Many times when working with Eclipse RCP
I had to generate ad-hoc updatesites (usually containing some 3rd party
plug-ins). What I usually did to achieve this (with Eclipse IDE):
- create new feature project
- add plug-ins to the feature
- create new updatesite project
- add the feature to the updatesite (pre-p2 style – site.xml)
- export newly created updatesite (letting Eclipse to deal with creating p2
meta data)
Since I needed to automate this process
I started researching on p2 capabilities and found out that it can be done from
command line using FeatureAndBundlesPublisher application. Sample command line
invocation to do it:
%ECLIPSE_EXE% -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher -metadataRepository file:/%P2_TARGET% -artifactRepository file:/%P2_TARGET% -source %P2_SRC% -compress -configs win32.win32.x86 -publishArtifacts
- ECLIPSE_EXE – points to Eclipse executable;
- P2_TARGET – path to an empty directory where p2 repository should be
- P2_SRC – path to the directory with /plugins subdirectory and plug-ins to be
published (jar files) inside;
parameter is optional. It compresses artifacts.xml and
content.xml to jar (zip) files.
在这个主题中,“Generating MD5 value from big data.rar_Big!_big data”指的是如何在海量数据环境中计算MD5值。以下是对这个主题的详细阐述: 一、MD5简介 MD5是由Ronald Rivest开发的一种加密散列函数,它接受...
The paper "Adaptive Model Rules from High-Speed Data Streams" discusses the development and implementation of an adaptive model specifically designed to handle regression problems in real-time ...
Generating Data with DO Loops Processing Variables with Arrays Improving Program Efficiency with Macro Variables Reading Various Types of Raw Data Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields Reading ...
Generating and restoring an image from the CompactFlash Card of your control system to save data. Writing images to a CompactFlash Card. Loading commissioning files directly to the control system ...
displaying spatial-temporal displays with Google Earth, and generating code from descriptions of data structures to read and write data. These topics demonstrate the rich possibilities and ...
The second mode is the Prototype mode which is used solely for generating MEGA Analysis Options (.mao) files that specify analysis settings when using MEGA from a command shell The command-line ...
BigOP: Generating Comprehensive Big Data Workloads as a Benchmarking Framework
标题中的"data_generating.zip_调频连续波"表明这是一个与数据生成相关的压缩文件,特别是针对调频连续波(Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave,FMCW)技术。调频连续波是雷达系统中常用的一种信号类型,它通过...
从连续空间生成句子 基于的代码的LSTM变分自动编码器的。 完全重写。 并非完全遵循本文,但主要思想已实现... title = { Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space, Keras implementation. } , year = { 2018 } ,
颜色分类leetcode 生成数据 介绍 数据分析通常需要分析师使用某种类型的数据来测试算法的效率/性能。 在这种情况下,重点不是像我们之前看到的那样回答一些分析问题,而是测试一些机器学习假设,例如,比较两种不同...
demonstrated for text (where the data are discrete) and online handwrit- ing (where the data are real-valued). It is then extended to handwriting synthesis by allowing the network to condition its ...
### Generating Artifacts问题解决知识点详解 #### 一、问题背景及概述 在使用MyEclipse进行Web开发过程中,特别是利用Hibernate框架进行数据库反向工程(Hibernate Reverse Engineering)时,可能会遇到名为...
《Generating Functionology》这本书由赫伯特·S·威尔夫(Herbert S. Wilf)编写,是关于生成函数及其在离散数学中的应用的一本著作。本书探讨了生成函数作为离散数学与连续分析之间桥梁的角色,特别强调了它在处理...
### Wrox 的 Generating Code from the Visio Model #### 概述 在软件开发过程中,从UML模型自动生成代码是一项非常高效且节省时间的技术。这一技术不仅有助于减少手动编码的工作量,还可以确保代码与设计的一致性...
adv Generating a Map Application源码
adv Generating a Map Application 题目
scatterplot matrices, heat maps, and sizing.In the second module, you'll start with getting your data into Tableau, move onto generating progressively complex graphics, and end with the finishing ...
We will then implement example solutions using real-world data from the domain of software engineering, and we will spend time learning how to understand and interpret the results we get. By the end...