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Deadlocks in 2 minutes Deadlocks are software bugs where multiple threads (typically one of them being the main thread) wait indefinitely on common synchronization primitives (locks) because their resolution is mutually interdependent. Thread A waits on lock L1 to be released, but i ...
Running FindBugs from Eclipse RCP headless build is pretty much simple: 1. Add the following target to your customTargets.xml (replace "com.yourcompany" with your package/plug-in prefix): classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask"> home="${en ...
Motto: Ninety per cent of most magic merely consists of knowing one extra fact. Terry Pratchett, Night Watch Development in Eclipse keeps fascinating me, as there are a lot of very thoroughly designed services and features integrated to allow detailed customization – on the other ha ...
Our Eclipse-based product plugs into the platform debug support. And we have a large number of launch shortcuts which have enablement expressions specified in plugin.xml. And they are a huge pain in the ass to test manually. If a particular shortcut is disabled when it should be enabled, there ...
java -jar <eclipse-installation-path>\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_<version><qualifier>.jar -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile <eclipse-workspace-path>\<project-name>\<build-xml-path> example java -jar C:\eclipse\plug ...
Many times when working with Eclipse RCP I had to generate ad-hoc updatesites (usually containing some 3rd party plug-ins). What I usually did to achieve this (with Eclipse IDE): create new feature project add plug-ins to the feature create new updatesite project add the feature t ...
I ran a query to see all the bugs fixed in the Eclipse Platform in 3.6; it is a long list (4309 and counting). Felipe gets credit for the oldest bug fixed (raised in 2001), but in a close second is bug 4922 (raised only a day later). This bug is about opening files in eclipse from the ...
I wanted to drop an outlook email to my RCP application and as always I asked google to help me. You don't find much on this, an older post washttp://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=msg&&th=147516&goto=464661 That got me startet. The damn it didn't work, I asked on the forum a ...
The source and output properties in build.properties control the folders to be compiled and where to place the resulting output. The eclipse help briefly talks about it. * source.<library> - lists source folders that will be compiled (e.g. source.xyz.jar=src/, src-ant/). If the li ...
Eclipse shows errors during a launch via the log views in both the host and the target system and on the file system. In addition the developer can specify the flag “-consoleLog” in the launch configuration so see potential error messages in the console view. Bug 284704 had been opened as ...
dltk code Completion org.eclipse.dltk.ui.text.completion.ScriptCompletionProposalComputer#computeCompletionProposals the Language specific proposals is on top of Template proposals   if want to change the proposals' older,could store the configure the older in the preference page and store it(f ...
As a rule of thumb, your application should try to remember the state across sessions. So when a user hits the close button and then opens it after few mins/days, it should present exactly in the same way where he left. In this tip, I'm going to explain few things of how this could be achieved. ...
Every Eclipse plugin developer has to deal with Shell and Window, but sometimes doesn't understand the difference between these two. In this tip, I'm trying to explain the basic things: Display, Shell, Window, Dialog, Workbench, WorkbenchPart, WorkbenchSite and WorkbenchPage. Yeah, I know, its ...
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