hub data sources. If you use an InfoCube w ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有858人浏览 2009-06-03 12:45

BW--API functions available in BEX 3.x

一、BEx 3.X可用API函数列表 1. Function SAPBEXinitConnection(Optional newConnectionObj As Object) As BooleanSet up a connection to BW Server 2. Function SAPBEXgetConnection(Optional what As Integer) As Varian ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有860人浏览 2009-03-01 19:49


Successfully executing a software project, requires a clearly defined plan that all parties understand and endorse. It also requires effective teamwork and people who are willing to put their shoulder ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有761人浏览 2009-02-11 09:01


一、利用内表缓冲减少数据库访问次数 REPORT zmmi003. data: it_vbap type table of vbap,wa_vbap type vbap,it_makt type table of makt,wa_makt type makt.perform process.perform process_using_cursor.*&------------------ ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有627人浏览 2009-01-15 09:52


一、业务过程 1. Create Stock transport Order - ME21N2. Fast Display Purchase Orders - VL10B3. Change Delivery, Picking and Post Goods Issue - VL02N4. Once you do PGI, Goods will be in Transit - MB5T(Report) ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有1027人浏览 2008-12-25 22:36

ABAP--Printing barcode labels in SAP R/3

Last week I spent some time finding out how to implement barcode printing in SAP. As usual I googled the internet and a couple of alternatives were flung at me: middleware, hardware vendor applications ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有815人浏览 2008-12-14 12:36

SD--对于定价过程参考步骤 (Condition Step)(T683S-STUNB and T683S-STUN2)的使用代码分析

1)概述 对于参考步骤 (Condition Step)(T683S-STUNB and T683S-STUN2)的使用代码分析SAP对定价过程中的从参考步骤(T683S-STUNB)和到参考步骤T683S-STUN2)的使用分两种情况:无条件类型的小计项目和有条件计算项目。在LV61AA55单元会根据定价过程生成的xkomv内表来循环计算各项值*LOOP loop at xkomv.* calc ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有780人浏览 2008-12-11 15:09


FUNCTION rv_accounting_document_create. DATA : da_anzah_netwr LIKE vbrp-netwr. DATA : da_anzah_mwsbp LIKE vbrp-mwsbp. DATA : da_anzah_netwrg LIKE vbrk-netwr. DATA : da_anzah_fplnr LIKE vbrp-fplnr. DATA ...
touchinsert 评论(0) 有1203人浏览 2008-12-11 10:14


在实验室连上笔记本后,死活跟网内的另一台台式机连不上,ping不通,共享就用不了,飞鸽也用不了,关了防火墙,更改IP地址都不行——可是笔记本跟其他台式机ping正常,我的台式机跟别的台式机也互访正常—— 到底是怎么回事?偏偏我的两台机子连不通??? 答案在这:是因为两台机器的MAC地址相同导致的,修改其中任意一台的MAC地址即可解决问题,与防火墙,网关地址都没有关系,也不需要重启,在ubuntu下 ...
saybody 评论(0) 有676人浏览 2008-09-01 20:45


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