
Recognize 10 mental blocks to creative thinking

I type them, not copy.[img]../../images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" alt="[/img] Do you recognize these 10 mental blocks to creative thinking? http://www.copyblogger.com/mental-blocks-creative-think ...
adamzhao 评论(0) 有1597人浏览 2008-02-02 22:31

Biofuels may threaten environment, UN warns

I type them, not copy.  http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/01/23/biofuels.fears.ap/index.html Biofuels may threaten environment, UN warns Bangkok, Thailand(AP) - The world's rush to embrace bi ...
adamzhao 评论(0) 有1444人浏览 2008-01-29 22:28


The Ancient Masters Book Two Thus spake the master programmer: 编程大师如是说: "After three days without programming, life becomes meaningless." 三日不编程,食肉无味。 2.1 The programmers of old were myster ...
wuyuhu 评论(0) 有659人浏览 2008-01-21 16:48

How do you recognise good programmers

zz from http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/01/11/1746250 It’s not as easy as it sounds. CV experience is only of limited use here, because great programmers don’t always have the “officia ...
superjavason 评论(2) 有1482人浏览 2008-01-16 22:05


如今web2.0在互联网上发展迅速(这里提到的web2.0不包括blog,wiki),但出于利益的考虑,很多都考虑商业化运作和商业化发布,鲜少有web2.0的开源项目,而国内就更少了(都忙于模仿和商业运作去了),此外这类开源项目都是基于PHP平台,只有国内才做了一些ASP平台的。这里介绍几个,如果这里还有些你知道的未列出,请补充 Diggclone-开源digg类程序 官方:http://www.t ...
loveofgod 评论(0) 有1901人浏览 2008-01-04 05:08


引用 一月二十六日 社会生态学家 对我而言,对持续性的需求与对创新和变革的需求之间的紧张程度,是人类社会和文明发展的关键。 我自认为是一个 ...
wainwen 评论(1) 有1273人浏览 2007-12-28 11:48


http://mashable.com/2007/08/08/social-shopping-2/ http://5qer.com/blog/archives/82
hqman 评论(0) 有1330人浏览 2007-12-22 17:20

ruby way之正则表达式之一

在ruby中内置了正则表达式,如果你的ruby版本是1.9或者更后面的版本的话,你的正则表达式引擎将会是一个叫做Oniguruma的东西。这是一个新的引擎,代替了1.8版本中的这则表达式引擎,我们后面会介绍到它。 1编译正则表达式: 正则表达式能够使用Regexp.compile 方法进行编译(这个方法同Regexp.new方法是同义的), 参数可以是一个字符串或者一个正则式(这边要注意一个问题, ...
simohayha 评论(0) 有3037人浏览 2007-12-11 01:18

Facebook $85,000,000 收购 占座(Zhanzuo) ?

Facebook Offers $85 Million To Acquire Chinese Social Networking Site Zhanzuo.com Facebook is said to have offered $85 million to acquire Zhanzuo.com, a Chinese social networking site with seven millio ...
xddxz 评论(0) 有1053人浏览 2007-11-19 10:27

Android Develop Challenge

 googlechinablog.com/2007/11/android.html Cool apps that surprise and delight mobile users, built by developers like you, will be a huge part of the Android vision. To support you in your efforts, Goog ...
liudaoru 评论(0) 有1150人浏览 2007-11-16 12:39

22 Successful Ruby On Rails Web Applications

Usually when I start dealing with something new I want to see what others have done in the same sphere. That’s why I think one list of successful Rails Web Applications will be helpful for new-comers ...
yapi 评论(0) 有1615人浏览 2007-11-09 01:07

Use prefuse with database

prefuse是一个非常不错的开源可视化项目,尤其是用在social network/complex network上,个人感觉要比jung好。不过可惜的是,prefuse的user manual还在建设中,并且google resource也少得可怜。好在开源提供了源码,只好看源码了,呵呵。 prefuse user manual上提供了一个简单的例子,这个例子的数据来自一个符合GraphML标准 ...
yangsq 评论(1) 有3929人浏览 2007-11-04 11:30

推荐一个可保存网页的social bookmarking工具Furl

最近在网上找到一个很不错的social bookmarking工具Furl。 它跟其他工具(如del.icio.us)相比,最大的好处是可以保存网页,这样你就不用担心网页被删除了。 Furl基于以下开源项目开发,再次验证了开源的力量: Servers powered by Debian Linux Web site powered by Apache Servlets p ...
java.guru 评论(0) 有1617人浏览 2007-11-03 22:16

The best online library——Questia

Today, I would like to recommend an excellent online library to you——Questia. Questia is the first online library that provides 24/7 access to the world's largest online collection of books and journal ...
Jeanie_crystal 评论(0) 有1017人浏览 2007-10-15 03:11


从www2007上的论文,我们可以大致看出来,近两年的热点(学术和商业)在数据挖掘、搜索以及与语义网方面。关于语义网,我个人更多的理解是现在半结构化甚至无结构化的www在某种程度上阻碍着很多东西的实现,而语义网则是在寻找一种突破。 Track: Browsers and User Interfaces Session: Personalization ...
xingshaomin 评论(0) 有1896人浏览 2007-10-14 14:28


各类会议分析(Conference、workshop等,转载) 会议分类的方式可说是不胜枚举,这点初步由英文对会议名称的写法,就可看出端倪,像是Assembly,Caucus,Colloquium, Colloquy,Commission,Committee,Conclave,Conference,Congress, Convention, Convocation,Council,Discussio ...
xingshaomin 评论(1) 有1787人浏览 2007-10-14 14:02

不必担心 google

自 Danny 写了篇 Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank or Rankings on Google 后,blog 界反响激烈,bloggers 再一次热烈的讨论起付费链接来。 同为 Search engine la ...
yiqingxiao 评论(0) 有1196人浏览 2007-10-10 14:20


个人简历词汇大全 个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区 prefecture 专区 county ...
白浪滔天 评论(0) 有851人浏览 2007-09-24 17:09

Words day by day(8)

idiomatic KK: [] DJ: [
tenn 评论(0) 有1176人浏览 2007-09-12 14:19

Debian and Ubuntu: uneasy coexistence

It's considered a good thing that a free software project never really has to die - if the person who started it gives up, another can always take the code and run with it.However at times the business ...
lidnux 评论(0) 有729人浏览 2006-12-08 15:30


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