



 * An implementation of a heap. Elements stored in the heap must implement the
 * Comparable interface.
 * */
public class Heap {
	private Comparable[] heap;
	private int size;
	private int capacity;
	private int capacityIncrement;

	 * Construct a heap with initial capacity 10 and capacity increment 0
	 * */
	public Heap() {
		this(10, 0);

	 * Construct a heap with initial capacity c and capacity increment 0
	 * @param c initial capacity for heap
	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException c is negative
	 * */
	public Heap(int c) {
		this(c, 0);

	 * Construct a heap with initial capacity c and capacity increment ci
	 * @param c initial capacity for heap
	 * @param ci capacity increment for heap
	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException c or ci is negative
	 * */
	public Heap(int c, int ci) {
		if (c < 0 || ci < 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
		size = 0;
		capacity = c;
		capacityIncrement = ci;
		heap = new Comparable[capacity + 1];

	 * Return the size of the heap
	 * @return the number of elements contained in the heap
	 * */
	public int size() {
		return size;

	 * Return the capacity of the heap
	 * @return the size of the internal array used to store the heap
	 * */
	public int capacity() {
		return capacity;

	 * Insert an element into the heap
	 * @param value object to insert
	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException value is null
	 * */
	public void insert(Comparable value) {
		if (value == null)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();

		if (size == capacity) {
			if (capacityIncrement == 0)
				capacity *= 2;
				capacity += capacityIncrement;

			Comparable[] temp = new Comparable[capacity + 1];
			System.arraycopy(heap, 1, temp, 1, size);
			heap = temp;

		heap[++size] = value; // add at end of array
		siftUp(heap, size, size); // restore heap property

	 * Remove top element from the heap
	 * @return the element with the greatest value from the heap
	 * @exception EmptyHeapException heap is empty
	 * */
	public Comparable remove() throws Exception {
		switch (size) {
		case 0:
			throw new Exception("heap is empty");
		case 1:
			return heap[size--]; // special case for size = 1
			Comparable ret = heap[1]; // will return top element
			heap[1] = heap[size--]; // move last element at top and adjust size
			siftDown(heap, size, 1); // restore heap property
			return ret;

	 * Sift an element up to its correct place in the heap
	 * @param A array containing the heap
	 * @param size size of heap
	 * @param pos position of element that we sift up
	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException pos < 1 or pos > size or size > A.length
	private static void siftUp(Comparable[] A, int size, int pos) {
		if (pos < 1 || pos > size || size > A.length)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();

		int child = pos;
		int parent = child / 2;
		Comparable value = A[child];

		while (parent > 0) {
			if (A[parent].compareTo(value) < 0) {
				A[child] = A[parent];
				child = parent;
				parent = parent / 2;
			} else

		A[child] = value;

	 * Sift an element down to its correct place in the heap
	 * @param A array containing the heap
	 * @param size size of heap
	 * @param pos position of element that we sift down
	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException pos < 1 or pos > size or size > A.length
	private static void siftDown(Comparable[] A, int size, int pos) {
		if (pos < 1 || pos > size || size > A.length)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();

		int parent = pos;
		int child = 2 * parent;
		Comparable value = A[parent];

		while (child <= size) {
			if (child < size && A[child].compareTo(A[child + 1]) < 0)

			if (A[child].compareTo(value) > 0) {
				A[parent] = A[child];
				parent = child;
				child = 2 * child;
			} else

		A[parent] = value;

	 * Transform an array into a heap
	 * @param A array that we want to transform into a heap
	 * @param size number of elements
	 * @exception IllegalArgumentException size > A.length
	private static void heapify(Comparable[] A, int size) {
		if (size > A.length)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();

		for (int i = size / 2; i > 0; i--)
			siftDown(A, size, i);







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