It is winter in many parts of the world. For some areas, that means snow. Maybe even lots of snow. If you do not have to drive in it or remove it, snow can be very beautiful. When snow covers everything around you, the world lookds like a "winter wonderland(仙境)". That is the name of a very popular song about winter. Richard Smith and Felix Bernard wrote the song way back in nineteen thirty-four. There are hundreds of recordings of this happy song. Here is a lovely version by James Taylor.
But winter is not always such a beautiful and happy time. The day is shorter and darker. The sun rarely shines. The leaves on the trees are brown and have fallen to the ground. The flowers are mostly gone. it's not surprising that some people are sad in winter, and some people dream about somewhere else where it is warm and pretty - like the state of California. The Mamas and Papas recorded this famous song, "California Dreamin" in nineteen sixty-five.
During the nineteen sixties, many other famous rock groups released songs about winter. Here is a poetic song by Simon and Garfunkel called "A Hazy(有薄雾的 不清楚的) Shade (n.阴影 vt.遮蔽)of winter". They sing about life and
hope and possibilities.
In nineteen sixty-eight, the group Blood,Sweat and Tears recorded this gentle,sad song about winter. They sing about a lost love and forgotten memories in "Sometimes in winter".
In the early nineteen nineties, Tori Amos wrote and recorded this beautiful song called ''Winter". She sings about when she was a child.
`Trivial_Sudoku-2.0-py2-none-any.whl` 是一个针对Python的库,专门用于解决数独问题。 数独是一种逻辑谜题,通常在一个9x9的格子里,预先填入一些数字,玩家需要根据已知数字填充剩余的空格,使得每一行、每一列...
在给定的资源“trivial_tools-1-py3-none-any.whl”中,我们看到这是一个针对Python开发者的库,名为“trivial_tools”。这个库的版本号为1,兼容Python 3解释器,并且适用于任何操作系统和架构。 Python的.whl文件...
`trivial gdb`,简称为`tgdb`,是一个开源项目,旨在提供一个简单易用的API,用于构建GDB(GNU调试器)的前端应用。GDB是GNU项目的一部分,是一个强大的源代码级调试器,支持多种编程语言,如C、C++、Fortran等。`...
TDB,全称 Trivial Database,是一款简单但功能强大的开源数据库系统。它在设计上借鉴了GDBM(GNU Database Manager)和BSD的DB,但针对多用户环境进行了优化,支持多个同时的写入者,以确保数据的一致性和完整性。...
Trivial-raw-io 满足您所有便携式 CL 原始 POSIX I/O 需求! 我们导出三个简单的符号: with-raw-io 、 read-char和read-line 。 显然, read-char 和 read-line 会影响现有的 CL 符号。 我们只是在with-raw-io...
C++ Trivial Logger 是一个专为C++编程语言设计的轻量级日志记录库,其主要目标是提供简单易用、高效的日志输出功能。这个开源项目遵循Boost License v. 1.0,允许开发者在商业和非商业项目中自由使用、修改和分发,...
一种简单的Java对象持久性机制,可以在数分钟内将其添加到应用程序中。 所有数据都保存在内存中,并作为属性文件存储在Maildir中,从而允许从外部查看和修改数据。
"trivial-static-site"项目就是一个专门为这种目的设计的简单静态站点。这个项目的主要目标是提供一个轻量级、易于理解和配置的环境,以便快速验证Web服务器的设置是否正确,或者进行性能基准测试。 静态站点由HTML...
【kld-trivial-dom:一个非常简单的类似 DOM 的节点模块】 在前端开发中,DOM(Document Object Model)是HTML和XML文档的一种结构化表示,它允许程序员通过JavaScript或其他语言与网页内容进行交互。然而,DOM API...
Auslander’s 1-Gorenstein代数上平凡的极大1-正交子范畴,黄兆泳,张孝金,设Λ是一个整体维数为2的Auslander’s 1-Gorenstein代数。如果mod Λ中有一个平凡的极大1-正交子范畴,则对mod Λ中的任意不可分解模M,M...
(trivial-formatter:fmt :your-system :supersede) 有关详细信息,请参见。 行宽。 默认值取决于实现。 (虽然可能是80。)您可以使用普通的lisp漂亮打印系统方式来控制它,即使用*PRINT-RIGHT-MARGIN* 。 ( let ...
"trivial-work:保存作业和项目代码的存储库" 这个标题表明这是一个用于存储日常作业和项目代码的版本控制仓库。"trivial-work"可能是指这个项目或作业相对简单,或者是为了处理琐碎的任务而创建的。在IT行业中,通常...
The multirate digital phase locked loop structure is equivalent to a non-trivial high-order feedback control loop, comparing with the traditional trivial one, it separates the design of the high pass ...
(ql:quickload :trivial-clipboard) 依存关系 CFFI(仅在Windows上) 用法 从剪贴板获取文本。 (trivial-clipboard:text) 将文字放入剪贴板。 (trivial-clipboard:text "put text!") 作者 佐野正敏( ) 项目 执照...
琐碎的功能可确保在多个Common Lisp实现中保持一致的*FEATURES* 。 例如,在MacOS X平台上,大多数Lisps将:DARWIN推入*... 该规范由TRIVIAL-FEATURES系统实现,该系统支持少量Lisps。 实际上,该测试套件是使用的实
尝试将 DirectX 引入 ...*** cffi *** babel ** trivial-garbage *
The last chapter explains how a compiler works and shows how to compile "by hand" little (but not trivial--even recursive) programs. The book is intended for anyone who thinks mathematically and ...