

  REPAST-Recursive Porous Agent Simulation Toolkit agent-based modelingDouglas Samuelson and Charles Macal, "Agent-based Simulation Comes of Age," OR/MS Today, Vol. 33, Number 4, pp. 34-38, ...
tiantian911 评论(0) 有2612人浏览 2008-05-15 12:59


越南教育发展史 越南教育发展的三大目标: 在2015年之前达成全民教育的目标(the education for all, EFA);在全球化的环境下加强教育的发展,已达到工业化以及现代化社会的要求;发展资讯及通讯科技。 越南教育发展简史──里程碑 越南的首次文官考试开始于西元1075年,从其中得以遴选出政府的官员,这时的越南受到中国强大的影响,虽然使用不同的语言,但书写上使用的是中文。自从十九 ...
hereson 评论(0) 有2761人浏览 2008-05-05 16:59


社会性软件的构成要素 社会性软件的构成要素将sns概括成七个要素,这能帮助我们更快更好的分析社会性网站及软件。 转贴自译言。原文地址:http://feed.yeeyan.com/articles/view/27661/6962  我们能看到很多的对于社会性软件(social software)的定义,从严谨客观的(“能让人通过计算机的连接作为媒介互相沟通的软件”)到实用主义的(“信息分享”) ...
zhenxie 评论(0) 有1421人浏览 2008-05-01 10:19

Old topic, DTD

? Zero or one of the element is allowed. * Zero or more of the element is allowed. + One or more of the element is required. In narrative documents, it's common for a single element to contai ...
icz 评论(0) 有700人浏览 2008-04-30 19:48


转:http://www.yeeyan.com/articles/view/27661/6962 原文:http://nform.ca/publications/social-software-building-block 我们能看到很多的对于社交软件(social soft)的定义,从古板严谨的(“能让人通过计算机的连接作为媒介互相沟通的软件”)到实用主义的(“内容被分发了”)。 在为最近的一 ...
notreally 评论(0) 有1340人浏览 2008-04-24 11:20

2008-04-23 周三 晴 英语单词

**readily In a prompt, timely manner; promptly. In a cooperative manner; willingly. In a manner indicating or connoting ease; easily. **realistic Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as the ...
Sing 评论(0) 有916人浏览 2008-04-23 07:18

Stop Pumping Gas: Ten Hot Home Office Jobs

With fuel prices topping four dollars per gallon in some states, many Americans want to keep their paychecks in their pockets and out of their gas tanks. Thanks to cheap Internet access and fast ...
famoushz 评论(0) 有1422人浏览 2008-04-22 21:33

Going for the Gold

Quick, name a few major Chinese sports stars -- besides Yao Ming of the National Basketball Association.That isn't something the average person outside of China can do easily, despite the possibility t ...
shake863 评论(0) 有643人浏览 2008-04-21 01:10


评价个人素质常用英语用语 评价个人素质常用英语用语 personal qualities   1. mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。   2. excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。   3.ability to work independent1y,mature and re ...
tgyd2006 评论(0) 有1683人浏览 2008-04-16 09:19

Growing Pains

    China's dramatic economic growth is now presenting a new challenge: urban policy. Mass migration to cities is leading to the loss of arable land and urban sprawl; spiraling demand for energy and na ...
shake863 评论(0) 有552人浏览 2008-04-16 01:14

10 Ways to Improve Your Programming Productivity

Having worked at Google and now working in my own business, I've noticed that some days I'm just a rockstar at getting everything done, and others I can barely get a few lines of code out, or accomplis ...
Juliet 评论(0) 有893人浏览 2008-03-31 22:19


2005年1月28日,在BlogCN安家,写了第一篇blog。2005年11月7日,告别BlogCN,迁到了MSN Spaces。blogcn link 2005年11月14日,新注册了一家BlogJava。2006年10月18日,在BlogJava发表最后一篇Blog,从此不再去了。blogjava link 自从JavaEye有了Blog以后,一直用到了现在。 自从搬到了MSN Spaces之后 ...
庄表伟 评论(14) 有5170人浏览 2008-03-16 20:35

zzNew on eSnips: Community Micro Portals

http://esnips.blogs.com/about_esnips_/2006/11/new_on_esnips_c.html New on eSnips: Community Micro Portals We’re delighted to announce the launch of the eSnips Micro-Portals. Close to a ...
alanwu 评论(0) 有1619人浏览 2008-03-13 14:47

zzHow To Improve Productivity

http://www.theacagroup.com/improveproductivity.htm "How To Improve Productivity" Seven Skills of a Highly Productive Workforce by ...
alanwu 评论(0) 有877人浏览 2008-03-12 23:07

Boxing Day

Harry Potter4里出现的,想来是一个比较传统的节日,一查果然 Boxing Day Boxing Day is the day after Christmas, a public holiday in most countries in The Commonwealth. It originated as a day for giving gifts to employees and p ...
mochow 评论(1) 有1534人浏览 2008-03-12 15:42


最近在网上找找了。。发现ruby&rails是多了不少。。举几本:Addison.Wesley.RailsSpace.Building.a.Social.Networking.Website.with.Ruby.on.Rails.Jul.2007.pdf 大概浏览了一遍,本书我感觉最大的特色是采用了测试驱动的方式。。。而且是对代码重构的方式一步步推进,也算是符合DRY的概念把。。。The R ...
mccxj 评论(4) 有1313人浏览 2008-03-07 10:52

使用 XMLBeans 进行编程

本文引用地址为:http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/xml/x-beans1/index.html?ca=dwcn-newsletter-xml  随着企业应用程序的复杂性不断加剧,XML 文档的约束和规则变得 ...
congjl2002 评论(0) 有2016人浏览 2008-02-26 10:41


会议分类的方式可说是不胜枚举,这点初步由英文对会议名称的写法,就可看出端倪,像是Assembly,Caucus,Colloquium, Colloquy,Commission,Committee,Conclave, ...
jeafyezheng 评论(0) 有6274人浏览 2007-04-02 13:59


地域为何消失——解读《消失的地域:电子媒介对社会行为的影响》[1]<o:p></o:p>正名对于《消失的地域》这本书的标题,有两处可能造成混淆,需要预先澄清。首先,“消失的地域”原文为“no sense of place”,意指“地域差异之社会意义的减弱乃至消亡”;其次,“电子媒介”最主要的意义是指电视,而非21世纪最常指代的网络。现在,读者可以从这个标题洞察到全书的核心内容 ...
softstone 评论(0) 有1845人浏览 2003-05-03 22:16

5 Questions With B.S.

Why did you compile the C++ In-Depth Series? What were you hoping to share with your community?The C++ community – like other programming communities – was (and is) plagued with "generic" beg ...
softstone 评论(0) 有630人浏览 2002-04-17 11:04


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