

這文章原是我的恩師在討論過程提到的一篇文章,文章裡提到一些目前c++ 遇到的問題,並且使用haskell去討論一些可能的解決方法The Next Mainstream Programming Language: A Game Developer's Perspective by Tim Sweeny (from Epic Games, Unreal)http://www.st.cs.uni-sb.d ...
lukeshei 评论(0) 有949人浏览 2007-04-11 05:21

ErlyBird Screenshot: Erlang Console and File Locator for Compile Errors

Updated Apr 11: copy/paste can be done via Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V. The Erlang Shell console finally works on NetBeans, it works as same as on the shell/dos environment with historical commands feature. It sti ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1182人浏览 2007-04-10 18:52


好久之前捣鼓过的东西,怕忘记了,记录一下。 一个简单实现了OTP的Server:echoline,一个Helloworld级别的OTP应用,目录结构如下: ./src/echoline_app.erl ./src/echoline_sup.erl ./src/echoline_server.erl ./src/tcp_server.erl ./ebin/echoline_app.app ./pr ...
AvinDev 评论(1) 有2828人浏览 2007-04-09 21:23

erlang module pg2

《轻松实现可伸缩性,容错性,和负载平衡的大规模多人在线系统》一文里面对“Erlang的分布式进程组(Distributed Named Process Groups)”大吹特吹,就是说的pg2这个module。文档那里虽然写了支持分布式节点,但是并没有说如何如何,只提供了一个join(Name, Pid)。 看了一下openpoker的源码,原来很简单,对于连接上的node,用 which_grou ...
AvinDev 评论(3) 有3627人浏览 2007-04-09 19:58

Erlang Project Support and Code Completion in ErlyBird

I've got the initial Erlang project management supported in ErlyBird, where the Erlang project tree can be newly created and managed by NetBeans. The code is ported from Tor's work for Ruby in NetBean ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1055人浏览 2007-04-08 18:21

Erlang Project Support and Code Completion in ErlyBird

I've got the initial Erlang project management supported in ErlyBird, where the Erlang project tree can be newly created and managed by NetBeans. The code is ported from Tor's work for Ruby in NetBean ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有849人浏览 2007-04-08 18:21

Erlang 中的Module级别热部署

Java里面要实现Code Replacement,也就是什么热部署,通常是使用ClassLoader机制。不久前看到了一篇Google的Paper,里面讲解的C++代码热部署更为复杂。 在Erlang里面,实现Code Replacement其实很简单,最方便的方法可以参考 《Erlang Reference Manual》的12.3: -module(m). -export([loop/0] ...
AvinDev 评论(0) 有4027人浏览 2007-04-05 19:35


NetBeans的Geertjan作了一个系列专访,三位编写NetBeans语言扩展支持的作者从技术方面谈了一些经验: http://blogs.sun.com/geertjan/entry/three_interviews_with_language_programmers 其中对俺的专访见: http://platform.netbeans.org/articles/nbm_interview ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1868人浏览 2007-04-04 21:16

Three Interviews with Language Programmers for NetBeans

Geertjan from NetBeans took three interviews with language programmers for NetBeans, one of them is me, where I talked about ErlyBird - Erlang Editor for NetBeans and AIOTrade (formly HumaiTrader) whic ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有997人浏览 2007-04-04 13:45

Three Interviews with Language Programmers for NetBeans

Geertjan from NetBeans took three interviews with language programmers for NetBeans, one of them is me, where I talked about ErlyBird - Erlang Editor for NetBeans and AIOTrade (formly HumaiTrader) whic ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有882人浏览 2007-04-04 13:45

Go to Declaration of Function call and Var in Erlang Editor for Netbeans

I've got "Go to declaration of function call and var" if the declarations are in the same module file, and "Highlighting for function call/function arguments" working. To go to the ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有781人浏览 2007-04-03 19:06

Go to Declaration of Function call and Var in Erlang Editor for Netbeans

I've got "Go to declaration of function call and var" if the declarations are in the same module file, and "Highlighting for function call/function arguments" working. To go to the ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有851人浏览 2007-04-03 19:06


163的zhousen写了几篇文章,《谈分布式网络程序设计》 http://q.163.com/dirgroup/blog/zhousen.zju/1802920067811231290/#1802920067811231290 http://q.163.com/dirgroup/blog/zhousen.zju/1802920067123113984/#1802920067123113984 ht ...
AvinDev 评论(0) 有3469人浏览 2007-04-01 19:06

Erlang 的分布通讯安全策略

Erlang的分布式通讯安全策略,可以归结为 All or None。要不拥有全部的权限,要不就完全没有。 它的节点安全设置,是通过一个magic cookie来实现的。这个 ...
AvinDev 评论(1) 有4011人浏览 2007-03-28 19:09

Erlang Editor for NetBeans - ErlyBird 0.10.1 released

Update - Mar 29,2007: If you got exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when try completion, please check the version number of your "Generic Languages Framework" module (To ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1228人浏览 2007-03-28 10:25

Erlang Editor for NetBeans - ErlyBird 0.10.1 released

I'm pleased to announce ErlyBird 0.10.1, an Erlang Editor Module for NetBeans has been released. Current features: Syntax checking; Syntax highlighting; Functions navigator; Code-folding; Inde ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1554人浏览 2007-03-28 10:25

Erlang备忘:parallel map

http://www.pkblogs.com/montsamu/2007/02/erlang-parallel-map-and-parallel.html Joe Armstrong 提出了一个pmap实现 pmap(F, L) -> S = self(), Pids = map(fun(I) -> spawn(fun() -> do ...
AvinDev 评论(0) 有1704人浏览 2007-03-26 20:59


gen_tcp:listen(Port, Options),Options 为一个参数列表 之前介绍过 {active, Boolean} 这个 opt,现在介绍一下 {packet, PacketType} 引用{packet, PacketType} (TCP/IP sockets) Defines the type of packets to use for a socket. The ...
AvinDev 评论(0) 有3267人浏览 2007-03-26 20:20


在Erlang里面,Binary支持强大的模式匹配,这为编写网络通讯程序提供了便利。 比如一个协议串,格式如下 HEADER(2 Bytes) ID (1 Byte) MESSAGE(10 Bytes) 可以这样匹配 <<Header:16, Id:8, Message:10/binary-unit:8>> 有一些协议,头部是接下来数据的长度,这样就更简单了 <&l ...
AvinDev 评论(0) 有4092人浏览 2007-03-26 20:09

Erlang Editor Support Based on NetBeans' Generic Language Framework

I did some work to get Erlang editor supported on NetBeans. As the Schliemann project (Generic Language Framework) is still under developing, I just got simple syntax coloring, indentation, code foldi ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1091人浏览 2007-03-22 21:14


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