the soa provide a powerful framework for building next-generation applications. the p2p approach differs from the soa in
that no attempt is made to define explicit roles, and node or peer can operate in any role it knows about or can discover
through other peers on the p2p network. actually, the document exchange model is the default method of exchanging data
between two endpoints. an rpc call is a specialized case of combining multiple one-way asynchronous messages into a
request-response. the sopa specification describes four major components: formattting conventions for encapsulating
data and routing direction in the form of an envelpoe ,a transport ot protocol binding, encoding rules and an rpc
mechanism. the envelope defiens a convention for describinf the content of a message, which in turn has implications on
how it gets processed. a protocol binding provide a generic mechanism for sendinf a soap envelope via a lower-level
protocol such as http. encoding rules provide a convention for mapping various application datatypes into an xml tag-
based representation. finally, the rpc mechanism provides a way to represent remote procedure calls and their return
values. a soap envelope contains two primary components: a header and a body, both the header and the body can
contain multiple blocks of information. the namespace declaration prevents tag name conflicts when xml fragements are
combined to form composite documnets. it is analogous to the use of the package keyword in java. the additional
information needed by the protocol that it is bound to. these special urls point to apache's routing and dispatching
mechanism. this mechanism looks at the content of the soap envelope and decides which class to load and which method
to call within the class. apache refers to this destination as a service. the service is registered with the servlet engine in a
two-step process. first , an xml deployment descriptor is created,specifying detailds about the class name of service.,its
associated method call and the target uri, then a special org.apache.soap.server.servermanagerclient class is invoked to
register the service with apache soap. using the rpc router ,any java class and method can be registered as a service; the
apache soap infrastructuer will call the method with the appropriate parameters.
soap-rpc defines a model for representing an rpc and an rpc response using the soap infrastructure.when soap-rpc is
bound to http, an rpc invocation maps naturally to an http request, and an rpc return maps naturally to an http response.,but
this natural mapping is purely conincidental. soap encoding is a set of rules that designates how datatypes are encoded or
serialized over the wire. an identifier might specify the location of a resource or its name independent of location. a
universal reource identifier is a generic representation that can either be a universal resource locator or universal resource
name. a url is something that represents a physical network location and contains things that pertain to a particular
protocol. a urn is something that does not necessarily resolve to any physical location;generally it is intended to be used to
identigy something uniquely such as a soap action or a namespace.
wsdl is an xml grammar for describing a web service as a collection of acces endpoints capable of exchanging messages
in a procedure or document-oriented fashion. a wsdl document is a recipe used to automate the details involved in
application -to application communication. wsld can be used to describe endpoints and their messgaes,regardless of the
message format or network protocol used to exchange them. treat messages as abstract description of the data being
exchanged; treat port types as abstract collections of a web service operations. a port type can then be mapped to a
concrete protocol and data format. wsdl has created separate definitions and terminology for defining a web service, the
communication endpoint where that web service exists, the legal format for ipput and output message for the webservice
and an abstract way to declare a binding to a concrete protocol and data format.
the <definitions> element in a wsdl document acts as a container for the service decription. it provides a place to do global
declarations of namespaces that are intended to be visible throughout the rest of the document. the targetnamespace
attribute of the <definitions> element defines the namespace definition that this document is creating. the <import>
element serves a purpose similar to the #include directive in the c/c++ programming lanuage. it lets you separate the
elements of a service definition into independent documents and include them in the main document. effective use of the
<import> elements promotes the modularization of wsdl documents and creates an environment of reuse that can create
clear service definitions. the <types> element in a wsdl document acts as a container for defining the datatyoes used in
<message> elements .<message> elements define the format of messages interchanged between a client and a web
service. the <message> element is used to model the data exchanaged as part of a web service.<message> elements
reference the types defined in the <type> section. the data contained within a <message> element typed by a <message>
element is abstract. a message consists of one or more <part> subelements. a <part> subelement identifies the individual
pieces of data that are part of this data message and the datatypes that the pieces adhere to. the <portType> element
specifies a subset of operatipns supported for an endpoint of a web service. in a sense, a <porttype> element provides a
unique identifier to a group of actions that can be executed at a single endpoint. the <operation> element represents an
operation. this element is an abstract definition of an action supported by a web service. a wsdl <operation> element is
analogous to a java method definition. a wsdl operation can have input and output message as part of its action.a
<binding> element is a concreate protocol and data format specification for a <porttype> element. it is where you would
use one of the standard binding extensions -http, soap, or mime or create one of your own. each protocol has its own wire
format. a <service> elements is iused only when desribling the actual endpoint of a service.
a web service is a groupring of one or more <port> elements. a <port> elements represents a single endpoint for the
the uddi project also defines a set of xml schema definitions that describe the data formats used by the various
specification api. two apis are described by the uddi specification: the inquiry api and the publishing api. they are
accessed using the same techniques but use different xml document, data structures and access points. the inquery api
locates information about a business the services a business offers ,the specification of those services and the
information about what to do in a failure situation. the publishing api is used to create ,store or update information located
in a uddi registry. all functions in this api require authenticated access to a uddi registry; the uddi registry must have a
logon identity and the security credential for this identity must be passed as a parameter of the xml document for each uddi
invocation. the programmer's api identifies the structure of the request and response messages paying particular attention
to the input parameters for every request messgae. when doing any development with uddi, you should keep a copy of
these two documents. jaxr is a uniform approach to accessing a registry that advertise business information and servcices
in xml. jaxr attempts to provide a single api that can access many difference kinds of registries including eco framework
,ebxml and uddi. wsdl is used to describe the interface of a web service. <tmodel> uddi documents provide metadata
descriptiomns of a web service and pointers to specifications that describe their implementation .
jaxm consists ofd two main areas. the messaging capability provide a patternfor sending and receiving soap messages.,
with or without attachment. the soap packaging part provide s apis for constructing and deconstructing soap and mime
envelopes. generally, the functionality is separated cleaniy between the javax.xml.messaging package and javax.xml.soap
packages. a java code generation model for client-side stubs and server-side tie classes based on a set of conventions
for mapping wsdl to java and java to wsdl.
soap is a wire protocol that can be layered upon other protocols such as http ,ftp and smtp. j2ee support these internet protocols through servlets. servlets are respnosible for extracting the soap contents from other wire packet.
2. **SAAJ(SOAP with Attachments API for Java)** - SAAJ规范提供了处理SOAP消息的API,支持SOAP1.1和1.2规范的消息处理,特别适用于处理带有附件的SOAP消息。这为开发者提供了一套完整的工具集,用于创建、读取...
8. **SAAJ(SOAP with Attachments API for Java)**:SAAJ是Java中处理SOAP消息的标准API,支持SOAP附件和MIME编码,允许在SOAP消息中传输二进制数据,如图像或文档。 9. **JAXP(Java API for XML Processing)**...
2. **SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)**:虽然相对于REST来说更加复杂,但SOAP提供了更强大的安全性保障和事务处理能力,适用于对安全性和事务一致性有更高要求的场景。 3. **HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript**:用于...
经典的webservice书籍,可惜没有中文的 Addison-Wesley - Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform - JAX-RPC, SOAP and XML Technologies
为了更好地理解本文内容,读者应当对SOAP 1.1的基本规范有初步了解,并具备一定的J2EE开发经验。 #### 二、SAAJ与JAXM简介 **SAAJ**:SOAP with Attachments API for Java是Java世界中用于处理带有附件的SOAP消息...
- **SOAP**:简单对象访问协议,用于发送和接收消息的标准协议。 - **UDDI**:通用业务数据集成,用于查找服务的目录。 - **真正的实施与操作系统独立性**:Web服务不受具体的实现细节或操作系统的影响。 #### 八、...
10. **1_2 Working with Java classes.ppt**:这一章可能涵盖了面向对象编程的要点,如类、对象、继承、封装和多态,这是理解J2EE组件模型的基础。 通过这些课件的学习,学生可以全面掌握J2EE开发的基本技能,理解...
随着时间的推移,IONA持续在Web服务领域发力,不仅支持了SOAP提交至W3C,还参与了WSDL、带有附件的SOAP(SOAP with Attachments)以及XKMS(XML Key Management Specification)等重要标准的制定。IONA在Web服务架构...
Title: Java EE 7 Development with NetBeans 8 Author: David R. Heffelfinger Length: 362 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing ...Chapter 11: SOAP Web Services with JAX-WS
wide variety of third-party libraries—proved to be more effective than J2EE with EJB. JEE closed the gap by adopting key elements of that approach. That Spring simplifies development without itself ...
- 通信基础设施:主要包括基本的“SOAP over HTTP”和WS-ReliableMessaging的SOAP通信方式。 - 业务服务访问层:包含用于服务注册与服务查找的服务注册库(如UDDI)以及用于IMS、CORBA及WebSphere MQ的传统网关。 -...
Web Service技术包括Java API for XML Processing(JAXP)、Java API for XML Registries(JAXR)、Java API for XML-based RPC(JAX-RPC)、SOAP with Attachments API for Java(SAAJ)等。组件模型技术包括Java ...
SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments API for Java) - **定义**:SAAJ是一组处理SOAP消息的API,支持创建和读取符合SOAP 1.1规范的消息。 - **应用场景**:不仅被JAX-RPC使用,也被其他WebService技术所利用。 ##### 4. ...
这些JAR包包含了JBoss对Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)和SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)的实现。JAX-WS用于创建Web服务,而SAAJ则用于处理SOAP消息。将这些库放入`endorsed`目录是因为它们会...
《Designing Web Services with J2EE》是一本深入探讨如何使用Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 平台设计Web服务的专业书籍。通过提供的博客链接(,我们可以推测这可能是一...
其次,SAAJ(SOAP API with Attachments for Java)则专注于处理带有附件的SOAP消息。SAAJ模仿SOAP消息的结构,并提供有限的消息分发能力,允许在EJB中处理复杂的数据交换。 再者,JAXM(Java API for XML ...
- **SAAJ**:SOAP with Attachments API for Java,处理SOAP消息和附件。 2. **组件模型技术**: - **Servlet**:JavaServer Pages,用于生成动态网页内容的服务器端技术。 - **JSP**:JavaServer Pages,结合...