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See also:
Lua 5.1 Reference Manual
Lua 5.1参考手册
by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Waldemar Celes
作者:Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Waldemar Celes
Copyright ? 2006-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. Freely available under the terms of the Lua license.
版权所有 (c) 2006-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. 根据Lua许可证自由地(注:免费)可用
contents · index
目录 索引
1 - Introduction
1 - 简介
Lua is an extension programming language designed to support general procedural programming with data description facilities. It also offers good support for object-oriented programming, functional programming, and data-driven programming. Lua is intended to be used as a powerful, light-weight scripting language for any program that needs one. Lua is implemented as a library, written in clean C (that is, in the common subset of ANSI C and C++).
Lua是一种为支持带数据描述功能的泛型过程式编程而设计的扩展编程语言。它还提供对面向对象编程的良好支持,函数式编程,以及数据驱动编程。Lua致力于成为一种强大和轻量级的脚本语言供任何需要它的程序使用。Lua被实现为一个库,用纯C(即ANSI C和C++的公共子集)编写。
Being an extension language, Lua has no notion of a "main" program: it only works embedded in a host client, called the embedding program or simply the host. This host program can invoke functions to execute a piece of Lua code, can write and read Lua variables, and can register C functions to be called by Lua code. Through the use of C functions, Lua can be augmented to cope with a wide range of different domains, thus creating customized programming languages sharing a syntactical framework. The Lua distribution includes a sample host program called lua, which uses the Lua library to offer a complete, stand-alone Lua interpreter.
Lua is free software, and is provided as usual with no guarantees, as stated in its license. The implementation described in this manual is available at Lua's official web site, www.lua.org.
Like any other reference manual, this document is dry in places. For a discussion of the decisions behind the design of Lua, see the technical papers available at Lua's web site. For a detailed introduction to programming in Lua, see Roberto's book, Programming in Lua (Second Edition).
2 - The Language
2 - 语言
This section describes the lexis, the syntax, and the semantics of Lua. In other words, this section describes which tokens are valid, how they can be combined, and what their combinations mean.
The language constructs will be explained using the usual extended BNF notation, in which {a} means 0 or more a's, and [a] means an optional a. Non-terminals are shown like non-terminal, keywords are shown like kword, and other terminal symbols are shown like `=′. The complete syntax of Lua can be found in §8 at the end of this manual.
2.1 - Lexical Conventions
2.1 - 词法约定
Names (also called identifiers) in Lua can be any string of letters, digits, and underscores, not beginning with a digit. This coincides with the definition of names in most languages. (The definition of letter depends on the current locale: any character considered alphabetic by the current locale can be used in an identifier.) Identifiers are used to name variables and table fields.
The following keywords are reserved and cannot be used as names:
and break do else elseif
end false for function if
in local nil not or
repeat return then true until while
and(逻辑与) break(跳出循环)do(条件为真时循环的块开始)else(其它条件,无判断)elseif(其它条件的判断)
end(循环、条件、闭包/函数块结束)false(逻辑假) for(固定步长的数学循环或迭代器循环)
in(for循环内的迭代器遍历)local(局部变量声明) nil(空) not(逻辑非)or(逻辑或)
repeat(条件为假时循环的块开始) return(函数返回) then(条件块开始)true(逻辑真)
Lua is a case-sensitive language: and is a reserved word, but And and AND are two different, valid names. As a convention, names starting with an underscore followed by uppercase letters (such as _VERSION) are reserved for internal global variables used by Lua.
The following strings denote other tokens:
+ - * / % ^ #
== ~= <= >= < > =
( ) { } [ ]
; : , . .. ...
( )(小括号){ }(大括号,表)[ ](中括号,下标)
;(分号,分割语句):(冒号,取对象成员),(逗号,参数表).(点号,取表成员)..(双点号,字符串串联) ...(三点号,变长参数列表)
Literal strings can be delimited by matching single or double quotes, and can contain the following C-like escape sequences: '\a' (bell), '\b' (backspace), '\f' (form feed), '\n' (newline), '\r' (carriage return), '\t' (horizontal tab), '\v' (vertical tab), '\\' (backslash), '\"' (quotation mark [double quote]), and '\'' (apostrophe [single quote]). Moreover, a backslash followed by a real newline results in a newline in the string. A character in a string can also be specified by its numerical value using the escape sequence \ddd, where ddd is a sequence of up to three decimal digits. (Note that if a numerical escape is to be followed by a digit, it must be expressed using exactly three digits.) Strings in Lua can contain any 8-bit value, including embedded zeros, which can be specified as '\0'.
Literal strings can also be defined using a long format enclosed by long brackets. We define an opening long bracket of level n as an opening square bracket followed by n equal signs followed by another opening square bracket. So, an opening long bracket of level 0 is written as [[, an opening long bracket of level 1 is written as [=[, and so on. A closing long bracket is defined similarly; for instance, a closing long bracket of level 4 is written as ]====]. A long string starts with an opening long bracket of any level and ends at the first closing long bracket of the same level. Literals in this bracketed form can run for several lines, do not interpret any escape sequences, and ignore long brackets of any other level. They can contain anything except a closing bracket of the proper level.
For convenience, when the opening long bracket is immediately followed by a newline, the newline is not included in the string. As an example, in a system using ASCII (in which 'a' is coded as 97, newline is coded as 10, and '1' is coded as 49), the five literal strings below denote the same string:
a = 'alo\n123"'
a = "alo\n123\""
a = '\97lo\10\04923"'
a = [[alo
a = [==[
A numerical constant can be written with an optional decimal part and an optional decimal exponent. Lua also accepts integer hexadecimal constants, by prefixing them with 0x. Examples of valid numerical constants are
3 3.0 3.1416 314.16e-2 0.31416E1 0xff 0x56
A comment starts with a double hyphen (--) anywhere outside a string. If the text immediately after -- is not an opening long bracket, the comment is a short comment, which runs until the end of the line. Otherwise, it is a long comment, which runs until the corresponding closing long bracket. Long comments are frequently used to disable code temporarily.
2.2 - Values and Types
2.2 - 值与类型
Lua is a dynamically typed language. This means that variables do not have types; only values do. There are no type definitions in the language. All values carry their own type.
All values in Lua are first-class values. This means that all values can be stored in variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as results.
There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread, and table. Nil is the type of the value nil, whose main property is to be different from any other value; it usually represents the absence of a useful value. Boolean is the type of the values false and true. Both nil and false make a condition false; any other value makes it true. Number represents real (double-precision floating-point) numbers. (It is easy to build Lua interpreters that use other internal representations for numbers, such as single-precision float or long integers; see file luaconf.h.) String represents arrays of characters. Lua is 8-bit clean: strings can contain any 8-bit character, including embedded zeros ('\0') (see §2.1).
Lua can call (and manipulate) functions written in Lua and functions written in C (see §2.5.8).
The type userdata is provided to allow arbitrary C data to be stored in Lua variables. This type corresponds to a block of raw memory and has no pre-defined operations in Lua, except assignment and identity test. However, by using metatables, the programmer can define operations for userdata values (see §2.8). Userdata values cannot be created or modified in Lua, only through the C API. This guarantees the integrity of data owned by the host program.
提供类型userdata,允许用户把任意C数据保存在Lua变量中。此类型对应原始内存块并且在lua中没有预定义的操作,除了赋值和唯一性检查。但是,通过使用元表,程序员可以定义用户数据值的操作(见§2.8)。用户数据值不能用Lua创建或修改,只能通过C API。这保证了宿主程序所拥有数据的完整性。
The type thread represents independent threads of execution and it is used to implement coroutines (see §2.11). Do not confuse Lua threads with operating-system threads. Lua supports coroutines on all systems, even those that do not support threads.
The type table implements associative arrays, that is, arrays that can be indexed not only with numbers, but with any value (except nil). Tables can be heterogeneous; that is, they can contain values of all types (except nil). Tables are the sole data structuring mechanism in Lua; they can be used to represent ordinary arrays, symbol tables, sets, records, graphs, trees, etc. To represent records, Lua uses the field name as an index. The language supports this representation by providing a.name as syntactic sugar for a["name"]. There are several convenient ways to create tables in Lua (see §2.5.7).
Like indices, the value of a table field can be of any type (except nil). In particular, because functions are first-class values, table fields can contain functions. Thus tables can also carry methods (see §2.5.9).
Tables, functions, threads, and (full) userdata values are objects: variables do not actually contain these values, only references to them. Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns always manipulate references to such values; these operations do not imply any kind of copy.
The library function type returns a string describing the type of a given value.
2.2.1 - Coercion
2.2.1 - 强制转换
Lua provides automatic conversion between string and number values at run time. Any arithmetic operation applied to a string tries to convert this string to a number, following the usual conversion rules. Conversely, whenever a number is used where a string is expected, the number is converted to a string, in a reasonable format. For complete control over how numbers are converted to strings, use the format function from the string library (see string.format).
2.3 - Variables
2.3 - 变量
Variables are places that store values. There are three kinds of variables in Lua: global variables, local variables, and table fields.
A single name can denote a global variable or a local variable (or a function's formal parameter, which is a particular kind of local variable):
var ::= Name
Name denotes identifiers, as defined in §2.1.
Any variable is assumed to be global unless explicitly declared as a local (see §2.4.7). Local variables are lexically scoped: local variables can be freely accessed by functions defined inside their scope (see §2.6).
Before the first assignment to a variable, its value is nil.
Square brackets are used to index a table:
var ::= prefixexp `[′ exp `]′
The meaning of accesses to global variables and table fields can be changed via metatables. An access to an indexed variable t[i] is equivalent to a call gettable_event(t,i). (See §2.8 for a complete description of the gettable_event function. This function is not defined or callable in Lua. We use it here only for explanatory purposes.)
The syntax var.Name is just syntactic sugar for var["Name"]:
var ::= prefixexp `.′ Name
All global variables live as fields in ordinary Lua tables, called environment tables or simply environments (see §2.9). Each function has its own reference to an environment, so that all global variables in this function will refer to this environment table. When a function is created, it inherits the environment from the function that created it. To get the environment table of a Lua function, you call getfenv. To replace it, you call setfenv. (You can only manipulate the environment of C functions through the debug library; (see §5.9).)
所有全局变量正如普通Lua表的字段那样存在,被称为环境表或简称环境(见§2.9)。每个函数都有一个自己的对应环境的引用,因此在这个函数中所有全局变量将参考这个环境表。当一个函数被创建时,它从创造它的函数中继承环境。要想获得一个Lua函数的环境表,你可以调用getfenv。要想替换它,你可以调用setfenv。(你只能通过debug库操作C函数的环境;(见§ 5.9)。)
An access to a global variable x is equivalent to _env.x, which in turn is equivalent to
gettable_event(_env, "x")
where _env is the environment of the running function. (See §2.8 for a complete description of the gettable_event function. This function is not defined or callable in Lua. Similarly, the _env variable is not defined in Lua. We use them here only for explanatory purposes.)
1. Lua 5.1 参考手册 (云风译)
2. hshqcn
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