最近在做新项目的需求,手头没有好用的绘图工具,我比较喜欢用mindmap工具来整理思路,但是Linux下的FreeMind一直用得不习惯,功能不是很完善,我还是比较喜欢Mindjet MindManager,可惜没有Linux版本,而流程图等,熟悉Linux的朋友可能会说用Dia,Dia做的图太简陋了,所以好好的Google了下,发现两个非常好用免费的基于Java的绘图工具,一个是IHMC CmapTools,另一个是yED Grahp Editor。
IHMC CmapTools不是一般意义的绘图工具,他是一款跨平台、免费的概念图软件,其主要特定如下:
- 方便自由的添加概念节点;
- 可以自如地在概念之间的连线上添加连接语;
- 连线的方向更改方便;
- 可以导出多种格式,如图片格式(jpg,bmp,jpeg),xml,网页,大纲的形式,命题的形式等;
- 任意两个概念之间的交叉连线添加方便(只需要将概念节点上的线头拉到另一个概念即可);
- 连线的形状(直线、弧线、折线等)可以任意更改;
- 可以在网上异地同时多人共同构建一个概念图;
- 概念节点可以使用图片或者添加注释等;
- 概念图画好之后,可以进行一些检查,如拼写等。
yED Grahp Editor是一个小巧的Java绘图工具,绘制方便,还可以对您绘制的图形分组、自动布局等,支持UML。可以根据绘制的UML图生成JAVA代码,可以直接导出为Gif、PNG、Jpeg、Pdf、Html图像地图文件等。相对来说,如果只是绘图的话,我们推荐您使用yED。以下是一些效果图:
PS:CmapTools Linux安装包是Install Anywhere做的,在Ubuntu下有和我前面提到的Coldfusion一样的问题,安装前需要对安装文件进行替换,具体方法看这里!
Mind map for Nextcloud This application enables Nextcloud users to open, save and edit mind map files in the web browser. App icon by and mind map powered by . How to use Install app Click New button ...
mindmap'// You need a specific loader for CSS files like https://github.com/webpack/css-loaderimport 'vue-mindmap/dist/vue-mindmap.css'Vue.use(VueMindmap)<template> <mindmap :nodes="nodes" :...
unordered-list-to-mind-mapAn example that converts html unordered list to mind map using kityminder-core使用百度脑图的 kityminder-core,将 HTML 无序列表转换为思维导图的示例How to UseYou will find the ...
这个“misp-use-cases”文件包包含了关于MISP平台使用的一系列用例,通过Mindmap的形式展示了如何有效地利用该平台来提升网络安全防护能力。以下是基于这个主题的详细知识点: 1. **威胁情报共享**:MISP的核心功能...
A mind map visualizing Python software that can be used for data analysis can be found in first chapter of this book. The first noticeable thing is that the Python ecosystem is very mature, diverse ...
Use CmapTools in the Cloud to construct your Cmaps using your web browser. Works with all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer) Fully compatible with CmapTools Cmaps and ...
Note: If you use a symbol Foo in your source file, you should bring in a definition for Foo yourself, either via an #include or via a forward declaration. Do not depend on the symbol being brought in ...
It's left up to you to decide which you'll use and how you'll use them. Fortunately, the Project +test wasn't written with any one project management methodology in mind. Instead, it's written from ...
- **思维导图**(Mind Map Diagram) - **工作分解结构图**(Work Breakdown Structure Diagram) - **数学公式**(使用 AsciiMath 或 JLaTeXMath 表示法) - **实体关系图**(Entity Relationship Diagram) #...
- **思维导图**(Mind Map Diagrams) - **工作分解结构图**(Work Breakdown Structure Diagrams) - **数学公式**(Mathematical Formulas with AsciiMath or JLaTeXMath) - **实体关系图**(Entity Relationship...
A context object is something you can use as the base of your expression by which MVEL will attempt to map identifiers to. Consider the following example: public class Person { private String name; ...
20. "The woman looking at her map is a relative of my mother." "looking"是现在分词,表示正在看地图的女人。 21. "I looked up and noticed a snake winding its way up the tree." "winding"是现在分词,描绘...
Anything your mind can think up, you can make with our GDK. //////////Omega ComponentsOmegaScreen - Handles your basic DirectX window stuffOmegaSurface - Handles your extra surfaces / rendering ...
30. **mind map**:思维导图,视觉化的学习工具,帮助整理思路。 31. **lifelong journey**:终身的旅程,强调学习是一个持久的过程。 32. **on one’s own**:单独地,独立完成任务。 33. **bit by bit**:一...
Embedded: You can use RaptorDB inside your application as you would any other DLL, and you don't need to install services or run external programs. NoSQL: A grass roots movement to replace relational...
4. **Standard Template Library (STL)**: The STL is a collection of container classes (such as vector, list, map) and algorithms (like sort, search) that provide a powerful framework for manipulating ...
So, I made up my mind to make my own algorithm. The Kriging algorithm is easy to find, but this algorithm needs a Matrix and solver (LU-Decomposition). Again, I couldn‘t find suitable code for this....
- Students are not allowed to use their phones in class. #### 九、生气 - **公式**: be angry with sb / be angry with/at sb for doing sth - **例句**: - He was angry with his brother for breaking the...