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属于Android Native Development Kit (NDK)的一部分
Android System Image Issues
This document contains a list of known issues in existing Android system images that NDK developers should be aware of.
I. Android 1.5 System Issues:
一、Android 1.5系统问题:
The following issues correspond to the official Android 1.5 system images:
以下问题对应官方Android 1.5系统镜像:
No standard C++ library support:
The Android 1.5 system does not use any C++ standard library, and does not provide one to applicative native code. Instead, a very limited set of headers are provided (see docs/STABLE-APIS.html) which correspond to the C++ support code used to build the Android platform.
Android 1.5系统没有使用任何C++标准库,也没有提供一种C++标准库给应用原生代码。取而代之的是提供一个非常有限的头文件集合(见docs/STABLE-APIS.html),它们对应用于构建Android平台的C++支持代码。
It is possible to hack existing C++ STL implementations to work on top of this, but this is not supported yet. We recommend trying with uSTL and STLport at this point if you really need this.
可以修改现存的C++ STL(注:C++标准模板库)实现,使其在这个平台上可用,但现在已经不支持了(注:这里可能是指,官方建议你别这样做,可能有问题)。我们强烈建议现在如果你真的需要它,尝试使用uSTL和STLport。
No support for C++ exceptions and RTTI:
The Android 1.5 system image lacks several features necessary to reliably implement C++ exceptions and RTTI. C++ code that depends on these features will simply not link or run appropriately on Android 1.5
Android 1.5系统镜像缺乏几个可靠地实现C++异常和RTTI所必需的特性。依赖于这些特性的C++代码将简单地链接或适当地运行于Android 1.5。
C Library limitations:
The C library doesn't try to implement every feature under the sun. Most notably, pthread cancellation is not supported. A detailed overview of the C library and its design is available in docs/system/libc/OVERVIEW.html
No SysV IPCs in C library:
在C库中缺乏SysV IPC(注:SysV是指系统五,早期Unix系统中与BSD并称的流派,IPC则是进程间通信的简称):
Unix System V Inter-Process Communication APIs (e.g. semget()) are intentionally not available from the C library, to avoid denial-of-service issues. See docs/system/libc/SYSV-IPC.html for details.
C Library bug: getservbyname() returns port number in incorrect order:
The Android 1.5 C library function getservbyname() returns the port number corresponding to a given network service in incorrect order. The function stores its result in a 'struct servent' structure, and the port number in its 's_port' field.
Android 1.5 C库函数getservbyname()以错误的顺序返回对应所给网络服务的端口号码。这个函数保存结果在struct servent结构体中,端口号在它的s_port域。
The standard mandates that this value is stored in network order (and thus should be converted to host order through ntohs()). However, the 1.5 implementation is buggy and returns the number.
标准要求是这个值应该按网络顺序保存(并且这样就应该能通过ntohs()函数转换为主机顺序)(注:ntohs将一个无符号短整形数从网络字节顺序转换为主机字节顺序,是network to host short的缩写)。然而1.5的实现有缺陷,返回不正确的数。
This bug is fixed in later releases of the platform, and applications should not depend on the wrong behaviour in the future. Avoid using this function if possible; if this is not possible, try to use a small wrapper like the following one:
static struct servent*
my_getservbyname(const char* name, const char* proto)
static int has_bug = -1;
struct servent* ret;
if (has_bug < 0) {
ret = getservbyname("http",NULL);
has_bug = (ret == NULL || ret->s_port == 80);
ret = getservbyname(name, proto);
if (has_bug)
ret->s_port = htons(ret->s_port);
(the returned struct servent is thread-local and can be modified by the caller. It will be over-written on the next call to the function though).
Dynamic Linker limitations:
The Android dynamic linker in 1.5 has many important limitations:
- No support for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_PRELOAD, RTLD_LOCAL and many other options.
- Static C++ constructors in executables are called twice due to a bug in the C library initialization sequence. However, static C++ constructors in shared libraries are only called once.
- 可执行文件的静态C++构造函数(注:这里应该指静态域变量的构造函数)会被调用两次,因为C库初始化顺序有缺陷。然而动态库的静态C++构造函数只会调用一次。
- Static destructors are never called at the moment, either at program exit, or when dlclose() is called.
- 静态析构函数(注:这里应该指静态域变量的析构函数),不管在程序退出还是调用dlclose(),都不会立刻执行。(注:dlclose用于关闭动态库)
- dlerror() reporting is very limited and only provides a few generic error messages that make it difficult to know why a dynamic load/link operation failed. Most of the time, the culprit is a missing symbol.
- dlerror()的报告非常有限,并且只提供很少常规的错误信息,让人难以得知动态加载或链接操作失败的原因。大部分情况下,出错原因是个缺失的符号。
- A bug prevents one application shared library from depending on another one. For example, if you build both libfoo.so and libbar.so for your application, and list libfoo.so as a dependency for libbar.so in bar/Android.mk (with LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := foo), then loading libbar.so will always fail, even if you have already loaded libfoo.so in your process.
- 有一个缺陷阻止应用程序动态库依赖于其它动态库。例如,如果你为应用程序构建libfoo.so和libbar.so,在bar/Android.mk文件中把libfoo.so列为libbar.so的依赖。(用LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := foo)那么加载libbar.so将总是失败,即便你已经在你的进程中加载了libfoo.so。
2012-02-21 10:22 1760----------------- 英文 ... -
2011-11-13 21:11 985----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(19)Bionic Changes
2011-11-13 21:08 2555----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(16)Bionic Overview
2011-09-09 23:27 2274----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(17)SYSV IPC
2011-09-09 08:15 1641----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(24)Native Activity
2011-09-08 08:53 1543----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(23)NDK Stack
2011-09-07 16:45 2572----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(22)CPU X86
2011-09-07 15:52 1113----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(15)Standalone Toolchain
2011-04-26 17:05 1593----------------- 英文文档 ... -
【翻译】(14)Stable APIs
2011-04-26 17:04 1577----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
2011-04-26 17:03 1211----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(12)NDK GDB
2011-04-26 17:00 1479----------------- 英文文档 ... -
【翻译】(11)NDK Build
2011-04-26 16:58 1599----------------- 英文文档 ... -
【翻译】(10)Import Module
2011-04-26 16:54 1519----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(9)CPU Features
2011-04-26 16:52 1536----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(8)CPU ARM Neon
2011-04-26 16:50 1568----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(7)CPU Arch ABIs
2011-04-26 16:48 1264----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(6)Application.mk File
2011-04-26 16:46 1431----------------- 英文文档 ... -
【翻译】(5)Android.mk File
2011-04-26 16:45 1354----------------- 英文文档见android ... -
【翻译】(4)How To
2011-04-26 16:43 1005----------------- 英文文档见android ...
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