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suggest 自动提示


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<title>suggest 自动 提示</title>
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var a_i;
function showGs(event){
   var keyStr = event.keyCode;
  var keyStr = event.which;

  var vsGsName=escape($("#sGsName").val());
    var aLen=$("#ts>a").length;
    var _aLen=Number(aLen)-1;
    }else if(keyStr==40){ //按下键盘的向上方向键
    }else if(keyStr==13){//按下回车键
     var entLiText=$("#ts>a").get(a_i).innerHTML;
<style type="text/css">
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#ts a{
#ts a:hover{
<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
<table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="color:#660000">
    <td height="30" colspan="3">输入“中”,“国”,“广州”,“公司”看看</td>
    <td width="25%" height="30">请输入名称:</td>
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  <input name="sGsName" type="text" id="sGsName" onkeyup="showGs(event)" /><div id="ts"></div>
    <td width="25%">&nbsp;<a href="http://www.94this.com.cn/article/87.htm">代码下载</a>&nbsp;</td>




 historyCurrentHash: undefined,
 historyCallback: undefined,
 historyIframeSrc: undefined,
 historyNeedIframe: jQuery.browser.msie && (jQuery.browser.version < 8 || document.documentMode < 8),
 historyInit: function(callback, src){
  jQuery.historyCallback = callback;
  if (src) jQuery.historyIframeSrc = src;
  var current_hash = location.hash.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
  jQuery.historyCurrentHash = current_hash;
  if (jQuery.historyNeedIframe) {
   // To stop the callback firing twice during initilization if no hash present
   if (jQuery.historyCurrentHash == '') {
    jQuery.historyCurrentHash = '#';
   // add hidden iframe for IE
   jQuery("body").prepend('<iframe id="jQuery_history" style="display: none;"'+
    ' src="javascript:false;"></iframe>'
   var ihistory = jQuery("#jQuery_history")[0];
   var iframe = ihistory.contentWindow.document;
   iframe.location.hash = current_hash;
  else if (jQuery.browser.safari) {
   // etablish back/forward stacks
   jQuery.historyBackStack = [];
   jQuery.historyBackStack.length = history.length;
   jQuery.historyForwardStack = [];
   jQuery.lastHistoryLength = history.length;
   jQuery.isFirst = true;
   jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
  setInterval(jQuery.historyCheck, 100);
 historyAddHistory: function(hash) {
  // This makes the looping function do something
  jQuery.historyForwardStack.length = 0; // clear forwardStack (true click occured)
  this.isFirst = true;
 historyCheck: function(){
  if (jQuery.historyNeedIframe) {
   // On IE, check for location.hash of iframe
   var ihistory = jQuery("#jQuery_history")[0];
   var iframe = ihistory.contentDocument || ihistory.contentWindow.document;
   var current_hash = iframe.location.hash.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
   if(current_hash != jQuery.historyCurrentHash) {
    location.hash = current_hash;
    jQuery.historyCurrentHash = current_hash;
    jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
  } else if (jQuery.browser.safari) {
   if(jQuery.lastHistoryLength == history.length && jQuery.historyBackStack.length > jQuery.lastHistoryLength) {
   if (!jQuery.dontCheck) {
    var historyDelta = history.length - jQuery.historyBackStack.length;
    jQuery.lastHistoryLength = history.length;
    if (historyDelta) { // back or forward button has been pushed
     jQuery.isFirst = false;
     if (historyDelta < 0) { // back button has been pushed
      // move items to forward stack
      for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(historyDelta); i++) jQuery.historyForwardStack.unshift(jQuery.historyBackStack.pop());
     } else { // forward button has been pushed
      // move items to back stack
      for (var i = 0; i < historyDelta; i++) jQuery.historyBackStack.push(jQuery.historyForwardStack.shift());
     var cachedHash = jQuery.historyBackStack[jQuery.historyBackStack.length - 1];
     if (cachedHash != undefined) {
      jQuery.historyCurrentHash = location.hash.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
    } else if (jQuery.historyBackStack[jQuery.historyBackStack.length - 1] == undefined && !jQuery.isFirst) {
     // back button has been pushed to beginning and URL already pointed to hash (e.g. a bookmark)
     // document.URL doesn't change in Safari
     if (location.hash) {
      var current_hash = location.hash;
      jQuery.historyCallback(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
     } else {
      var current_hash = '';
     jQuery.isFirst = true;
  } else {
   // otherwise, check for location.hash
   var current_hash = location.hash.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
   if(current_hash != jQuery.historyCurrentHash) {
    jQuery.historyCurrentHash = current_hash;
    jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/, ''));
 historyLoad: function(hash){
  var newhash;
  hash = decodeURIComponent(hash.replace(/\?.*$/, ''));
  if (jQuery.browser.safari) {
   newhash = hash;
  else {
   newhash = '#' + hash;
   location.hash = newhash;
  jQuery.historyCurrentHash = newhash;
  if (jQuery.historyNeedIframe) {
   var ihistory = jQuery("#jQuery_history")[0];
   var iframe = ihistory.contentWindow.document;
   iframe.location.hash = newhash;
   jQuery.lastHistoryLength = history.length;
  else if (jQuery.browser.safari) {
   jQuery.dontCheck = true;
   // Manually keep track of the history values for Safari
   // Wait a while before allowing checking so that Safari has time to update the "history" object
   // correctly (otherwise the check loop would detect a false change in hash).
   var fn = function() {jQuery.dontCheck = false;};
   window.setTimeout(fn, 200);
   // N.B. "location.hash=" must be the last line of code for Safari as execution stops afterwards.
   //      By explicitly using the "location.hash" command (instead of using a variable set to "location.hash") the
   //      URL in the browser and the "history" object are both updated correctly.
   location.hash = newhash;
  else {


 function pageload(hash) {
  // alert("pageload: " + hash);
  // hash doesn't contain the first # character.
  // 根據傳回的 hash(錨點),AJAX 置換顯示的內容
  if(hash) {
   // restore ajax loaded state重新讀取指定頁面
   if($.browser.msie) {
    // jquery's $.load() function does't work when hash include special characters like aao.
    hash = encodeURIComponent(hash);
   $("#load").load(hash + ".html");
  } else {
   // start page 如果沒有回傳值,代表已經回到 AJAX 的初始狀態頁,清空顯示的內容
  // Initialize history plugin.The callback is called at once by present location.hash.
  // 初始化 history plugin,並設定回傳使用的函數
  $.historyInit(pageload, "jquery_history.html");
  // set onlick event for buttons 設定觸發寫入歷史紀錄條件的按鈕事件
   // 取得超連結的錨點
   var hash = this.href;
   hash = hash.replace(/^.*#/, '');
   // moves to a new page.
   // pageload is called at once.
   // hash don't contain "#", "?"
   // 點選 AJAX 頁面時,紀錄位置於瀏覽器的歷史紀錄中
   return false;
 <h1>jquery history plugin</h1>
 This plugin helps you make your Ajax-driven page available for "Go Back" button and "bookmark" of browser.<br>
 source: <a href="jquery.history.js">jquery.history.js</a> (Last Update: 2009/10/14)<br>
 <a href="history/rbbs.cgi">jquery history bbs</a><br>
 Work on IE8, FireFox 4.0, Opera9, Safari 4.0, Chrome 2.0. <br>
 [<a href="jquery_history_xhtml.html">xhtml 1.0 test</a>]
 [<a href="jquery_history_ie7.html">IE7 compatible mode test</a>]
 首先建立簡單的 AJAX 超連結:
 Ajax load<br>
 <a href="#1" rel="history">load 1</a><br>
 <a href="#2" rel="history">load 2</a><br>
 <a href="#3" rel="history">load 3</a><br>
 <a href="#aao" rel="history">load aao</a><br>
 Loaded html:<br>
 <div id="load"></div>
 <h1>update history</h1>
 Safari support & bug fix on IE6 was offered by Lincoln Cooper. Thanks.
 Fix IE6 problem was offered by Anton. Thanks.
 Support IE8 was offered by Yohann MARTEL. Thanks.
 When hash contains "?" char, there was a problem in the interchangeability between browsers.
 <a href="http://www.mikage.to/jquery/jquery_history.html#1?aaa">http://www.mikage.to/jquery/jquery_history.html#1?aaa</a> didn't work on IE.
 Plugin remove string that following "?" now.<br>
 This problem was reported by Chris Pall. Thanks.
 History plugin work with "jQuery.noConflict();". NoConflict version works with another framework (prototype, etc...). sample is <a href="jquery_history_noc.html">here</a>.<br>
 This problem was reported by Mat Ellis. Thanks.
 Iframe src problem patch offered by Francesco Sullo. Thanks.<br>
 When hash include special characters like aao, plugin does't work correctly on Firefox/IE. This problem was reported by Peter Nguyen. Thanks.<br>
 Chrome/Safari patch offered by Peter Nguyen. Thanks.
 Chrome/Safari patch offered by Peter Nguyen. Thanks.
 I am sorry for being not able to reply though a lot of mails are gotten. <br>
 The BBS was set up. <a href="history/rbbs.cgi">jquery history bbs</a><br>
 In IE8, the plugin breaks when using a DOCTYPE of XHTML 1.0.<br>
 This problem patch offered by Jonathan. Thanks.<br>
 <a href="jquery_history_ie8.html">This version is here.</a> But this version is not work with HTML 4.0 on IE8.<br>
 <a href="http://wp.serpere.info/archives/783">IE8 patch</a> offered by serpere. Thanks.<br>
 Now history plugin works at all mode in IE8.
 <a href="http://www.mikage.to/jquery/history/rbbs.cgi?id=RA12554211511102038965&focus=1">IE6 secure alert patch</a> offered by Øyvind Smestad. Thanks.<br>
<a href="/">mikage's page. (Japanese)</a> &gt; <a href="/jquery/">jquery dev memo. (Japanese)</a>





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