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Trivial stuff - Cafe culture



Now we're here with Jason who works at a cafe. And we're to talk to him about what he sees in the Cafe culture in America.

We are in ... which is a suburb(市郊 郊区) of Washington D.C

So, what do you see people doing when they come into this cafe?

There are all sorts of things. We have people that just come in get a cup of coffee and go. We have people that  linger(逗留 徘徊 闲荡) and talk. Some that do crossword puzzles,read books. It's really a wide portrait(肖像 生动描写) of community. It's all different kinds of people really. But it gives people vibrancy(振动 活跃性), friendship and community. It's a local outreach(??) It's many different things to many people.

The atmosphere(气氛 氛围) is so important. It's just a great place to hang out. Jason explains that he's only worked here two months after leaving  a high-stress cosulting job. Let's hear about the reason why he chose to work at a cafe over a high paying,high stress job.

For about last 15 years I worked in a very high stress consulting environment. And decided to make a change to specifically come into a cafe atmosphere. You know, while I don't make as much money as I once did, my quality of life and happiness level have certainly increased exponentially.

"Regular" are people who come everyday or sometimes many times a day. Absolutely One of the joys of working here is getting to know people. It's very fun. It's more than a place to come and get a drink and a muffin(松饼). It's really community-oriented in many ways and..person-oriented. It's more personable than a commerce(商业 贸易)situation.

It's a great feeling to become a regular at a place, especially a coffee shop. because the people who work there know your name and they know what you like.

I think it's important because there's something about a hot cup of coffee that brings people to slow down maybe for a few minutes during the day and sit down with no guilt, and be able to relax and read a paper or talk to a friend even a stranger.

Cafes are just a great place to start your day, to come in the middle of your day or end your day. You can hang out with friends.




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