
Digg Architecture


Digg Architecture

Update 2: : How Digg Works and How Digg Really Works (wear ear plugs). Brought to you straight from Digg's blog. A very succinct explanation of the major elements of the Digg architecture while tracing a request through the system. I've updated this profile with the new information.
Update: Digg now receives 230 million plus page views per month and 26 million unique visitors - traffic that necessitated major internal upgrades .

Traffic generated by Digg's over 22 million famously info-hungry users and 230 million page views can crash an unsuspecting website head-on into its CPU, memory, and bandwidth limits. How does Digg handle billions of requests a month?

Site: http://digg.com

Information Sources

  • How Digg Works by Digg
  • How Digg.com uses the LAMP stack to scale upward
  • Digg PHP 's Scalability and Performance


  • MySQL
  • Linux
  • PHP
  • Lucene
  • Python
  • APC PHP Accelerator
  • MCache
  • Gearman - job scheduling system
  • MogileFS - open source distributed filesystem
  • Apache
  • Memcached

    The Stats

  • Started in late 2004 with a single Linux server running Apache 1.3, PHP 4, and MySQL. 4.0 using the default MyISAM storage engine
  • Over 22 million users.
  • 230 million plus page views per month
  • 26 million unique visitors per month
  • Several billion page views per month
  • None of the scaling challenges faced had anything to do with PHP. The biggest issues faced were database related.
  • Dozens of web servers.
  • Dozens of DB servers.
  • Six specialized graph database servers to run the Recommendation Engine.
  • Six to ten machines that serve files from MogileFS.

    What's Inside

  • Specialized load balancer appliances monitor the application servers, handle failover, constantly adjust the cluster according to health, balance incoming requests and caching JavaScript, CSS and images. If you don't have the fancy load balancers take a look at Linux Virtual Server and Squid as a replacement.
  • Requests are passed to the Application Server cluster. Application servers consist of: Apache+PHP, Memcached, Gearman and other daemons. They are responsible for making coordinating access to different services (DB, MogileFS, etc) and creating the response sent to the browser.
  • Uses a MySQL master-slave setup.
    - Four master databases are partitioned by functionality: promotion, profiles, comments, main. Many slave databases hang off each master.
    - Writes go to the masters and reads go to the slaves.
    - Transaction-heavy servers use the InnoDB storage engine.
    - OLAP-heavy servers use the MyISAM storage engine.
    - They did not notice a performance degradation moving from MySQL 4.1 to version 5.
    - The schema is denormalized more than "your average database design."
    - Sharding is used to break the database into several smaller ones.
  • Digg's usage pattern makes it easier for them to scale. Most people just view the front page and leave. Thus 98% of Digg's database accesses are reads. With this balance of operations they don't have to worry about the complex work of architecting for writes, which makes it a lot easier for them to scale.
  • They had problems with their storage system telling them writes were on disk when they really weren't. Controllers do this to improve the appearance of their performance. But what it does is leave a giant data integrity whole in failure scenarios. This is really a pretty common problem and can be hard to fix, depending on your hardware setup.
  • To lighten their database load they used the APC PHP accelerator MCache.
  • Memcached is used for caching and memcached servers seemed to be spread across their database and application servers. A specialized daemon monitors connections and kills connections that have been open too long.
  • You can configure PHP not parse and compile on each load using a combination of Apache 2’s worker threads, FastCGI, and a PHP accelerator. On a page's first load the PHP code is compiles so any subsequent page loads are very fast.
  • MogileFS, a distributed file system, serves story icons, user icons, and stores copies of each story’s source. A distributed file system spreads and replicates files across a lot of disks which supports fast and scalable file access.
  • A specialized Recommendation Engine service was built to act as their distributed graph database. Relational databases are not well structured for generating recommendations so a separate service was created. LinkedIn did something similar for their graph.

    Lessons Learned

  • The number of machines isn't as important what the pieces are and how they fit together.
  • Don't treat the database as a hammer. Recommendations didn't fit will with the relational model so they made a specialized service.
  • Tune MySQL through your database engine selection. Use InnoDB when you need transactions and MyISAM when you don't. For example, transactional tables on the master can use MyISAM for read-only slaves.
  • At some point in their growth curve they were unable to grow by adding RAM so had to grow through architecture.
  • People often complain Digg is slow. This is perhaps due to their large javascript libraries rather than their backend architecture.
  • One way they scale is by being careful of which application they deploy on their system. They are careful not to release applications which use too much CPU. Clearly Digg has a pretty standard LAMP architecture, but I thought this was an interesting point. Engineers often have a bunch of cool features they want to release, but those features can kill an infrastructure if that infrastructure doesn't grow along with the features. So push back until your system can handle the new features. This goes to capacity planning, something the Flickr emphasizes in their scaling process.
  • You have to wonder if by limiting new features to match their infrastructure might Digg lose ground to other faster moving social bookmarking services? Perhaps if the infrastructure was more easily scaled they could add features faster which would help them compete better? On the other hand, just adding features because you can doesn't make a lot of sense either.
  • The data layer is where most scaling and performance problems are to be found and these are language specific. You'll hit them using Java , PHP, Ruby, or insert your favorite language here.

    Related Articles

    * LinkedIn Architecture
    * Live Journal Architecture
    * Flickr Architecture
    * An Unorthodox Approach to Database Design : The Coming of the Shard

  • Ebay Architecture
  • 分享到:



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      1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。


      内容概要:本文介绍了使用 Matlab 实现基于 BO(贝叶斯优化)的 Transformer 结合 GRU 门控循环单元时间序列预测的具体项目案例。文章首先介绍了时间序列预测的重要性及其现有方法存在的限制,随后深入阐述了该项目的目标、挑战与特色。重点描述了项目中采用的技术手段——结合 Transformer 和 GRU 模型的优点,通过贝叶斯优化进行超参数调整。文中给出了模型的具体实现步骤、代码示例以及完整的项目流程。同时强调了数据预处理、特征提取、窗口化分割、超参数搜索等关键技术点,并讨论了系统的设计部署细节、可视化界面制作等内容。 适合人群:具有一定机器学习基础,尤其是熟悉时间序列预测与深度学习的科研工作者或从业者。 使用场景及目标:适用于金融、医疗、能源等多个行业的高精度时间序列预测。该模型可通过捕捉长时间跨度下的复杂模式,提供更为精准的趋势预判,辅助相关机构作出合理的前瞻规划。 其他说明:此项目还涵盖了从数据采集到模型发布的全流程讲解,以及GUI图形用户界面的设计实现,有助于用户友好性提升和技术应用落地。此外,文档包含了详尽的操作指南和丰富的附录资料,包括完整的程序清单、性能评价指标等,便于读者动手实践。



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