

aid=assist(帮助,援助) alter=change or modify(改变) ask=inquire(询问) assail=denounce(谴责) axe=dismiss\reduce(解雇,减少) balk=impede(阻碍) ban=pr ...
linxizeng 评论(0) 有1039人浏览 2007-08-06 19:02

What is XSLT?

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) has evolved from the early Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) standard. XSL specifies a language definition for XML data presentation and data tr ...
airacle 评论(0) 有684人浏览 2007-07-30 09:52


http://www.eslcafe.com/ Dave ESL咖啡屋,它是最好的英语学习网址之一。 http://towerofenglish.com/ 英语塔,它是英语学习的好网址。 http://www.go-ed.com/den/ 数字教 ...
purpen 评论(0) 有2684人浏览 2007-07-28 16:18


1.命令: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL   功能: 显示控制面板 2.命令: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL access.cpl,,1   功能: 显示“控制面板->辅助选项->键盘”选项视窗 3.命令: run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll, ...
xznsoft 评论(0) 有1166人浏览 2007-07-17 12:59


java 代码 java 代码 /**       *        */       package cn.flyingsoft.oais.service.exchange.entity.impl;               import java.io.File;        import java.io.FileInputStr ...
seawavecau 评论(0) 有1632人浏览 2007-07-16 09:50

关于Apache Axis2的Web service消息

摘要: 到目前为止,web service交互作用是独立同步的,同时本质上是应答式的。不过,很显然同步应答类型在基于消息的应用中只是一个很小的子集。消息在耦合松散系统中是非常重要的,因此这种限制很关键。Web service规范,例如WS-addressing和WSDL,已经融入了消息的概念并且为包含一个相当大范围的消息应用奠定了基础。Apache Axis2 架构既不基于任一个消息交换模式,也不 ...
tenn 评论(0) 有1639人浏览 2007-07-13 14:44


一、黄金概述: 黄金又称金,英文Gold,化学符号Au,原子序数79,它是一种橙黄色的金属物质。自然界,金一般以单质形态存在。 1、 金的密度非常大 ...
famoushz 评论(0) 有906人浏览 2007-07-04 13:42

我眼中的CXF之 Interceptor (下)

下面给大家介绍一下Interceptor的一个使用实例,如果通过Interceptor来获取CXF的性能数据。 我们知道CXF通过Interceptor处理着各种不同不样的消息信息,如果 ...
jnn 评论(0) 有2835人浏览 2007-06-30 11:39

我眼中的CXF之 Interceptor (上)

Interceptor是CXF架构中一个很有特色的模式。你可以在不对核心模块进行修改的情况下,动态添加很多功能。这对于CXF这个以处理消息为中心的服务框架来 ...
jnn 评论(0) 有3807人浏览 2007-06-30 11:36

Exchange consultant

Today Exchange consultant: Question list sample from top manager: What's the risk of exchange consultant in your experience? Did it happen before? Do the new consultant have experience for exchange? Do ...
dmhorse 评论(0) 有1072人浏览 2007-06-29 15:01

Greater role for private-equity fund urged

China should expand local companies' fundraising options by letting commercial banks invest in the country's private-equity funds, a deputy central bank governor said.    "Our current capital mark ...
famoushz 评论(0) 有918人浏览 2007-06-22 11:11

Using OpenID

What is OpenID? OpenID is an open, decentralized, open-source framework for user-centric digital identity. Think about all the accounts you have online: blogs, wikis, to-do lists, photo galleries. The ...
famoushz 评论(0) 有2382人浏览 2007-06-22 11:08

Frequently asked Questions about mySAP SCM and SAP APO

  Frequently asked Questions about mySAP SCM and SAP <st1:place w:st="on">APO</st1:place><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> <o:p> </o:p> 1.       Which a ...
blueoxygen 评论(0) 有1851人浏览 2007-06-18 14:34

Outlook 2003 启动时挂起(hangs up)的问题

具体原因未知,可能是跟同步有关。 以下是某人的问题: This seems to be a common and frustrating problem, and I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere. My computer periodically tells me that Microsoft Office 2003 is synchro ...
experience 评论(0) 有934人浏览 2007-05-21 10:11

Outlook 2003 启动时挂起(hangs up)的问题

具体原因未知,可能是跟同步有关。 以下是某人的问题: This seems to be a common and frustrating problem, and I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere. My computer periodically tells me that Microsoft Office 2003 is synchro ...
experience 评论(0) 有1003人浏览 2007-05-21 10:11

新一代Web Service 实现包 -- AXIS2 学习笔记

 我比较懒惰,不想把user guide全部翻译,就记录一些点吧。 Axis2是全新设计的,在2004年的“Axis峰会”上,大家决定采用新的架构来让Axis更加的富有弹性,更有效率,并且更加的可配置。Axis2现在具有的一些feature:SpeedLow memory foot printAXIOM - AXis Object ModelHot DeploymentAsynchronous We ...
esffor 评论(0) 有1152人浏览 2007-05-09 20:40


1 账簿的单词absorption account 费用或成本分摊帐户, 附属帐abstract account 摘要[月计]帐户account in arrear 积欠account in bankruptcy 破产帐款(户)account of business 营业报告书, 损益表, 营业科目account of cash in vault 库存现金簿account of credit sal ...
Jack Wu 评论(0) 有2531人浏览 2006-11-26 10:55


   SAP Help Portal SAP Online Help. SAP Online Help ...
Jack Wu 评论(0) 有809人浏览 2006-10-24 17:40


Function group Function group short text Name of ...
Jack Wu 评论(0) 有2792人浏览 2006-08-07 14:33


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