
5 myths of ETF

ETFs are hot these years with increasing public attention over other kinds of fund. However, Exchange-Traded Fund Myths Busted (from morningstar.com) discovers some of the "famous" myths behi ...
cookoo 评论(0) 有1388人浏览 2006-10-29 21:29

转载SAML(From wikipedia,国内不能访问wp,所以转载到这里)

1         SAML<o:p></o:p> 2         From Wikipedia, the free encyclop ...
security 评论(0) 有2060人浏览 2006-08-31 10:57

My own feeling on the entrepreneurship project

Chanlleges are universal. Risks are universal. So are frustrations.  Oppertunities behind  are very very rare and recycling clothes is such an old-fashioned example. If the founder of Buffalo Exchange ...
cookoo 评论(0) 有1529人浏览 2006-07-14 01:01

Case on the failure of LTCM

"1994: Long-Term Capital Management is founded by John Meriwether and accepts investments from 80 investors who put up a minimum of $10 million each. The initial equity capitalisation of the firm ...
cookoo 评论(0) 有2765人浏览 2006-05-29 07:56


在Security编程中,有几种典型的密码交换信息文件格式:DER-encoded certificate: .cer, .crtPEM-encoded message: .pemPKCS#12 Personal Information Exchange: .pfx, .p12PKCS#10 Certification Request: .p10PKCS#7 cert request respons ...
security 评论(1) 有6765人浏览 2006-04-29 09:38

Leon - 经典对白

Leon (1994) Directed by: Luc Besson Cast overview: Jean Reno       - Leon                Gary Oldman     - Stansfield                Natalie Portman - Mathilda                Danny Aiello    - Tony ...
AllenYoung 评论(0) 有2392人浏览 2006-03-25 15:06

HTTP Session

HTTP Session 一、浅析 HTTP协议(http://www.w3.org/Protocols/)是“一次性单向”协议。 服务端不能主动连接客户端,只能被动等待并答复客户端请求。客户端连接服务端,发出一个HTTP Request,服务端处理请求,并且返回一个HTTP Response给客户端,本次HTTP Request-Response Cycle结束。 我们看到,HTTP协议本身 ...
ksgimi 评论(1) 有2439人浏览 2005-03-04 10:02


从Corba接口中取到的数据填充FastReport报表设计过程 <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>环境:编程工具:Borland C++ Builder 6.0操作系统:windows 2000应用软件:FastReport5.2破解版 <o:p></o:p>1.安装FastReport如安装到c:\program ...
baoqf 评论(0) 有2230人浏览 2003-11-16 10:49


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