3. package devtest;
5. import java.util.Iterator;
6. import java.util.Map;
7. import java.util.Set;
8. import java.util.TreeMap;
9. import java.util.logging.Logger;
11. public class InverseFizzBuzz {
14. private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(InverseFizzBuzz.class.getName());
16. private Integer[] finalRange = null;
18. private final int FizzDivisor = 3;
19. private final int BuzzDivisor = 5;
21. private String pattern = "";
23. /**
24. * FIZZ i % 3 == 0
25. */
26. private static final String FIZZ = "fizz";
27. /**
28. * BUZZ i % 5 == 0;
29. */
30. private static final String BUZZ = "buzz";
33. private static final String FizzBuzz="fizzbuzz";
36. private static final String BuzzFizz="buzzfizz";
39. private static final String FizzBuzzFizz="fizzbuzzfizz";
42. private static final String FizzFizz="fizzfizz";
45. private static final String FizzFizzBuzz="fizzfizzbuzz";
47. /**
48. *
49. */
50. public InverseFizzBuzz(String[] list) {
51. logger.info("Fizz Divisor = " + FizzDivisor);
52. logger.info("Buzz Divisor = " + BuzzDivisor);
53. for(String s : list){
54. this.pattern = this.pattern + s;
55. }
56. }
57. private void calculateFIZZ(){
58. for(int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++){
59. if (i % FizzDivisor == 0 && i % BuzzDivisor != 0) {
60. this.finalRange = new Integer[] { i };
61. break;
62. }
63. }
64. }
66. private void calculateBUZZ(){
67. for(int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++){
68. if (i % FizzDivisor != 0 && i % BuzzDivisor == 0) {
69. this.finalRange = new Integer[] { i };
70. break;
71. }
72. }
73. }
75. private void calculateFizzBuzz(){
76. for(int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++){
77. if (i % FizzDivisor == 0 && (i+1) % BuzzDivisor == 0) {
78. this.finalRange = new Integer[] { i ,i+1};
79. break;
80. }
81. }
82. }
83. private void calculateBuzzFizz(){
84. for(int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++){
85. if (i % BuzzDivisor == 0 && (i+1) % FizzDivisor == 0) {
86. this.finalRange = new Integer[] { i ,i+1};
87. break;
88. }
89. }
90. }
91. private void calculateFizzBuzzFizz(){
92. Map<Integer,String> hashMap = new TreeMap<Integer,String>();
93. int num1 = 1, num2 = 1, num3 = 1;
94. for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
95. if (i % FizzDivisor == 0 && i % BuzzDivisor != 0) {
96. hashMap.put(i, FIZZ);
97. } else if (i % FizzDivisor != 0 &&i % BuzzDivisor == 0) {
98. hashMap.put(i,BUZZ);
99. }
100. }
101. Set<Integer> keySet = hashMap.keySet();
102. boolean bool = false;
103. for (Iterator<Integer> it = keySet.iterator(); !bool && it.hasNext();) {
104. int key = it.next();
105. String keyValue = hashMap.get(key);
106. if(keyValue.equals(FIZZ)){
107. if(num1 == 1){
108. num1 = key;
109. }else{
110. num3 = key;
111. }
112. }else if(keyValue.equals(BUZZ)){
113. num2 = key;
114. }
116. if(num1 != 1 && num2 != 1 && num3 !=1 && num1 < num2 && num2 < num3){
117. this.finalRange = new Integer[num3-num1 + 1];
118. for(int j=0,i = num1; i <= num3 ; i ++,j ++){
119. this.finalRange[j] = i;
120. }
121. bool = true;
122. }
123. }
124. }
126. private void calculateFizzFizz(){
127. Map<Integer,String> hashMap = new TreeMap<Integer,String>();
128. int num1 = 1, num2 = 1;
129. for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
130. if (i % FizzDivisor == 0 && i % BuzzDivisor != 0) {
131. hashMap.put(i, FIZZ);
132. }
133. }
134. Set<Integer> keySet = hashMap.keySet();
135. int buff = 0;
136. boolean bool = false;
137. for (Iterator<Integer> it = keySet.iterator(); !bool && it.hasNext();) {
138. buff = it.next();
139. if(num1 == 1 && num2 == 1){
140. num1 = buff;
141. num2 = buff;
142. }else{
143. num2 = buff;
144. }
145. boolean flag = false;
146. if(num1 != 1 && num2 != 1 && num1 < num2){
147. for(int i = num1; i <= num2 ; i ++){
148. if( i % BuzzDivisor != 0){
149. continue;
150. }else{
151. num1 = num2 ;
152. flag = true;
153. break;
154. }
155. }
156. if(!flag){
157. setData(num2,num1);
158. bool = true;
159. }
160. }
161. }
162. }
165. /** <Description functions in a word>
166. * <Detail description>
167. * @author Peter.Qiu [Parameters description]
168. * @return void [Return type description]
169. * @exception throws [Exception] [Exception description]
170. * @see [Related classes#Related methods#Related properties]
171. */
172. private void calculateSequenceRange(){
173. if(this.pattern.equals(FIZZ)){
174. calculateFIZZ();
175. }else if(this.pattern.equals(BUZZ)){
176. calculateBUZZ();
177. }else if(this.pattern.equals(FizzBuzz)){
178. calculateFizzBuzz();
179. }else if(this.pattern.equals(BuzzFizz)){
180. calculateBuzzFizz();
181. }else if(this.pattern.equals(FizzBuzzFizz)){
182. calculateFizzBuzzFizz();
183. }else if(this.pattern.equals(FizzFizz)){
184. calculateFizzFizz();
185. }else if(this.pattern.equals(FizzFizzBuzz)){
186. calculateFizzFizzBuzz();
187. }
188. }
189. private void calculateFizzFizzBuzz(){
190. calculateFizzFizz();//shortest of FizzFizz
191. int maxRange = this.finalRange[finalRange.length - 1];//
192. int minRange = this.finalRange[0];//
193. for(int i = maxRange ; i <= 100 ; i ++){
194. if(i % BuzzDivisor == 0){
195. maxRange = i;
196. break;
197. }
198. }
199. setData(maxRange,minRange);
200. }
202. private void setData(int max, int min){
203. this.finalRange = new Integer[max- min + 1];
204. for(int j =0, i = min ; i <= max ; i++,j++ ){
205. this.finalRange[j] = i;
206. }
207. }
208. private void displayInfo() {
209. logger.info("=======Dispaly Info Start===============");
210. logger.info(this.pattern);
211. String result = "";
212. for(int i = 0 ; finalRange !=null && i < finalRange.length ; i ++){
213. Integer num = finalRange[i];
214. if(i < finalRange.length - 1){
215. result += num+",";
216. }else{
217. result += num;
218. }
219. }
220. logger.info(result);
221. logger.info("=======Dispaly Info End==============");
222. }
224. public Integer[] sequence() {
225. calculateSequenceRange();
226. displayInfo();
227. return finalRange;
228. }
尼科 只是为了fun :slightly_smiling_face: ... println_str ( "Fizz Buzz" ) when x if x % 3 == 0 println_str ( "Fizz" ) when x if x % 5 == 0 println_str ( "Buzz" ) else println_i32
Firstly, you will get a taste for web development with Elm by developing a simple fizz-buzz app. Next you will get hands-on with advanced Elm concepts as you develop your own personal blogging ...
**入门编程**三角练习有史以来最简单的运动在控制台打印一个星号。... n=3 的示例: 账单**FizzBuzz 练习FizzBuzz 是一个简单的数字游戏,您可以在其中数数,但要说“Fizz”和/或“Buzz”,而不是遵
If the number is divisible by 3, output "Fizz." If the number is divisible by 5, output "Buzz." If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, output "FizzBuzz." If the number is not divisible by any of...
case (true, false) => print("Fizz"); case (false, true) => print("Buzz"); case (true, true) => print("FizzBuzz"); default => print(n); } } } 特征 静态类型有助于而不是阻碍 高效的编译时内存管理 ...
1. **FizzBuzz**:这是一个基础的编程挑战,要求编写代码打印出1到100的数字,但遇到3的倍数打印"Fizz",5的倍数打印"Buzz",既是3又是5的倍数则打印"FizzBuzz"。这个练习主要测试基本的循环和条件判断。 2. **...
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