
Implementing a deck of cards


Implementing a deck of cards


  • A deck of playing cards


    • What a deck of playing cards looks like for real:





  • Representing a deck of cards


    • To represent a deck of cards, we need 52 Card objects



    • possible representation:


         public class DeckOfCards
            private Card c1;                
            private Card c2;
            private Card c52;
            // 52 Card variables !!!



    • much better representation is to use an array of Card objects:


          public class DeckOfCards
             private Card[] deckOfCards;         // Used to store all 52 cards     

      We can use a constructor method to initialize the deck of card to contain the right cards.




  • Constructor method(s) for a deck of cards


    • We will have a constructor method to create a deck of cards containing:




    • The constructor method:


         public class DeckOfCards
            public static final int NCARDS = 52;
            private Card[] deckOfCards;         // Contains all 52 cards
            /* ---------------------------------------------------
               The constructor method: make 52 cards in a deck
      	 --------------------------------------------------- */
            public DeckOfCards( )
               /* =================================================================   
                  First: create the array                                             
                  ================================================================= */
         	 deckOfCards = new Card[ NCARDS ];   // Very important !!!              
                                                   // We must crate the array first ! 
               /* =================================================================
                  Next: initialize all 52 card objects in the newly created array
                  ================================================================= */
         	 int i = 0;
         	 for ( int suit = Card.DIAMOND; suit <= Card.SPADE; suit++ )           
         	    for ( int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++ )
         		deckOfCards[i++] = new Card(suit, rank);  // Put card in
                                                                // position i



      • The variable suit will go through the values Card.DIAMOND (= 1) upto and including Card.SPADE (= 4)


      • The variable rank will go through the values 1 upto and including 13



      • So we will create 4×13 = 52 cards


      • The variable i is incremented by 1 so each new card will be stored in a different array element deckOfCards[i].





  • Converting a "deck of card" to String: toString()


    • We will make a toString() method that return a String of the cards stored inside the array deckOfCards[].

      We will return 13 cards on 1 line

      (We use the newline character \n to separate the lines)



    • The toString() method:


         public String toString()
            String s = "";
            int k;
            k = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
               for ( int j = 1; j <= 13; j++ )
                   s += ( deckOfCards[k++] + " " );                
               s += "\n";   // Add NEWLINE after 13 cards
            return ( s );






  • Operations on a deck of cards


    • What can you do with a deck of playing cards:


      Shuffle up and... Deal !!!




  • Simulating "dealing cards" from a deck of cards


    • Fact:


      • computer program cannot deal cards --- at least not physically



    • Simulation:


      • In a computer simulation, we only aim to achieve the same result

      What is the result of dealing some cards:


      Result = information about what cards has been dealt


      We can represent this hand (= a collection of cards) in a computer program with the following simulated card objects (= information):


          3h  6c  8h  Js  Jh     



    • Furthermore:


      • When a card is dealt from the deck (of cards), the same card cannot be dealt again !!!

      How do we simulate this ???



      • More information is necessary....




    • Recall that we has stored a deck of cards as an array of Card objects:


      • The definition of the DeckOfCards class


            public class DeckOfCards
               private Card[] deckOfCards;         // Used to store all 52 cards     



      • Depicted graphically (make things clearer):



      We can simulate "dealing" a card from a deck using an "current card" index variable:




    • How to simulate "dealing a card":


      • Initial state: (a fresh deck)


        • Suppose no card has been dealt yet.

          The next card that will be dealt is the card store at the variable deckOfCard[0]

          We initilize: currentCard = 0


        Graphical depiction of the initial state:



      • Deal a card:


        • First, we return the Card object stored at the currentCard position

          (In this example, the Card object that will be returned is Ac (Ace of Club)



        • Then, we advance the currentCard position to the next Card object:












  • The updated definition of the DeckOfCards class


    • We need to add one more piece of information (namely: currentCard) to simulate dealing cards from a deck:


         public class DeckOfCards
            public static final int NCARDS = 52;
            private Card[] deckOfCards;         // Contains all 52 cards
            private int currentCard;            // deal THIS card in deck      
            public DeckOfCards( )
         	 deckOfCards = new Card[ NCARDS ];
         	 int i = 0;
         	 for ( int suit = Card.SPADE; suit <= Card.DIAMOND; suit++ )
         	    for ( int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++ )
         		deckOfCards[i++] = new Card(suit, rank);
         	 currentCard = 0;         // Fresh deck of card...
            public String toString()
         	 String s = "";
         	 int k;
         	 k = 0;
         	 for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
         	    for ( int j = 1; j <= 13; j++ )
         		s += (deckOfCards[k++] + " ");
         	    s += "\n";
         	 return ( s );



    • OK, we are now ready to implement the desired operations on a deck of cards

      Let's shuffle up and deal !!!!




  • Dealing a card from the deck


    • Name of the "deal a card" method:


      • Let's pick this name: deal          


    • Input parameters:


      • Dealing the next card does not require any additional information

        Thereforeno input parameters necessary


    • Output value:


      • Dealing the next card must return the current card in the deck

        Therefore: the method deal must return a Card object



    • Therefore, the header of the deal method is as follows:


          // No parameters
          // Returns a "Card" object
          public Card deal()                  



    • What must the deal method do:


      • From the above discussion (see: click here):


        • First, we return the Card object stored at the currentCard position



        • Then, we advance the currentCard position to the next Card object


      The deal() method:


         public class DeckOfCards
            public static final int NCARDS = 52;
            private Card[] deckOfCards;         // Contains all 52 cards
            private int currentCard;            // deal THIS card in deck      
            public DeckOfCards( )
         	 deckOfCards = new Card[ NCARDS ];
         	 int i = 0;
         	 for ( int suit = Card.SPADE; suit <= Card.DIAMOND; suit++ )
         	    for ( int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++ )
         		deckOfCards[i++] = new Card(suit, rank);
         	 currentCard = 0;         // Fresh deck of card...
            /* ---------------------------------------------------------
               deal(): deal the next card in the deck
      	    i.e. deal deckOfCards[currentCard] out
      	 --------------------------------------------------------- */
            public Card deal()
         	 if ( currentCard < NCARDS )
         	    return ( deckOfCards[ currentCard++ ] );
         	    System.out.println("Out of cards error");
         	    return ( null );  // Error;
            public String toString()
         	 String s = "";
         	 int k;
         	 k = 0;
         	 for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
         	    for ( int j = 1; j <= 13; j++ )
         		s += (deckOfCards[k++] + " ");
         	    s += "\n";
         	 return ( s );



    • Note:


      • In the deal() method, we make use of the fact that currentCard++ evaluates to the old value


      • So the Card object that is return is the one pointed to by the old value of currentCard before the increment operation !!!






  • Shuffling a deck of cards


    • The effect of shuffling a deck of cards:


      • The order of the cards in the deck becomes random


      • After shuffling, we start dealing card from the top of the deck

        (I.e., currentCard is reset to 0 (zero)).



    • The classic solution (a well-known trick in Computer Science) used to shuffle objects stored an array is the following algorithm:


           repeat for many times
              select 2 random object in the array                
      	exchange the selected objects

      Example: (shuffling an array of integers)


      • Initial array of 10 integers:


            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10       


      • Pick 2 elements randomly and exchange them:


            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10       
            1   2   9   4   5   6   7   8   3   10    



      • Pick 2 elements randomly and exchange them:


            1   2   9   4   5   6   7   8   3   10       
            1   2   9   4   7   6   5   8   3   10



      • And so on.... (the elements will become more and more random)




  • The shuffle method


    • Name the method... let's pick this name:





    • Input parameters:


      • We can tell the shuffle method the number pair exchanges that it needs to perform.

        Thereforeparameter n = number of "exchanges" performed (i.e., how "long" it needs to shuffle)


    • Output value:


      • Shuffling a deck of cards does not return any value

        (It only has effect of the state of the cards in the deck)

        Therefore: the method shuffle return a void type



    • Therefore, the header of the shuffle method is as follows:


          // Input: n = # exchange operations performed
          // Returns nothing....
          public void shuffle(int n)                  



    • What must the deal method do:

      Pseudo code:


          // Input: n = # exchange operations performed
          // Returns nothing....
          public void shuffle(int n)                  
             for ( k = 1, 2, 3, ..., n )
                i = a random integer number between [0 .. 51];
                j = another random integer number between [0 .. 51];       
      	  exchange: deckOfCard[i] and deckOfCard[j];


    • We need to solve 2 problems:


      • How to pick a random integer number between 0 .. 51.


      • How to exchange 2 cards in an array.




    • Picking a random integer number between [0 .. 51]


      • The method Math.random() returns a random number betweem [0 .. 1):


          static double random()
              Returns a double value with a positive sign, 
              greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.         
          (See Java's API doc: click here)



      • Therefore:


                 0.0   ≤   Math.random()   <   1.0                  
            ⇒   0.0   ≤  52×Math.random() <  52.0
            ⇒   0   ≤  (int) (52×Math.random()) <  52

        The integers that are ≥ 0 and < 52 are:


        • 0, 1, 2, 3, ...., 50, 51           




    • Exchanging 2 elements in an array:


      • We have seen this problem before in the Selection Sort Algorithm --- See: click here


      • The classic algorithm used to exchange the values of 2 variables is the 3-way exchange algorithm:




      • Exchange: deckOfCard[i] and deckOfCard[j]


           Card help;
           help = deckOfCard[i];
           deckOfCard[i] = deckOfCard[j];           
           deckOfCard[j] = help;




    • The shuffle() method:


         /* ------------------------------------------------
            shuffle(n): shuffle the deck using n exchanges
            ------------------------------------------------ */
         public void shuffle(int n)
            int i, j, k;
            for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                i = (int) ( NCARDS * Math.random() );  // Pick 2 random cards      
                j = (int) ( NCARDS * Math.random() );  // in the deck
                /* ---------------------------------
                   Swap these randomly picked cards
                   --------------------------------- */
                Card tmp = deckOfCards[i];
                deckOfCards[i] = deckOfCards[j];
                deckOfCards[j] = tmp;
            currentCard = 0;   // Reset current card to deal from top of deck






  • The DeckOfCard Class


    • This is the complete definition of the DeckOfCard class

      It can simulate a deck of 52 playing cards:


      • You can shuffle the deck of cards


      • You can deal a card to a player.

        (A deck of "computer cards" can only perform these 2 operations !!!)



    • The DeckOfCards class definition:


         /* -----------------------------------------------------
            Deck: a deck of cards
            ----------------------------------------------------- */
         public class DeckOfCards
            public static final int NCARDS = 52;
            private Card[] deckOfCards;         // Contains all 52 cards
            private int currentCard;            // deal THIS card in deck           
            public DeckOfCards( )    // Constructor
         	 deckOfCards = new Card[ NCARDS ];
         	 int i = 0;
         	 for ( int suit = Card.SPADE; suit <= Card.DIAMOND; suit++ )
         	    for ( int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++ )
         		deckOfCards[i++] = new Card(suit, rank);
         	 currentCard = 0;
            /* ---------------------------------
         	 shuffle(n): shuffle the deck
         	 --------------------------------- */
            public void shuffle(int n)
         	 int i, j, k;
         	 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
         	     i = (int) ( NCARDS * Math.random() );  // Pick 2 random cards
         	     j = (int) ( NCARDS * Math.random() );  // in the deck
         	     /* ---------------------------------
         		swap these randomly picked cards
         		--------------------------------- */
         	     Card tmp = deckOfCards[i];
         	     deckOfCards[i] = deckOfCards[j];
         	     deckOfCards[j] = tmp;;
         	 currentCard = 0;   // Reset current card to deal
            /* -------------------------------------------
         	 deal(): deal deckOfCards[currentCard] out
         	 ------------------------------------------- */
            public Card deal()
         	 if ( currentCard < NCARDS )
         	    return ( deckOfCards[ currentCard++ ] );
         	    System.out.println("Out of cards error");
         	    return ( null );  // Error;
            public String toString()
         	 String s = "";
         	 int k;
         	 k = 0;
         	 for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
         	    for ( int j = 1; j <= 13; j++ )
         		s += (deckOfCards[k++] + " ");
         	    s += "\n";
         	 return ( s );






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