

1、使用where语句 不推荐 Select * from zflight. Check : zflight-airln = ‘LF’ and zflight-fligh = ‘BW222’. Endselect. 推荐 Select * from zflight where airln = ‘LF’ and fligh = ‘222’. Endselect. 2、使用聚合函数 不推荐 Maxnu ...
eastviking 评论(0) 有2423人浏览 2006-12-25 13:00


Proper Usage of remapResults="true" The remapResults attribute is available on 【statement】, 【select】, and 【procedure】 mapped statements. It is an optional attribute and the default value is ...
sinokaka 评论(2) 有7271人浏览 2006-12-16 23:15


2005-01-21      缩略显示     关系数据库性能问题 关键字: 企业应用        http://buaawhl.iteye.com/category/?cate ...
laorer 评论(0) 有1332人浏览 2006-12-14 20:37

Performance Tips for JDBC

翻译:陈先波(turbochen@163.com) 阅读原文:http://www.theserverside.com/articles/article.tss?l=JDBCPerformance_PartIII 一、使用Statement而不是PreparedStatement对象 JDBC驱动的最佳化是基于使用的是什么功能. 选择PreparedStatement还是Statement取决于你 ...
xiongbo 评论(0) 有2219人浏览 2006-12-11 11:57

[zz]Comparing Two High-Performance I/O Design Patterns

http://www.artima.com/articles/io_design_patterns3.html System I/O can be blocking, or non-blocking synchronous, or non-blocking asynchronous [1, 2]. Blocking I/O means that the calling system does ...
iunknown 评论(0) 有2122人浏览 2006-12-08 11:33


在数据库中执行一个批处理SQL语句 With batch updating, a set of SQL statements is assembled and then sent altogether to the database for execution. Batch updating can improve performance. This example creates a batch ...
Eric_liu 评论(0) 有3573人浏览 2006-12-06 15:19


(一) 缘起 德鲁克研究已经成为显学。谈管理,如果不拐弯抹角联系到德鲁克,就象炒菜不加盐,总让人觉得淡而无味。 技术人员中知道德鲁克的还不 ...
wainwen 评论(3) 有3148人浏览 2006-12-06 00:26


Log4J 原理以及配置的研究 <o:p> </o:p> 在进行 Log4J 的使用过程中,我对下面的两个问题比较敏感: <o:p> </o:p> 1、  ...
wqh 评论(0) 有5369人浏览 2006-12-05 22:32

IBM 捐赠Eclipse 3.2.1 多国语言包, 将Eclipse立即汉化

昨天,IBM向Eclipse基金会捐赠了Eclipse 3.2.1的多国语言包。其中包括了Eclipse工程集中的许多工程。其列表如下: Eclipse 工程; Eclipse Web 工具平台(Web Tools Platform ,WTP) 工程; Eclipse 测试和性能工具平台(Test and Performance Tools Platform ,T ...
lewhwa 评论(5) 有4848人浏览 2006-11-29 19:22


今天开张,给自己的目标。每周写一篇学习笔记。监督自己是否一直在浪费生命。 1今天研究了下Axis2和Xfire Codehaus XFire is a next-generation java SOAP framework. Codehaus XFire makes service oriented development approachable through its easy to use A ...
crosier 评论(2) 有917人浏览 2006-11-20 17:42

java vs rails vs php

这篇文章(http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/11/10/Comparing-Frameworks)从可升级性,开发速度,开发工具,可维护性比较了java,rails,php。作者个人认为他们最重要的是可维护性,因为开发完成一个系统,维护它是一个长期的过程。从文章中提供的示意图可看出rails的开发速度和可维护性是非常的好,以前就听说RAILS是个 ...
hgq0011 评论(3) 有2271人浏览 2006-11-13 09:47


此结构包含关于buffer cache中一块缓存的信息。 /* bh state bits */ #define BH_Uptodate  0   /* 1 if the buffer contains valid data      */ #define BH_Dirty     1  /* 1 if the buffer is dirty                 */ #def ...
highsky 评论(0) 有3253人浏览 2006-11-10 18:07

PSP tutorial

this tutorial can now also be seen at the site of lord ( a senior member here ) http://homebrewhowto.com/ look in the forums in the psp section/tutorails  thanks to nukewire this Tutorial can also be ...
Gene 评论(0) 有5596人浏览 2006-11-08 14:19

Spring实时统计与监控Spring-Dashboard及Spring集群Terracotta for Spring

Spring实时统计与监控Spring-Dashboard及Spring集群Terracotta for Spring 1、Spring实时统计与监控Spring-Dashboard http://www.spacebug.com/projects_spring-dashboard.html Spring-Dashboard可以为任何基于Spring的Web应用系统提供实时的统计和监控信息。 开 ...
YuLimin 评论(3) 有9084人浏览 2006-11-05 12:34

A Critique of the Sharpe Ratio

Author: David Harding, Winton Capital Management The Sharpe ratio is a statistic which aims to sum up the desirability of a risky investment strategy or instrument by dividing the average period retur ...
cookoo 评论(0) 有2135人浏览 2006-11-02 07:42


百事通信息网 AOP的应用领域:   Authentication 权限   Caching 缓存   Context passing 内容传递   Error handling 错误处理   Lazy loading 懒加载   Debugging  调试   logging, tracing, profiling and monitoring 记录跟踪 优化 校准   Performance ...
wiley 评论(0) 有2575人浏览 2006-11-01 11:46

InfraRED 监视系统的性能

InfraRED 监视系统的性能--              InfraRED (http://infrared.sourceforge.net/versions/latest/)is a tool for monitoring performance of a J2EE application and diagnosing performance problems. It collects me ...
hgq0011 评论(0) 有451人浏览 2006-07-05 11:49

Java程序性能优化 --转

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">document.title="Java程序性能优化 ! - "+document.title</script> 一、避免在循环条件中使用复杂表达式 在不做编译优化的情况下,在循环中,循环条件会被反复计 ...
reg 评论(0) 有858人浏览 2006-06-13 14:18

Finally made it - A designator tag system for heavy concurrent environment

Download full Source Code here . public class Designatorextends java.lang.Objectimplements java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.CharSequence>This class is designed and impleme ...
歆渊 评论(0) 有1212人浏览 2006-06-03 03:31

IDEforLaszlo 0.2.0 发布了!

刚收到laszlo-user的邮件说:IDEforLaszlo0.2.0 to Support OpenLaszlo 3.2 Released新的laszloIDE插件版本发布了! 是个好消息!原文如下:We are pleased to announce that a new version of IDEforLaszlo is  available. This version, 0.2.0, s ...
lwz7512 评论(0) 有2101人浏览 2006-04-11 13:18


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