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基于按annotation的hibernate主键生成策略 -
基于按annotation的hibernate主键生成策略 -
基于按annotation的hibernate主键生成策略 -
37signals Architecture
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 15:05 — Todd Hoff
Update 6:
Things We’ve Learned at 37Signals
. Themes: less is more; don't worry be happy.
Update 5:
Nuts & Bolts: HAproxy
Nice explanation (post, screencast) by Mark Imbriaco of why HAProxy
(load balancing proxy server) is their favorite (fast, efficient,
graceful configuration, queues requests when Mongrels are busy) for
spreading dynamic content between Apache
web servers and Mongrel
application servers.
Update 4:
O'Rielly's Tim O'Brien interviews David Hansson
Rails creator and 37signals partner. Says BaseCamp scales horizontally
on the application and web tier. Scales up for the database, using one
"big ass" 128GB machine. Says: As technology moves on, hardware
gets cheaper and cheaper. In my mind, you don't want to shard unless
you positively have to, sort of a last resort approach
Update 3:
The need for speed: Making Basecamp faster
. Pages now load twice as fast, cut CPU usage by a third and database time by about half. Results achieved by: Analysis, Caching
optimizations, Hardware upgrades.
Update 2: customer support is handled in real-time using Campfire.
Update: highly useful information on creating a customer billing system.
In the giving spirit of Christmas the folks at 37signals have shared a bit about how their system works. 37signals is most famous for loosing Ruby on Rails into the world and they've use RoR to make their very popular Basecamp, Highrise, Backpack, and Campfire products. RoR takes a lot of heat for being a performance dog, but 37signals seems to handle a lot of traffic with relatively normal sounding resources. This is just an initial data dump, they promise to add more details later. As they add more I'll update it here.
Site: http://www.37signals.com
Information Sources
The Stats
* 2,000,000 people with accounts
* 1,340,000 projects
* 13,200,000 to-do items
* 9,200,000 messages
* 5,500,000 time tracking entries
* 4,000,000 milestones
* Just under 1,000,000 pages
* 6,800,000 to-do items
* 1,500,000 notes
* 829,000 photos
* 370,000 files
* 5.9 terabytes of customer-uploaded files
* 888 GB files uploaded (900,000 requests)
* 2 TB files downloaded (8,500,000 requests)
The Architecture
Credit Card Processing Process
Customer Support
Lessons Learned
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- **ISA Bus**: Supports the Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) bus for legacy devices. #### 4.3. Connector X3 - **VGA**: Carries video signals for VGA monitors. - **LCD**: Provides signals for ...
The MindShare Architecture Series.....................................................................................1 Organization of This Book.........................................................
The optimized architecture of the TVP5150 device allows for ultralow-power consumption. The device consumes 113 mW of power in typical operation and consumes less than 1 mW in power-down mode, ...
Abstract-- In this letter, a power quality ... The major advantages of such architecture are that they are all commercial-grade software with proven system operation stability and are free to use.
Its architecture allows platform-independent compile with the outstanding performance of native compiled code. The graphical user interface is powerful, consistent, and intuitive. All windows update...
Particularly, two different SSB architectures, namely, Sieben's architecture and four phase modulator (FPM) architecture are optimized to provide maximum sideband suppression. The minimum optical ...
architecture behave of VGA is -- horizontal timing signals constant h_data: integer:=640; constant h_front: integer:=16; constant h_back: integer:=48; constant h_sync: integer:=96; constant h_...
Find out how to configure the MSP430, efficiently program custom functions, process analog and digital signals, and interface with external components. Sample code and reference information are ...
Machine check architecture. Pearson Techonology Group - Indispensable PC Hardware Book, The Performance monitoring. Model-specific registers for debug support. Reset and power-on configuration. ...
3.6.2 Detection of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals 39 3.6.3 Rake Receiver Structure 39 3.6.4 Joint Detection Receiver Structure 41 References 42 4 TDD Radio Interface 43 4.1 Overview 43 4.2 ...
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Typical applications include sensor systems that capture analog signals, convert them to digital values, and then process the data and display them or transmit them to a host system. Stand alone RF ...
The block diagram provides a visual representation of the internal architecture of the W958D6NW. This diagram helps in understanding how different components interact and contribute to the overall ...
Typical applications include sensor systems that capture analog signals, convert them to digital values, and then process the data for display or for transmission to a host system. Stand alone RF ...
From the processor's structure to the intricate dance of registers and control signals, this chapter forms a solid foundation for further exploration of computer architecture and systems.
Typical applications include sensor systems that capture analog signals, convert them to digital values, and process and transmit the data to a host system. The timers make the configurations ideal ...
A novel architecture of converged radio-over-fiber (RoF) and wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network (WDM-PON) system, namely RoF-WDM-PON, is demonstrated. 20-GHz 1-Gb/s radio ...