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做了一个用户认证的bundle,需要访问远程IBM LDAP服务器,是通过JNDI方式访问,用的是IBM JRE 1.4.2。结果在运行时,这个bundle在被某个bundle调用时总是出现某个类找不到,在被另一个bundle调用时又没有问题。实际上这个类就在ibmjndi.jar中,而ibmjndi.jar已经加入到这个bundle的classpath里面,很是奇怪。在调试中,发现调用JNDI naming service的时候,它试图用reflect的方式去新建这个类实例,而且不是用默认的Classloader,而是在com.sun.naming.internal.VersionHelper ...
在水木这个帖子看到的,我也数了数,还很少啊,下面是我的 create your own China map 1996. 杭州,上海,宁波,象山;岳阳 1997. 江西龙虎山 1998. 嵩山,洛阳 2000. 天津 2001. 福州,厦门 2002. 司马台长城;北戴河 2003. 杭州;重庆 2004. San Francisco;古北口长城;北戴河 2005. 昆明,丽江,香格里拉 2006. 鹫峰;丰宁坝上;西安,华山 2007. 雾灵山;鸡鸣驿 近期目标: 柬埔寨(金边,吴哥,西哈努克港),四川,西藏...


10/03去鸡鸣驿看了看,整天下来感觉更像是火车一日游。鸡鸣驿给我的印象是一座保存完好的驿城,规模很小,所以可以很容易看到古代驿城的完整格局,座落于丘陵中的平原地带,两座城门相对遥望,四面城墙,其间官舍民居 ...
Bundle activation/deactivationNow that bundles don't need to provide BundleActivator class, we still have opportunities to do something at bundle activation/deactivation time by implementing the following methods in component class:    protected void activate(ComponentContext ctxt) {        //initial ...
Declarative Services is a declarative model which provides a publish/find/bind model for using services. DS is a new service from OSGi R4.DS simplifies the task of authoring services by performing the work of registering services and handling service dependencies.DS helps de-couple service bundles fr ...
I get CocoGo 0.5.1 updated with changes:Support encoding specified for input game file rather than default platform encodingImprove stone string position on LinuxChange copy board image to clipboard to export it to JPEG image file on both Windows & Linux Add Big5, jp and kr support for IGS co ...
I tried to install everything I need onto my Edgy...Basically I reference an article on dW about WMQ beginning on Linux. Here I just want to hilight something special on Ubuntu:Install alien beforehand because WMQ is packaged as RPMAdd --nodeps to workaround /bin/sh dependency, so install rpms like   ...
Today I finished the work for CocoGo 0.5.0 on Linux, which is ready for download. Basically it have same features as Windows version except: I use internal DND api on Windows to implement copy BITMAP of game board, therefore this feature is removed on Linux. Eclipse SWT on Linux GTK starts to support ...
These days I managed to install WebSphere Process Server 6.0.2 onto Ubuntu Edgy in my desktop. The only problem is that it failed to create WPS profile. Finally the reason is found. From Edgy, Ubuntu replaces bash with dash as the default shell. Check /bin/sh with "ls -al /bin/sh", which ...
Recently I worked on some issue on patenting. Eventually it's proven to have prior art. I get more ideas and lessons about patenting. If you have a novel idea, understand what's been done before. Fifteen minutes search invested early may save hours of work. If prior exists, you want to know, sooner ...
CocoGo 0.5 is released to zengj.com finally. The main change from version 0.4 is support for IGS as a client, with many minor features in addition. It's a solid milestone toward 1.0 version. I made CocoGo just for fun while playing Weiqi. I have developed it for a long long time because I don't hav ...



LOST Songs

  • Fun
从去年开始一直在追着看LOST...第三季快要结束了,这一季的节奏稍微快一些,虽然有些集还是比较扯,比如打乒乓球,那谁谁被活埋了...还是期待最后一集能够揭示更多的谜底...比较能够接受Flashback的方式,小岛是剖析人性的背景,每个人在这里都在和自己的过去对话。 最近几集Juliet的戏份很重,和Jack发展的不错,她的CD很好听,就是Downtown那首歌,热情积极的人生态度... 另外,还有Desmond听的歌,Make Your Own Kind of Music,很好听。 The Mamas & The Papas - Make Your Own Kind of M ...
A plugin is in place in WID. Now a bug of the plugin is fixed. When I replace the old one with the changed plugin into /plugins directory, and then start WID, the old code seems still to run... I find many JXE files with plugin names are under /configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/jxes directory, which ...
Traditional way is to use custom classloader. However, it's not an ideal solution, such as incompatibility of old and new version classes... You can get detailed info on how to write custom classloader in application server in book "Server-Based Java Programming" or by google. There are so ...
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