
A Google's Interview Question - GLAT #20 series 3

The roadmap to compute all fixed points of f(x) is to start from boundaries 1, or 10^10, and keep acting f on it. If x is a boundary point, first compare x and f(x) to see whether we should generate th ...
jellyfish 评论(0) 有1068人浏览 2007-02-08 02:36


cpu io:DB(p6sky,SQL Profileer) net windows performance tail multi thread concurrency
kxhu 评论(0) 有707人浏览 2007-01-29 17:08

drools performance ok detail rule

MerchantTxnSummaryRule TxnCtrlRule         TxnCtrlCumulationRule         TxnCtrlIncrementCumulationRule
kxhu 评论(0) 有766人浏览 2007-01-16 13:35

begin T60 drools performance test

performanace test     make  test date     test method
kxhu 评论(0) 有581人浏览 2007-01-15 11:20

摘转:发现 SOAP 编码对 Web 服务性能的影响

今天在搜索资料,无意中找到这个三种方法的比较,还不错,摘一些主要的如下: 发现 SOAP 编码对 Web 服务性能的影响,通过改变编码样式从根本上提 ...
YuLimin 评论(3) 有5361人浏览 2006-12-31 17:04

转贴oracle:Configuring Kernel Parameters

2.6 Configuring Kernel Parameters Note: The kernel parameter and shell limit values shown in the following section are recommended values only. For production database systems, Oracle recommends that y ...
fourfire 评论(0) 有2340人浏览 2006-12-31 12:53

Wap Explorer 初步设计源代码

        刚才在我的Q群里面讨论了下关于Wap Explorer的开发。里面的朋友建议我把开发的过程写到blog,以方便学习与讨论。现在我把我写好的代码公布出来。并说明我的设计结构。(在此说明下,对于里面的UI设计我前面写过很多文章)        一个UI包--包括了所有的界面实现接口等,Wap的显示也主要是通过这个包里面的东西划出来的。                            ...
wuhua 评论(1) 有3503人浏览 2006-12-27 16:07

Daily BW Systems Checklist

 This list of transactions is designed to guide a Basis Admin team member through the process of keeping tabs on major systems issues and root cause issues and trends for each system in the landscape.  ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有385人浏览 2006-12-25 14:27

昨日网摘 [2006-12-24:anux @ del.icio.us]

ferret - TracFerret is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written for Ruby. It is inspired by Apache Lucene Java project.《商业周刊》 创新在中国障碍与生俱来计划生育政策下出生的一代人正成为大学生的主要力量,他们要求不同以往的设施 ...
alang 评论(0) 有1109人浏览 2006-12-23 16:00


[转]JVM调优 ZhangLiHai发表于 2006-9-25 11:35:17 1. Heap设定与垃圾回收Java Heap分为 ...
lamono 评论(0) 有2192人浏览 2006-12-12 00:52

a python tutorial

A Very Brief Introduction To Python And It's Data-Types 一篇短小精悍的 python tutorial 。对一些容易被忽视的问题讲得很清楚!很专业的 tutorial!摘录片段如下: The Python 'philosophy' emphasises readability, clarity and simplicity, whi ...
huangyiiiiii 评论(0) 有1496人浏览 2006-12-04 08:01

something about web application

        Judging from the job advertisements in employment web sites, there are currently two popular techniques for developing web applications. The "rapid development" style, usi ...
Goodtiger 评论(0) 有1028人浏览 2006-12-04 02:49

SAP Basis 常用事务码

  Trans-action Title Menu Path SM50 ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有320人浏览 2006-11-01 13:07

Parse XML using Dom4j(转载)

Parsing XML One of the first things you'll probably want to do is to parse an XML document of some kind. This is easy to do in dom4j. The fol ...
zhyiwww 评论(0) 有1048人浏览 2006-10-24 11:26


public  class  Perf  {     public  static  String  detab1(String  s)     {         if  (s.indexOf('\t')  ==  -1)             return  s;         String  res  =  "";         int  len  =  s.leng ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有338人浏览 2006-09-17 15:40


Optimize Database Access and Increase System Performance Through More Efficient ABAP Programminghttp://www.itp-consulting.com/Optimize%20Database%20and%20Performance%20with%20ABAP.pdf Dynamic Open SQL ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有289人浏览 2006-08-12 23:22


Background Processing RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor SM36 Schedule Background Job SM36WIZ ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有3391人浏览 2006-08-09 15:23


Work Processes [39412] How many work processes to configure [21960] Several instances/systems on one UNIX computer ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有390人浏览 2006-08-07 16:41


1. What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?  2. What are field symbols and field groups.? Have you used "component idx of structure" clause with field groups?  3. What should be the ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有479人浏览 2006-08-07 10:42


1、使用where语句 不推荐            Select * from zflight.             Check : zflight-airln = ‘LF’ and zflight-fligh = ‘BW222’.            Endselect.推荐            Select * from zflight where airln = ‘LF’ and f ...
aheadjava 评论(0) 有235人浏览 2006-07-31 18:31


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