
From Rails to Erlyweb - Part II

Updated May 2: erlweb:compile(AppDir::string(), Options::[option()]) has option: {auto_compile, Val}, where Val is 'true', or 'false'. In case of development, you can turn on {auto_compile, true}. So, ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1200人浏览 2007-05-02 06:53


注:这篇文章可能会有争议,欢迎提出意见 在Erlang中,如果要实现两个远程节点之间的通信,就需要通过网络来实现,对于消息发送,是使用TCP。如果要在两个节点间频繁发送消息,比如每秒几百上千条,那样就要注意了。 无论是网游服务器开发的书籍,或是经验老道的工程师,都会告诉你,在发送数据包时,尽可能把小的消息组合为一个比较大的包来发送,毕竟一个TCP包的头也很大,首先是浪费带宽,其次调用底层发送的指 ...
AvinDev 评论(8) 有5384人浏览 2007-05-01 21:09

ErlyBird Screenshot: Including Args in Completion Suggestion

As a newbie to Erlang, I'm not familiar with those OTP module/functions, I have to go back to see the docs again and again. At least, now ErlyBird will suggest me the arguments of each function now. ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1133人浏览 2007-04-30 09:03

ErlyBird Screenshot: Including Args in Completion Suggestion

As a newbie to Erlang, I'm not familiar with those OTP module/functions, I have to go back to see the docs again and again. At least, now ErlyBird will suggest me the arguments of each function now. ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1139人浏览 2007-04-30 09:03

ErlyBird Screenshot: Including Args in Completion Suggestion

As a newbie to Erlang, I'm not familiar with those OTP module/functions, I have to go back to see the docs again and again. At least, now ErlyBird will suggest me the arguments of each function now. ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有816人浏览 2007-04-30 09:03

From Rails to Erlyweb - Part I

It's time to migrate our project from Rails to Erlyweb (It cost me one month to write an Erlang IDE before this happens :-)). I'll blog some tips of the procedure, focus on the differences between Rail ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1080人浏览 2007-04-28 17:33

从Rails到erlyweb - 笔记

写了几个月的Rails,终于开始把项目移植到erlyweb,这个笔记将记录移植过程中的一些常见问题,主要是Rails和erlyweb的同与不同。 1. 怎样处理params Rails: ruby 代码   p = params.fetch(:p, "1") s = params.fetch(:s, @@RECORDS_PER_PAGE)  ...
dcaoyuan 评论(5) 有3625人浏览 2007-04-28 13:27

Concurrency Programming 相關報告

一. 我會接觸Erlang的緣由 1.RFID Middleware 2.jabber (xml::stream http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabber) 3.ejabber (http://www.process-one.net/en/ ) 二. 現在的商業環境(web server) ...
lukeshei 评论(46) 有14928人浏览 2007-04-28 07:07


   从3月26号到4月25号,周一到周六,每天早上7:40到晚上1:00,中午没有午休。感觉自己已经能飞了,这一个月里不停地看文档,不断的学习业务知识,现在闭上眼睛满脑子都是银行的东西。       本来国庆是要加班的,后来经理临时通知不用加了,当听到要加班时,乱发牢骚,可是当听到不加班反而更空虚,更不知道要干吗,我发觉自己对很多事的态度都是这样,就像伊索寓言里的那种螃蟹一样,别人用竹竿一敲它的 ...
simohayha 评论(4) 有2586人浏览 2007-04-25 19:07


    在Linux下,我们使用ulimit -n 命令可以看到单个进程能够打开的最大文件句柄数量(socket连接也算在里面)。系统默认值1024。     对于一般的应用来说(象Apache、系统进程)1024完全足够使用。但是如何象squid、mysql、java等单进程处理大量请求的应用来说就有点捉襟见肘了。如果单个进程打开的文件句柄数量超过了系统定义的值,就会提到“too many fil ...
NetBus 评论(4) 有11426人浏览 2007-04-24 16:59

ErlyBird - Erlang IDE 0.11.0 发布

功能: 语法检查 语法高亮 函数导航窗口 代码折叠 缩进 代码补齐(内置函数、OTP函数、项目函数等),按Ctrl+Space或自己定义 跳转到函数定义处(OTP函数、 ...
dcaoyuan 评论(26) 有9659人浏览 2007-04-20 18:30

Erlang 里面使用Remote shell

今天无意中发现这个功能。。。 http://ejabberd.jabber.ru/interconnect-erl-nodes 在下载的 getting_started-5.0.1.pdf 那里也有这个topic:《Advanced Shell Usage - Job Control Mode》,不知道为何官方html格式的文档那里消失了 简单来说是这样,比如节点 foo@192.168.0 ...
AvinDev 评论(1) 有3947人浏览 2007-04-20 14:44

Write an IDE in One Month - ErlyBird 0.11.0 Released

Updated Apr 20:Due to a severe bug that prevents setting Erlang Installation path, I've re-pack a new release 0.11.1 that fixed it. Don't forget to set the Erlang Installation path to full path of erl ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1337人浏览 2007-04-20 09:31

Write an IDE in One Month - ErlyBird 0.11.0 Released

Updated Apr 24: The indexing feature is based on Lucene indexing from Common Scripting Framework now. But there won't be new release soon, since Generic Language Framework changes rapidly. Updated Ap ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1019人浏览 2007-04-20 09:31

Write an IDE in One Month - ErlyBird 0.11.0 Released

Updated Apr 24: The indexing feature is based on Lucene indexing from Common Scripting Framework now. But there won't be new release soon, since Generic Language Framework changes rapidly. Updated Ap ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有931人浏览 2007-04-20 09:31

Erlang 字符编码模块: iconv

在Erlang中,要处理字符串编码的转换,可以使用iconv,目前CEAN的发行版本,ejabberd和iconv模块里面都有iconv的库,但是都无法正常运行(提示版本不兼容),但是在ejabberd的安装包可以使用。经过比较,发现是 erl.exe,erlexec.dll,beam.dll 这三个启动程序的问题,ejabberd的是V5.5.2.2,而CEAN1.2和ErlangOTP R11B ...
AvinDev 评论(0) 有5053人浏览 2007-04-19 21:15


   1. 单文件模块                 直接把文件拷贝到$python_dir/lib    2. 多文件模块,带setup.py                  python setup.py install              3. egg文件,类似Java的jar                  1) 下载ez_setup.py,运行python ez_setup  ...
andyyehoo 评论(4) 有7298人浏览 2007-04-16 15:35

ErlyBird Screenshot: Erlang Console and File Locator for Compile Errors

Updated Apr 11: copy/paste can be done via Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V. The Erlang Shell console finally works on NetBeans, it works as same as on the shell/dos environment with historical commands feature. It sti ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有845人浏览 2007-04-10 18:52

ErlyBird Screenshot: Erlang Console and File Locator for Compile Errors

Updated Apr 11: copy/paste can be done via Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V. The Erlang Shell console finally works on NetBeans, it works as same as on the shell/dos environment with historical commands feature. It sti ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有843人浏览 2007-04-10 18:52

Erlang Project Support and Code Completion in ErlyBird

I've got the initial Erlang project management supported in ErlyBird, where the Erlang project tree can be newly created and managed by NetBeans. The code is ported from Tor's work for Ruby in NetBean ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有817人浏览 2007-04-08 18:21


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