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There are a few web pages that describe configuring Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for JBoss, but most gloss over some of the details.
Deep inside the guts of JBoss is an instance of another server called Tomcat, and when it comes to using SSL and HTTPS, JBoss delegates all the implementation stuff to that bundled Tomcat installation. As a result, some of the instructions for implementing SSL come directly from Tomcat documentation. For example, I used this document to start figuring out how to enable SSL.
Before starting, there are two things to ascertain:
- where JBoss is installed on your machine; and
- that there's a version of the Java Developer's Kit on the JBoss machine.
For the purposes of this write-up, we will describe setting up JBoss to use a temporary, self-signed SSL Certificate. Also, we'll assume that you're installing under Windows.
There are essentially three steps:
- create the self-signed certificate;
- move the self-signed certificate to a JBoss directory; and
- edit the Tomcat configuration file to turn on SSL.
Creating the Self-Signed Certificate
The Java Developer's Kit includes a utility to create certificates. Go to a command line and type the following:
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
- it creates a new key; and
- if necessary, it creates a collection of keys (called a "key store") to put the key in.
There are some prompts that look like this:
Notice that there are two prompts for the password. That's because there's one password for the keystore, and one password for the actual key.
Moving the Keystore
One of the things that the tool isn't very good about is telling you where it created that keystore. By default, the keygen tool puts information in the "Documents and Settings" directory for your userid. In the example, above, we'd find that they keystore has been created as a file called:
C:\Documents and Settings\mcgradyt\.keystore
C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.3\server\default\conf
Update the Configuration File
First up, you should probably shut down the JBoss server as you do this step.
In the JBoss directory, there should be a file called server.xml:
C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.3\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\server.xml
<!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl guide keystore <Connector port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}" maxThreads="100" strategy="ms" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" emptySessionPath="true" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" keystoreFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/chap8.keystore" keystorePass="rmi+ssl" sslProtocol = "TLS" /> -->
- Uncomment the block
- Change the port to 443
- Change the keystore password to the password used, above ("changeit")
The end result should look something like this:
<!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl guide keystore --> <Connector port="443" address="${jboss.bind.address}" maxThreads="100" strategy="ms" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" emptySessionPath="true" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" keystoreFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/chap8.keystore" keystorePass="changeit" sslProtocol = "TLS" /> <!-- -->
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It also provides detailed insight into configuring the various component services such as security, performance, and clustering. Beyond coverage of the core application server, the book also teaches ...
### JBoss in Action: Configuring the JBoss Application Server #### 关键知识点概览 - **JBoss Application Server**: 一种开源的应用服务器,适用于Java应用程序的部署与管理。 - **JBoss in Action**: 一本...
第四章“Securing applications”深入讨论了应用程序的安全性问题,包括身份验证、授权机制、SSL/TLS加密等技术,以及如何在JBoss应用服务器上实现这些安全措施,保护应用程序免受外部威胁。第五章“Securing web ...
1. "The Apache Tomcat Connector - Reference Guide - Configuring IIS.htm":这份文档可能来自Apache Tomcat的连接器(也称为ISAPI重定向器),它提供了关于如何配置IIS以与Tomcat或JBOSS等Java应用服务器通信的...
Configuring the JBoss Utility ServerJBoss in Motion is the primary e-book to deal with educating readers intimately how you can use the JBoss utility server. In contrast to different...
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A common problem for administrators of IIS servers is configuring and troubleshooting SSL enabled websites. To assist in administrators efforts, Microsoft has designed a tool - SSL Diagnostics - to ...
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Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-410 – and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of implementing and configuring core services in Windows Server 2012 R2. Designed for experienced IT professionals ...
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Cisco Packet Tracer 思科... Packet Tracer - Configuring RIPv2思科作业 正确答案文件 可直接上交正确答案文件 本答案版权归mewhaku所有,严禁再次转载!!! Copyright @mewhaku 2022 All Rights Reserved
- **Configuring JBoss for Alfresco**:进一步介绍如何为 Alfresco 配置 JBoss。 - **Installing Alfresco on WebLogic**:为使用 WebLogic 服务器的用户提供安装指南。 #### 十、其他组件安装 - **Installing ...
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