3. 软件定价 (Software pricing):
Pricing starts by driving the customer perceived value of our Software.
Influence how the customer evaluates the offer and its price. This means make sure that the customer knows the highest value add and unique components of our solution – and price these accordingly.
Do not include items, in which the customer does not see any value. Include only a minimum Software scope in the entry and up-sell later. Ensure that Software Maintenance is included in every offer and discounted last.
The Software pricing model consists of pricing parameters and unit price.
1)内部参考价格(Internal Reference Price, IRP ):
The Internal Reference Price IRP is designed to enable Software revenue growth. For every Software – Basic Software, Application Software and Software Release Upgrade – the IRP defines the recommended pricing parameter, i.e. pricing structure, and internal price level reference, i.e. unit price.
Each feature has a separate IRP price, thus enabling individual up-sell of Software items.
2)客户用品价目单(Customer List Price,CLP):
The Customer List Price CLP is derived from the IRP using discount or mark-up.
The Customer List Price is valid as general price guidance for the preparation of frame contracts and negotiation of purchase contracts. It doesn’t include price erosion, volume discounts or one-off discounts.
3) 客户单价(Customer Unit Price CUP ):
The Customer Unit Price CUP is the customer-specific price derived from the Customer List Price. It is valid for purchases for a defined scenario and time period including volume discounts and possible price erosion in some cases. However, it does not include one-off discounts.
The Customer Unit Price is the basis for Software Maintenance customer price definition.
4) 客户净价(Customer Net Price CNP):
The Customer Net Price CNP is derived from the Customer Unit Price. It includes all conceded one-off discounts and is limited to the dedicated contract.
Use one-time, bundled discounts rather than overaggressive unit price discounts!
Name the discounts as one-time or entry Lump Sum Discount (LSD) and never show them as % of sales! Give the LSD at a bundled level (case total) rather than discounting individual items. This avoids that future price levels are included in that discount.
If certain items need to be given free-of-charge, choose hardware or one-
time items. Avoid free-of-charge Software items as this obstructs future up-sell and recurring Software sales.
When replacing competitors’ equipment, use discount tied only to the initial swap.
Unit price protection is a key component in any plan as unit prices define the maximum future business potential and are irreversible. Unit prices can also leak between operators, affecting other business.
Set unit prices smartly, based on market price levels and use one-time bundled discounts instead of unit price discounts.
6)替代定价模型(Alternative pricing models):
替代增长模式重新定义了价格参数,例如:标准定价模型中用户,Mbits等。而价格参数也可以相应减少。例如标准定价可能基于Mbit/s 或者 transactions/s 而替代方案可能基于最终用户的数量等等。
The alternative growth model means redefining the pricing parameters, e.g. subs, cells or Mbits, of the standard pricing model. The number of pricing parameters can be reduced too. For example, standard pricing could be based on Mbit/s and transactions/s and alternative pricing is based on the number of subscribers.
a)订阅 (subscription):
This means that customers "rent" the agreed Software scope based on a recurring annual fee.
Hereby, you should scope out future high value features and attach the model to boundary conditions to enable up-sell opportunities. Typically a minimum 3 year commitment is required from customers.
Verify that the total price over 3-5 years is comparable to the normal model and in line with market reality.
When the subscription ends, the customer either signs another subscription period or the licenses are terminated.
b)ABC(All- in, Buy-out or Capping) 的方式:
All-inclusive means that all Software features coming in the foreseeable future are included. This totally prevents or at least heavily limits up-sell.
Buy-out means that customers make a one-time upfront payment, and get unlimited right-to-use for the agreed Software scope. Included may be also Software Release Upgrades, Software Maintenance and Application Software.
Software Price Capping means agreeing to a maximum total price for the defined Software scope.
Notes: Software up-sell represents a major sales potential, covering both capacity expansions and new Application Software. The foundation is a systematic sales planning based on the Software installed base analysis, mapping customer pain points with Software priorities and monitoring continuously case progress and funnel conversion rate.
Notes: Consider the following aspects:
Use the market price and value driven pricing for Software, instead of Gross Margin based pricing.
Understand the value provided and the long term revenue potential.
Focus on Software and recurring revenue pricing.
Price Software higher at the expense of Hardware and one-off sales.
Ensure that Software Maintenance is included in every offer and discounted last.
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